Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jonathan Day 271

Jonathan Harper was sweet as pie this morning.  We got up and he laid on me for 20 minutes "playing baby".   Then he wasn't sweet :-)  He didn't go to the sitter today so when the people came to remove the tree Da Da couldn't leave(I was working and had meetings).  He was screaming and whining about everything!  Luckily the ground was too wet and they couldn't do the work today.  Hopefully when things dry-up they will return on a day JH goes to Carly's.

Chris and Kevin arrived late in the afternoon and JH just work-up from his nap so he was a little cranky.  By the time dinner came he was running to Chris and sitting in his lap to avoid PJ time.  The night ended for Jonathan when sitting nice wasn't happening and he sweetly said goodnight to Chris and Kevin and it was off to bed.

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