Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jonathan Day 152

One thing comes to mind to recap the day, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!  Sweet as pie this morning, he wouldn't eat his Banana or any breakfast other than two sippy cups of milk.   When Da Da went down to work in the basemen JH and I watched Luna and Molly several times and played "let's hide in the fort" (means get under a blanket) a few dozen times.  At lunch we gave him a cheese and turkey sandwich and cooked carrots and he only ate the carrots.

We didn't think he would nap since he's not getting much exercise being inside for so many days.  Today was bitter cold so we drove to MI City (I'm on vacation) to order some blinds for his bedroom.  Maybe having it darker will help with naps and when the sun stays up until after 9:00 PM in the summer.  He was a little crabby and demanding but his demands usually followed with a "plEEZE" when asking for his Thomas DVD.

When we got home one of us put him on the potty and he started repeating "I don't" over and over.  We're not sure why and what he was saying, suddenly out came the full blown Mr Hyde!  He cried and whined for a full 10 minutes.  We decided a nap was probably needed and in he went.  It was hard to tell if he napped but we think he may have for about a 1/2 hour so we were hopeful for the evening.

Dinner was a full blown disaster and JH would not even eat a bite without spitting it out and then asking for more.  We thought maybe he needed to go poop since he only did a nugget earlier so we tried to get him to sit, and again with the "I don't" that turned in to "I don't try" about 50 times.  Da Da looked up what food constipates a toddler and yep, we have been giving him almost all the items on the list daily!  Banana, Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, and Cooked Carrots!  I think Mr Hyde is coming from a backed-up little boy.

We made him some peas and gave him a fiber bar and he was pretty good during all of the second seating of dinner.  He used his new puppy spoon Aunt Jo gave him earlier this week.  He was chipper and sweet and after dinner we got multiple hugs.  He was saying "sit nice with Da Da" or "sit nice with Daddy" running back and forth to us while watching Wonder Pets.  We're both beat and need a quiet evening.  Goodnight.


  1. Could you sneak some prunes into his morning cereal? If you cut them up he may think they're

  2. He would actually love prunes and that's not a bad idea. I'll give them to him as a snack in the afternoon :-)
