Friday, May 13, 2011

Jonathan Day 293

Jonathan woke-up before 6:00 AM this morning so it's been a very long day.  I worked while he and Da Da spent the majority of the day in the yard.  It's still a little soupy out there so when they came in for showers he was filthy.

We have a new thing that we're doing now, tick checks.  We have found ticks twice now and Daddy is FREAKED out.  I don't like bugs at all but spiders and ticks send me over the edge.  One was on JH yesterday after he work-up from his nap and was snuggling on me.  He laid on me for about 20 minutes and when he got up I saw a black little bugger crawling on his neck.  Luckily Da Da was sitting close and removed it quickly; it wasn't dug in.

After work we drove to the park but there were no kids and the temperature dropped so quickly that there was steam coming off the ponds.  We decided to return home and play with Jonathan's new Thomas gift he received from one of my co-workers today.  Thank you Carolyn for the support you have given us from the very beginning.  The adoption will be final next Tuesday so Carolyn sent an adoption day gift!

We had dinner and have been watching a new channel we found on our Comcast On Demand.  JH has been watching shows for mare than an hour now with not a peep!  It's kind of nice because he has been extra whiny today.  We stopped at the dollar store in town and the cashier said her almost 3 year old has suddenly become very whiny and demanding.  This too shall pass :-)

1 comment:

  1. You are MOST welcome! My boys adored Thomas stuff at Jonathan's age. I can't tell you how much I spent on it! =) Watching a little boy hop around a train track to make pieces stop & go... priceless!

    Parenting is only about 10% biology in my opinion. I admire the two of you so much for embracing this journey!
