Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jonathan Day 304

A very loud Jonathan Harper after dinner tonight.

JH was stirring at 4:30 AM but we didn't go in so he finally went back to sleep.  It was about 7:30 AM that I finally went in and woke him up.  He had Oatmeal with French Toast mixed in.  He ate it all so combining his two favorites seemed to work well.

When we pulled up to fetch JH at Carly's he ran to Miss Christy and yelled "save me, save me Miss Christly".  He has a flair for the dramatic :-)  Then he was all sweet and funny on the way to MI City.  My afternoon meeting was cancelled so we ran in to get some quick setting concrete for the addition to the chicken coop Da Da is building with our scrap wood.

Linda brought JH a little surprise today!  She had been driving and found a Painter Turtle on a busy road.  He is living in a large tub in the garage until we get the pond built.  We set our last turtle Buddy (Box Turtle) free in Linda's pond last year and we haven't seen him since :-(

We helped Da Da scoop pea gravel in the yard tonight and then had showers and dinner.  We hope JH keeps his desire to help in the yard and around the house.  I know all you parents are thinking HA, not going to happen :-)

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan was quite the helper today. There really isn't a day that goes by where my little helper "JH" doesn't want to help in some ways.

    There are times when he truly does help out. Either moving peices of wood, fallen branches from one side of the yard to the next or times when he thinks playing in the mud is helping me more.

    I just love this little guy and can't imagine our lives without him.
