Monday, October 11, 2010

Jonathan Day 80

As you have probably already figured-out, Da Da and I are taking turns writing the blog.  I work so much closed up in my office during the weekdays that I don't always reflect the day.

A few "good news" things I don't think I've mentioned:
  • The motion for the adoption was officially filed 10/6
  • JH was added to my insurance and is covered on my plan as of 10/1
  • We found a pediatrician in Chicago and have our first appointment next Monday
All through the night we heard JH sniffling and breathing sort of heavy.  At about 1:00 AM we got the call for "blow your nose", Da Da was on duty last night and went in at least 4 times until JH finally got us up at about 6:00 AM.  He was sneezing and coughing most of the morning.  Da Da ran to MI City to get some medication that would ease his symptoms.  They got home just after lunch and Da Da had given JH the dose before they left the parking lot.  JH was very sleepy and mumbly but there wasn't a sniffle or sneeze until just a few minutes ago.  

I thought he would pass out when we put him down for his nap but no luck.  Da Da went out and did some yard-work while I monitored from my office and all I heard was singing and chatter.  I think Bo Bo the Bear must be very tired of those same nap songs and stories :-)  After about an hour I heard Da Da say "I see Daddy put you down for your nap and didn't put pants on you".  Yep, I forgot and since I don't do it all the time I forgot when we don't put pants over his diaper he either shreds it by pulling little pieces off or just takes it off.

He has been so active for a sick boy.  There isn't an item in this living room less than a pound that he hasn't handed to us several times.  "here Da Da" "here Daddy"...
He just walked up and asked very clearly, "what are you doing Daddy" and sat on my crossed leg and said "giddy-up".  Not the easiest thing to focus on writing with an unwelcome passenger :-P  Da Da put on The Backyardigans so I'm hoping that helps.

JH wouldn't eat dinner but after talking to Aunt Jo Jo this morning we're not too worried.  She said we shouldn't force him to eat but make sure he drinks plenty of fluids.  It's hard to believe he's sick since he seems to have more energy than usual.  Maybe it's because we haven't taken him outside or to the park today (based on the advice of Gramma V and Aunt Jo Jo).

If he's not better in a few days it will be a VERY long week.  

1 comment:

  1. Reading your blog posts are seriously the very best part of my day. They make me really happy and happy for you guys. Love you guys so much!
