Friday, December 31, 2010

Jonathan Day 161

We started the day by having a quick breakfast and picking up Gramma Rosie at Uncle Mike's and Aunt Sue's house.  JH played with their cats and was fascinated by them.  He fed them with Aunt Sue and was a really good boy.

We drove to Aunt Jo's and Aunt Susie and Uncle Dave and Molly were there and ready to shower JH with his Christmas gifts.  This child must have been a really good boy because he really scored this year.  I think Santa and family/friends will need to have a little more restraint next year :-)

The video above is when cousin Damian was running and sliding on the wood floor.  JH was belly laughing at everything Damian did today.  He also had fun pushing his other cousin Avery around in her baby pre-walking thingy.  Good thing we missed the earlier months with JH or you would be hearing all about the contraption Avery's ride.

We left in the early afternoon to be sure and get back to MI before dark.  It rained like crazy so it took us a little longer than expected but we beat the dark.  It was 53 most of the day in the area so we have little snow left.  It's good to be home with my two boys bringing in 2011; though I doubt any of us will be awake.

1 comment:

  1. How fun was that? JH really fits in with his cousins. I love how he laughs at Damien Justice,,,Sometimes I imagine them all grown up talking about the fun times they had growing up together and it gets me all mushy inside!!
