Friday, April 15, 2011

Jonathan day 265

It's hard to believe that I only have 100 days left to write about our day to day life with Jonathan Harper.  While I complain about writing; I probably will be sad to quit.  Maybe I can rename the blog to Jonathan Harper 52 and do a weekly post.  Then cut myself down to Jonathan Harper 12 .... you get where I'm going with this :-)

Staying at Gramma's house was nice last night.  JH played with Gramma and Grandpa while Da Da and I got to not pay attention for a few hours.  Then when he woke-up this morning and started talking, Gramma was at the door taking him downstairs saying "sleep in, don't worry, I have him".  I slept until almost 9:00 AM-ET.  I don't remember the last time I slept that late.

We got to the hospital around 12:30 PM and could hear Gramma Junker bragging to the nurse about Jonathan, "he's 2 1/2 and a very active little boy".  He was sweet with her for only seeing her 3 or 4 times.  He totally remembers her and it's cute when he says "Gramma Junka".

Grandpa's brother and sister-in-law got here a few minutes before they took Gramma Junker and JH hid behind Da Da and ran to Gramma Deb.  He wanted nothing to do with them!  I'm not saying anything but it's funny how kids and dogs know peoples true colors :-)  Enough about that and them.

It's 7:15 PM and we just got home from a very nice dinner.  Thank you Gramma and Grandpa :-)  JH is playing with his trains on the floor, the dogs are running crazy, and Grandpa is laying on the couch watching The Weather channel; it a good night.  Goodnight.

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