Saturday, December 25, 2010

Jonathan Day 155

Merry Christmas!  Today was awesome for all of us.  We got up when we heard JH stirring in his room but not talking yet.  Da Da snuck out and turned on the Christmas Tree lights and all the other decorations.  Then he set-up his video camera so when JH came out he could capture his reaction to the gifts Santa left him.  The vide didn't turnout that great, and it's like 18 minutes (a 2 1/2 year old is not a fast package opener).

JH loved his ATV but won't make it go automatically yet.  We'll need to wait until the basement is done or the snow thaws so he has some room to ride.  The other hit of the day was his set of blocks.  He has been playing with them all day!  He was excited about the Thomas The Train box but lost interest when he realized that it was a drum and NOT a train.

I'm typing this in a hurry to get it done before we have guests an 45 minutes.  JH and Da Da are on the floor building a castle and they keep handing blocks back and forth and JH is saying "oh, thank you so much".  He started saying the so much part earlier this week.  May be another one that we say and don't even realize.  He is so darn polite, most of the time.

We went out and pulled JH around the yard in his new snowsuit that Gramma and Grandpa got him.  He laughed like crazy when we ran and pulled him fast.  He kept grabbing bits of snow and eating it.

We ate lunch at about 2:00 PM so he could stay up a bit later tonight.  Linda and Neil will want to play some with him.  I forget of I mentioned that we came home from Chicago last week and there was a play kitchen with food, pots & pans, and food set-up in his room.  He has been feeding us plastic pizza and chips all week.

Last thing before I end for the night, Elmo potty is officially a foot stool now.  JH has started hovering over the seat on his Elmo like he does on the big potty and pee pee is missing the mark.  He only uses the little potty once or twice a day anyway so it's time to retire Elmo.

I want to thank you again for the love and support we receive on a daily basis from all of you.

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