Monday, December 20, 2010

Jonathan Day 150

Today was a pretty exhausting day.  We stayed at Jo's last night so I could get a paper signed by my Dr confirming I'm healthy enough to be JH's adopted father.  Again, I understand and all of these steps are so worth the final outcome; but someone with cancer can have a child.  Many people with addictions are also having children.  Then there are the thousands of bigoted and ignorant that are breeding like bunnies!  I'll stop now.

JH loves his Auntie Jo Jo!  He ran around like a crazy man and played all day.  I worked from Jo's and Da Da and JH colored, watched Little Bill, Yo Gabba Gabba, and the entire cast of Nick Jr Cartoons.  My appointment was at 5:30 PM and the snow started dumping at about 4:00 PM when we ran out to get some groceries to take back up to MI.  Our hope was to go to the appointment and get to MI.  No such luck, we were lucky to get from the Dr's office to the condo in 2 1/2 hours.  Scary stuff out there and luckily JH slept through 90% of it while Da Da carefully drove and I worried the entire way.  JH is snug in his bed in fresh PJs and sweet as can be.

If we need to we'll stay here until the weather breaks but hope to get to MI before Christmas since the attic is loaded with all JH's gifts that Santa is bringing.  I'm too sleepy to keep rambling; just know that we love you all for the amazing support and love.


  1. YES about all the people that can and do have kids. I can't even believe that going to a doctor is a step you have to take! Hope you guys have a safe and timely journey back to MI.

  2. Hi Kate, we're happily in MI and JH is taking a play-time bath. He is in there singing and yelling "i'm swimming Da Da". It's moments like these that make all the red-tape seem like nothing.

    The Dr thing is annoying because I had seen a Dr earlier in the year and they wanted a "newer" evaluation with a fresh $150 check :-/

    We'll bite the bullet and do anything asked with that May 17th completion date only 5 moths away.
