Friday, April 29, 2011

Jonathan Day 279

Today was an intersesting day.

We got off to a good start this morning with our good morning greetings, breakfast and off to Miss Christy's.

I was able to get a lot done today on my list. It was a great spring day here in Michigan.

When I picked JH up from Miss Christy's this after noon, we came home and mowed the lawn together. I knew that if I saved this task for when he was home it would pacify him for an hour or so. Kiki took the attached video of us mowing the front lawn.

This afternoon was a bit shaky. For about two hours nothing seemed to be right for Jonathan. I guess it's what everyone keeps reminding me's the terrible 2/3/4's. He would be fine one minute then have a meltdown the next. I remain calm and say slow it down and he does. It's almost as if he has way more energy than his little body can handle. It's funny, Kiki said tonight that it's weird for her because she's never really seen this side of him.

After dinner we sat nice on the sofa and watched our few episodes of Wonder Pets. In the middle of one of them he said DaDa your my best friend. I said thank you and shyly shed a tear. He says the same about Carly, and whomever he is with that day but after a stressful really hit a spot.

I just put JH down without effort, so all in all it was a good day.

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