Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jonathan Day 302

Sunday!  Today Da Da and I woke-up when we heard JH saying "I have to go potty", we'll after getting up we learned he already went potty.  The bed wasn't wet but the diaper weighed about 2 pounds.

We drove to MI City to get some chicken feed since the chicks are about 2 weeks from moving in to the coop.  They are currently in the garage and the smell is overwhelming!  When we walk in or out of the garage JH says "It stinks in here".

When I had my meetings today JH and Da Da  either did yard work or played in the basement.  At dinner JH had a PB&J and Da Da and I had a green curry with chicken and asparagus.  JH had 3 pieces of his sandwich and wanted a bite of curry.  We love that this boy is adventurous  and loves interesting food :-)

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