Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jonathan Day 71

I'm a day behind :-(

JH woke-up VERY early and luckily Aunt Jo Jo was there and got him on the potty and gave him breakfast.  After we all got ready we loaded JH in the car and drove down to the Center On Halsted (It's a GLBT based community center about a mile from our house), we would have walked but it was pretty cold yesterday in Chicago.  They had an organized family play time in their children's play room.  Unfortunately, we were the only ones that showed up :-(  We thought it would be nice to see if there were other families like ours in the area.

After he played in a very well equipped play room we all headed to Jewel so Aunt Jo Jo could make us all some treats.  We dropped them off and Da Da and I went to a movie in Evanston.  After a relaxing movie we stopped and had Dim Sum.  It was a perfect day!!  When we got home we all walked to Target to get him out of the house.  It had rained all day so Aunt Jo Jo had to play giddy-up most of the afternoon until she finally got him down for a nap.

We rushed home and met our friend Jeff at the condo so he could meet JH and then we went out for dinner and a few drinks.  Jo expected us to get home late and toasted :-).  We walked in at about 10:00 PM and sat and chatted quietly until we heard JH laughing in the other room at something we said.  It was nice because we got him to potty and then we're able to get our nightly hugs and kisses.

We're so lucky to have family that steps in now and then to allow us to have a night out :-)

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