Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jonathan Day 266

Another morning that we got to sleep in a little.  Gramma heard JH at about 6:30 AM and shuffled him down to the kitchen for a hearty breakfast.  Da Da got up at about 7:00 and I followed 15 minutes later.  By 8:15 we were on the road home :-(

JH was good most of the way home and only took his shoes off twice; both times before we were getting out of the car.  Then just before we hit Indiana on the tollway, he said "Daddy smell my poop" and we both said excuse me?  We asked if he went poop and he said yes.  After a few more questions we realized he had to poop but hadn't gone yet :-)  Da Da was searching for an exit and when we looked back to see how he was doing he was fast asleep!

The first order of business when we got home was to get our boy on the potty.  Luckily we were able to unload the car before we got the call for clean-up.  JH was silly all afternoon and towards the end of the day he was too much to handle.  Da Da gave him a bath and after 15  minutes of sitting nice he was fast asleep.

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