Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jonathan Day 264

Thank you Christy for the great photo.  All the photos of JH with Carly and Abby are kindly provided by their Mommy :-)

JH slept through the night and didn't wake-up once.  If he did wake-up he must have looked around and recognized his room and went back to sleep.

We got up around 7:15 AM and after some french toast and a little yogurt we were running behind to get JH to Carly's house.  10 minutes before we were leaving he had to potty and it was a poop.  That is not a quick process so needlessly to say, JH was late.

I picked him up at 2:00 PM and he didn't want to come home with me.  When I asked him if he wanted to stay with Carly he said "yes, I want to stay", I asked if he wanted to live with Carly and his response was yes to that too.  Little booger!  Once he knew we were coming to Gramma and Grandpa's house he was okay to go.

We just got here and had dinner and JH and Grandpa are playing in the living room.  It's nice to write this in peace and quiet; usually I wait until he is on bed.  Tomorrow we're going to the hospital to see Gramma Junker before she has a pacemaker put in so it will be a long day.  

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