Friday, October 22, 2010

Jonathan Day 91


This has been a very long week.  We tried something new last night; we bought a pack of Kotex and put one in the front of JH's diaper.  He woke-up with a very heavy diaper but his sheets were dry.  It was nice to not start our day with a trip to the basement to wash his sheets.

The last several nights we have been telling JH that Daddy will give him a spanking if we have to go in to his room after we put him to bed.  He had been calling us for another hug, or a kiss, or  to blow his nose.  It got old very fast and with a good old fashioned threat, he has been good.

Today Da Da and JH went back to MI City to buy more insulation for the storage shed.  I swear that thing is going to be nicer than our house.  They played outside most of the day while Da Da worked in the yard and JH "helped", Ha!  It's fun to hear Da Da out there (with windows closed) counting "ONE, TWO, THREE" to get JH to stop doing something bad or to come.

Lunch and dinner were pretty easy.  He is such a good eater and will pretty much eat anything we give him.  He ate carrots at both meals so it should be a good poop day tomorrow.  JH had a bath a few minutes ago and we're trying to get him to sit and watch cartoons with us.  The picture above was minutes before Da Da started playing This Little Piggy to get him to stop crying.  He is happy about 90% of the time and then there are the other times!  He cries for no reason and gets upset until we make him laugh, then he forgets and is how he is now.  Sitting on Da Da's lap getting his finger nails cut.  Perfectly fine just watching Da Da saying "thank you Da Da".

Today after work and before dinner I took JH to the park while Da Da worked on the shed.  There were two kids there (Matt 4 and Lucy 10), their mom sat on the phone texting the entire time and wouldn't even make eye contact or respond to my hello.  The kids played and I monitored encouraging them to take turns.  Matt was only about an inch taller than JH but was very vocal.  He wasn't too interested in playing with JH; he wanted me to watch when he went down the slide or climbed on the equipment.  I think I understand that since his mom couldn't care less about anything but the texting and phone calls.  He fell once and cried and she walked over and picked him up and sat with him on her lap talking on the phone.  JH was more interested in Lucy and was smiling and laughing at everything she did.  She was sweet and actually gave him a hug goodbye.

We're finishing our day with an episode of Backyardigans.  More tomorrow.

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