Monday, April 25, 2011

Jonathan Day 275

We all got up and had at least one cup of coffee before JH woke-up.  He was in a good mood and Auntie Susie gave him something for breakfast; it was nice not to be involved.  Sue is eating JH up and enjoying the last few hours he'll be here.  Tomorrow JH and Da Da will leave here very early and I'll be here all week long.  I cannot imagine being away from Da Da and JH for 4 whole nights!  We spend 24/7 together and not getting my goodnight hugs and kisses will be torture!!!!!

Today I went in to work with Dave and JH, Gramma, and Da Da went bumming :-)  They hit Big Lots, K-Mart and then met me and Dave for lunch.  I love being around family like this and last weekend.  JH loves having so many people that want to spend time with him.

Sue is reading him a bedtime book and before you know it he'll be fast asleep and we'll all probably sit around and talk about how much fun we had with him today.  I know it sounds like he's the center of the universe, and for us, he is :-)

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