Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jonathan Day 256

Poor Gary, he was trying to sleep and JH was more chatty than he has been in recent memory.  He didn't stop talking, yelling, and making odd noises all morning.  On top of that when Jo made french toast the smoke alarm went off.  Okay, so if you visit you have been warned :-)

Jo and JH went to MI City to the outlet mall and had lunch (pic above).  Da Da and Gary were right behind them and they also went to the outlet mall and had lunch.  Poor Daddy had to stay home and work :-(  Actually, I was able to break away after Jo and Gary left to take JH to the park with Da Da.  No kids there today so it wasn't too much fun for our boy.

Oakley is with us this week so when we got home JH and I walked Oakley over to Linda and Neil's to say hi.  Linda was very excited to see Oakley and immediately commented on his GIRTH!  Jo feeds this boy well.

We had a clean out the refrigerator dinner and JH was so happy to have little bits of all his favorite items.  He ate mashed potatoes with corn smashed in them and mexican rice.  He ate some of my salad too but wouldn't touch the Mac & Cheese with Prunes.  He had M&C for lunch so that's probably why.

We sat nice for about 20 minutes and the wiggles got the best of him so we gave our goodnight kisses at about 7:00 PM.  There is nothing in the world better than a dinosaur hug (growls while he tightly hugs) and a loud kiss from Jonathan Harper.  I'm not sure if I say it enough or too much, we love this boy immensely.

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