Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jonathan Day 258

I don't remember if I posted this on already so sorry if it's a repeat.

We received the final home study report a few minutes ago and I am so happy to report that it was glowing!  Supportive Services is recommending the adoption be finalized on May 17th.  We are so happy and will be counting the minutes over the next 40 days!  40 days and JH will be ours, all of ours :-)  There are so many people that love Jonathan Harper and that are rooting for us and our family.  Thank you!

Today was much like the last few days.  JH went to Carly's, he pooed there again, and we had dinner.  I feel sorry for Christy and how she has 3 little butts to clean every day now.  JH must be feeling very much at home there :-)

We drove to MI City to get stuff for the weekend.  We're having Jamie, Dug, Sidney, Damian, Avery, David, and Kelly up for the weekend.  We're very excited to have everyone up to just relax and enjoy the weather.   We found a foldout chair so Damian can sleep in Jonathan's room too.

After we got back we put JH to bed and he immediately went to sleep; after all, it was almost 2 hours past his bedtime.

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