Jonathan and Damian woke-up before all the adults this morning. I sort of remember JH climbing in to bed with us but 6:00 AM seems like days ago.
When everyone arrived last night we had a quick dinner and headed to the beach to get some pictures. Both Jamie and Kelly are amazing photographers and Jamie wanted to get Easter pictures. The kids all dressed-up and she got some great shots. This was the first time that JH was at a beach and he went crazy! Running around and throwing sand in the air and in Damian's ear :-) He was being a little stinker and I had to scold him a few times.
After David and Kelly left this morning we took the kids to the park. Damian and JH played a little but I don't thing they were feeling it. Too many older kids there and staying up until 10:00 PM must have been a bit much. They kept saying they wanted to go home and play in the basement.
Minutes before Dug and Jamie were leaving Damian fell in the basement and his bottom teeth went through his lip. He was pretty upset but luckily no stitches were needed. JH just quietly watched while everyone rushed around to comfort Damian and get him ice and clean his mouth. We will definitely use this fall to remind him of what can happen if you jump on the furniture.
When we tried to give JH dinner he wouldn't eat and cried for more than an hour straight. He was saying his belly hurt so we're not sure what's up. I did give him three sippy cups of chocolate milk before dinner so I'm thinking that was it. Things were so crazy here this evening that I just kept filling his cup as he asked. Then I thought about how that probably wasn't the brightest thing to do.
He finally went to sleep and all is well on Kruger Rd. Da Da, Daddy, and Oakley, are on our way as soon as I finish this sentence. Goodnight.
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