Monday, April 25, 2011

Jonathan Day 274

JH slept with Da Da last night so my back was free from legs and arms poking in to it.  I woke-up at about 6:30 AM and thought I had escaped quietly but within minutes I heard JH making a fuss.

In the late morning we went for brunch with Gramma and Grandpa and then headed to Aunt Susie's.  We're here now and she does not have wireless so these posts will be sporadic this week.  I have a signal by borrowing an air card from Dave but won't be able to use it because it doesn't work on my work laptop.  In the words of Thomas The Tank Engine...Oh deary me oh deary me.

JH played with Aunt Susie and Uncle Dave until after 8:00 PM in the yard riding (not moving) on the tractor.  He also played on the swing-set and played with Dave's granddaughters toys.  We asked Sue if she had any boys toys after he came out of the playroom with a tiara, heels, and earrings on saying "I'm a Princess".

Sue gave him a bath and he was asleep by 9:00 PM.

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