The video is of JH riding his new scooter that Jo and Kevin gave him as an early birthday gift. He loves it but is only able to ride it at the park. One day we'll have some hard surface for him to ride his toys.
JH and Da Da left soon after breakfast for the zoo in MI City. I'll let Da Da leave comments on how the day went. They got home close to 2:00 PM and JH went down for an unsuccessful nap. I have to work all weekend so I took off work at about 3:30 PM so we could go to the park. We stopped at a local nursery on the way and out came two baby goats running towards us. JH was a little frightened but seemed to like them. I want goats but Da Da isn't convinced yet. On the way home JH kept telling us "Thomas is my BEST friend", I'm not sure it's such a good thing that a toy is his best friend. On a positive note Carly was his best friend last week; maybe they had a fight :-P
We had roast chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes for dinner and JH cleaned his plate. We sat nice watching Sprout Channel and JH was fast asleep by the time we collected hit the basement. Da Da and I are now spending our evening down in the basement since we spent so much time and energy fixing it up.
This is so cute!! I'm so glad I gave it to him early! Course...I can not come to his party empty handed so I suppose I will have to buy him another gift!! If I must shop for him...I must!! Ha