Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jonathan Day 269

I forgot to post this last week, Grandpa and JH playing with the noise app on my iPhone.

This was my very first birthday as a Daddy!  This morning JH walked out of the bedroom with a bag full of Twizzlers, Reese's, and Cherry Candy.  "Happy Birthday Daddy" with a big smile.

I made Blueberry pancakes and we had an extra 30 minutes to get JH ready this morning.  Da Da took him to a Thomas reading at the local grade school for non-school aged children.   After he dropped JH off at Carly's house and came back we had a nice quiet day.  I worked while Da Da finished putting away the final Chicago condo stuff.

JH got home at 3:00 PM and the plan was for Kiki to get here at 4:00 PM and we were heading in to Chicago for dinner.  JH napped until about 4:00 PM and Kiki was running late so we skipped Chicago.  When she got here at 5:30 ish we had started JH on dinner and modified plans to head to MI City for dinner.  Kiki and JH played until he wore her down at about 7:30 PM and he happily went off to bed.

This was a fantastic low key birthday where I heard from my amazing family and friends.  I have used this reference before, I feel like George Bailey, the luckiest man in the world.  Much love.

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