Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jonathan Day 301

I had to work today and missed taking Jonathan to his first movie theatre movie :-(  Da Da and Jh worked in the yard for about an hour before they headed to MI City to catch RIO.  Again, Da Da will need to fill in the details but from what I hear JH was really good in the movie.  They shared a popcorn and a soda and JH kept saying "May I have more soda Da Da" and the woman behind him tapped Da Da on the shoulder and asked how we get him to be so polite.

They got home around 3:00 PM and we tried to get JH to nap since we'll be up later than normal tonight attending Michael's birthday party.  It'll be nice to see Janine since JH is so smitten with her.  Da Da and I are pretty smitten with her too :-)

I'll try and write something more about the party when we get home or in the morning.

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