Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jonathan Day 142

It wasn't too bad of a day other than non-stop snow.  We got out for a minute to go to the small grocery store in town and to get gas.  We're expecting up to 2 feet of snow so we wanted to make sure we're prepared if we're stuck for  few days.

There was really not much JH drama today.  He wore underwear all day again and actually told me he had to potty before going in his underwear.  I'm hoping a few weeks of this and he'll just go in his own and we won't have to ask him or take him.  He can get them up and down on his own so there is no reason why he won't do it himself.

The video above is after we had dinner and were listening to Christmas music waiting for the timer to turn all the Christmas lights on.  You may hear him whisper "shut-up" in there but we're not reacting when he says that.  He does also call Santa "Christmas Clause".  Tomorrow we'll post a video of him getting his nightly exercise by running between the bathroom and attic doors :-)  He did it for at least 10 minutes tonight and laughed himself silly doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Ha...Christmas Clause!! Too cute!! I miss him! I swear my heart aches when I see these video's cause I can't grab him and hug n' kiss m'.....I love him so much!!
