Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jonathan Day 297

Hi, Jonathon,

Congratulations!  Your Judgment Order for Adoption was entered today.  We will be able to pick it up tomorrow.  I will call you once we have it in hand.


Susan Frances, Esq.

I received the above email from my attorney this afternoon.  Today I received the following comments on my facebook page:

Congratulations! This is the happiest day ever!
xoxox, laurie
6 hours ago ·  ·  · See friendship

Today is our Gotcha Day. Jonathan Harper will legally and officially be Jonathan Harper Kinyon!

Gotcha Day (sometimes called Gotchya Day, Adoption Day, Family Day, Adoption Anniversary Day) is a day celebrated by American families of adopted children to recognize the day they received the child.[1] The Gotcha Day is the day that the child was placed into the family's home for adoption, in othe

12 hours ago ·  ·  ·  · 

    • Kelly Rose Yes! Congrats!
      12 hours ago · 

    • Jamie Turner Rose I will be thinking of your family today! XOXO
      11 hours ago · 

    • Dawn Johnson Yeah!!!
      11 hours ago · 

    • Mary Wasmer Kay Congrats to all of you! ♥
      11 hours ago · 

    • Karin Dozier Strong Congratulations!
      11 hours ago · 

    • Diane Kylloe congrats and God Bless.
      11 hours ago · 

    • Lauren M Williams Congratulations to all 3 of you. You all make a wonderful family!
      11 hours ago · 

    • Frank Bruno Yay!
      11 hours ago · 

    • Mykle Flatley Fantastic news!
      11 hours ago · 

    • Leah Baguet Such a lucky kid!! :)
      10 hours ago · 

    • Janine Shumway What great news!!
      10 hours ago · 

    • Adam Shepard Great news!
      10 hours ago · 

    • Doug Van Eschen Flatley Super fantastic. Congratulations!
      9 hours ago · 

    • Lynn Trotsky Sells So very happy for you all!!!
      9 hours ago · 

    • Mary Wise We couldn't be happier for you : ) All the best & congratulatons!
      9 hours ago · 

    • Kelly Montgomery Denlinger Yeah!!! It's been a long road. Congrats!!
      7 hours ago · 

    • Laurie Seibert Grady That is wonderful, big congratulations in order!
      6 hours ago · 

    • Gary Carnivele What amazing news! Congratulations daddies and son. You make a loving family. So thrilled I got to spend time with you all and you can expect me back very soon. Cheers.
      5 hours ago · 

    • Lori Felske Gardner Yay, Congratulations!!!!!
      5 hours ago · 

    • Carol Schade Congratulations! What a special day and a wonderful event.
      5 hours ago · 

    • Diana O'Brien Congratulatoins!!!! You are an official family, now!!! I just love his name, too. Jonathona Harper Kinyon...the sound of a great man!!!
      4 hours ago · 

    • Kim Trotsky Rismondo That is wonderful, congratulations!
      3 hours ago · 

    • Bonnie Cason Congratulations!!! He's a lucky little boy!
      2 hours ago · 

    • Judy Kellerwilliamsrealty Keeping that Kinyon name alive, that's great!!
      about an hour ago · 

    • Jon Kinyon Thanks everyone, we never needed a piece of paper to prove that Jonathan is our son but it's SURE nice to have :-)
      about an hour ago · 

    • Peggy Alongi Riley So happy for the 3 of u!!! lots of love and enjoy ur young man!!
      about an hour ago · 

    • Jo Kinyon What a glorious day!! From the bottom of my heart... I am so happy for you all...and for me cuzz I love that lil' man!!!!
      about an hour ago · 

    • Carolyn Somazze Fodel Congratulations!
      about an hour ago · 

    • Staci Cawley Yippppeeee!
      48 minutes ago · 

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