Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jonathan Day 309

Jonathan woke-up with a little cough this morning and has been saying his throat hurts.  He has more energy than a pink bunny with fresh batteries so I'm guessing it's allergies.  With all that Da Da has in the yard blooming how can we all not be scratchy and sneezy.

It was rainy and miserable here today after a promise of a nice sunny day :-(  We drove to Mishawaka to get chicken wire and brackets for the outside pen that will be built when the rain stops.

After an attempted nap we went out and cleaned all the flood control stuff off the driveway (bags of sand and dirt).  Then it hit, thunder, lightening, and pounding rain.  Luckily it didn't pool-up or flood the garage.

We had a nice dinner (thank Gramma V for the idea) and watched a little TV.  JH is in bed and Da Da and I are in the basement getting our clothes ready for the photo shoot Tuesday.

We're looking forward to the following in the coming week:

  • Our visit with Siena, Daryl, and Jamie tomorrow
  • SUN next week so the septic can be started
  • SUN next week so Da Da can get all his projects done
  • Getting the Chickens out of the garage (JH says they stink every time we walk in or out) and in the coop

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