Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jonathan Day 79 - 1/2

Okay, we just experienced the cutest thing ever!

We were just wrapping up our evening when we heard JH crying...we thought okay, let's do what Grandma V. suggested, let's put JH on the potty.

Half asleep I asked you need to go to the potty? JH said "POTTY"! We walked to the bathroom. JH was veering back and forth, left and right all the way there. He sat on the potty and said potty and he went!

He then got up and said Daddy as he somewhat pointed to Jon and then turned to me as I picked him up to put back to bed. On the way there I got a hug and a sleepy kiss good night.

Awwwww....Jon and I now know what being a father is. This was such a great night for us....our hearts have gone to sleep with the little boy in the other room!

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