Last night was a rough night.
The bug has hit our house! JH has been struggling with a little cold for a few days now and now Daddy caught it. JH was up every hour on the hour needing fluids or his nose blown and Daddy was up and blowing his nose every few minutes, Needless to say, it was a sleepless night for us all.
I have Daddy quarantined to his office and JH at the other end of the house. I hope that I stay well to take care of these boys!
Breakfast was good...JH had an appetite this morning. We played in his room for a good chunk of the morning and even got in a few readings from the books we received. JH is starting to have the patience to sit more than two minutes these days. I have to admit it's refreshing!
We had lunch and JH gobbled it right up. Both Daddy and I are trying to be a little more creative with meals. Today I made a can of chicken and rice soup. I added sliced carrots and torn pieces of whole wheat bread. It was a hit! We've had problems with Jonathan not liking soup because it was to runny. Problem solved!
The bug has hit our house! JH has been struggling with a little cold for a few days now and now Daddy caught it. JH was up every hour on the hour needing fluids or his nose blown and Daddy was up and blowing his nose every few minutes, Needless to say, it was a sleepless night for us all.
I have Daddy quarantined to his office and JH at the other end of the house. I hope that I stay well to take care of these boys!
Breakfast was good...JH had an appetite this morning. We played in his room for a good chunk of the morning and even got in a few readings from the books we received. JH is starting to have the patience to sit more than two minutes these days. I have to admit it's refreshing!
We had lunch and JH gobbled it right up. Both Daddy and I are trying to be a little more creative with meals. Today I made a can of chicken and rice soup. I added sliced carrots and torn pieces of whole wheat bread. It was a hit! We've had problems with Jonathan not liking soup because it was to runny. Problem solved!
This afternoon was a lot of rest and play in the house. Kinda cold and damp out so I thought we should keep our activities indoors for another day or two.
Dinner was a repeat of lunch. He again gobbled it up and was left asking for more. Popsicle for desert. As you will see from the photo attached...JH's new word is delicious.
Bedtime is around the corner. Gotta go and brush JH's teeth and a shot of cold medicine.
I'm sorry you guys are sick!! :-(