Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jonathan Day 278

Today was off to a bit of a late start. We woke up about 7:45 a.m. and we had to be out the door by 8:45. Needless to say breakfast was quick and a quick outfit change and off we were.

Accident. As of lately, Jonathan has been very independent and has been doing the stairs by himself. Well, as we were off, Jonathan missed the last two stairs and did a header into the concrete floor. After a few tears, a lot of hugging and one big dinosaur kiss he was good.

When I picked him up from Miss Christy's I could really see the coloration of his injuries. He has a shiner on the right side of his face and a knot on his head. Poor little guy. Funny thing is that he is so resilient!

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Nap, play, dinner, play dough play and off to bed we went.

I have to admit, there was an odd energy in the house today. It's time for Jon (Daddy) to come home!

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