We woke-up to a very windy morning. The clocks were flashing so it was clear that at one point in the evening the power shut down. During breakfast we heard the first of several weather warnings and it appeared the bad weather was coming our way. Once we heard our town we headed for the basement. JH played with a few toys we had down there and Da Da watched Weather.com on the computer we set-up a few weeks ago. The intent was that he would watch his videos while we used the gym equipment. So far we haven't had a minute to workout :-( Anyway, it must have been almost 10:30 AM before we got the all clear. We all went up and went potty and while I worked Da Da started JH's lunch. During lunch we were sitting there and out of the blue he said "actually, Um..." One of us must say actually enough that he is picking it up.
After an attempt at a nap JH and Da Da played in his room while we all waited for the sun to dry the yard. Once it looked pretty dry JH and Da Da headed out for the yard. I joined them after work and we picked up sticks and yard litter until dinner. He's really good a helping us when we work in the yard.
Dinner was very easy as Da Da made JH one of his favorites; grilled cheese and ham (see video above). Bed was really easy and 15 minutes after we put him down we still don't hear a word.
I love the video's you post. He's adorable but seeing his personality makes it all the better...