Friday, December 31, 2010

Jonathan Day 161

We started the day by having a quick breakfast and picking up Gramma Rosie at Uncle Mike's and Aunt Sue's house.  JH played with their cats and was fascinated by them.  He fed them with Aunt Sue and was a really good boy.

We drove to Aunt Jo's and Aunt Susie and Uncle Dave and Molly were there and ready to shower JH with his Christmas gifts.  This child must have been a really good boy because he really scored this year.  I think Santa and family/friends will need to have a little more restraint next year :-)

The video above is when cousin Damian was running and sliding on the wood floor.  JH was belly laughing at everything Damian did today.  He also had fun pushing his other cousin Avery around in her baby pre-walking thingy.  Good thing we missed the earlier months with JH or you would be hearing all about the contraption Avery's ride.

We left in the early afternoon to be sure and get back to MI before dark.  It rained like crazy so it took us a little longer than expected but we beat the dark.  It was 53 most of the day in the area so we have little snow left.  It's good to be home with my two boys bringing in 2011; though I doubt any of us will be awake.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jonathan Day 160

The day went pretty quick now that I'm back to work.  JH woke-up at about 6:00 AM and after trying to get him to go back to sleep for 15 minutes I decided cartoons were a better idea.  He watched Nick Jr for a bit and then Da Da woke-up too.

We stuck to the condo for most of the morning and decided to run out and grab a bottle of wine and a bite to eat.  We were invited to Mike, Derek, and Abby's house so we needed a "take along".  We had Dim Sum and JH was a pretty good boy eating his Siu Mai and steamed Shrimp  Rolls.  Then we ran to Binny's to grab a bottle of wine.

The afternoon was uneventful and JH took a 45 minute nap.  He and Da Da played while I worked and then we all got ready for our big night out.  JH and Abby played with her new Thomas Train table the entire time we were there.  It was great to see them play (or not) while the adults all stood one room away chatting about THEM.  Funny that all we talked about was our kids and the daily joys and misery.

JH stayed up way past his bedtime and he is finally comfortably sleeping at almost 10:00 PM MI time.  We won't make a habit of this but it was great to get out and spend time with two dads that are as passionate about their beautiful little girl as we are about our boy.

Tomorrow we pick Gramma Rosie up in the morning and go see Aunt Susie, Aunt Jo Jo, and Uncle Dave for his Christmas with them.  I'll work from Jo's and then we're dashing back to MI for New Years Eve in our own little house.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jonathan Day 159

When the alarm went off at 5:00 AM we just weren't ready to get up.  Da Da and I went to bed at 8:00 PM so we were sure to get enough sleep for our big day today.  The drive was effortless since no one was on the roads that early.

The appointment was at 10:00 AM and we got there at 9:45 AM after killing 15 minutes getting a coffee.  JH was very well behaved and the woman from Child Advocacy seemed impressed by his behavior and development level.  JH was able to spend the last half of the interview in the lobby with Da Da.  The whole interaction took a little over an hour and I felt good after.

Next step is for a social worker to contact us in about 10 days and arrange a home visit.  They may need to do two but we won't know until after the first.  I'm sure it will all work just fine and they'll see that JH is well cared for and loved no matter how big the space is for him to play :-)

In the afternoon we went to lunch at Melrose Diner and walked over to the Gap on Broadway. They had 50% off Clearance so JH scored some great jeans and sweatpants for about $5 ea. Then we came back to the condo to wash the bedding (from the trow-up incident last time) and relax.

The evening is ending after a walk to Target to kill some time and get some exercise for Daddy and Da Da.  Dinner was quick and after JH and Da Da play with his blocks it's bed time for this little boy.  Good thing because we're all pretty exhausted.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jonathan Day 158

Okay, so this video is a bit boring but it was a blast for JH to play Thomas with Daddy.

We all slept pretty late this morning and JH was in a pretty good mood.  I was worried since he was a BRAT yesterday.  There were only a few "MINE" and nicer "My turn".

We drove to Benton Harbor to checkout a Habitat for Humanity resale shop.  Unfortunately, it was closed until after New Years.  Rick wants to build a Green House this spring so we're looking for old windows.  If we find very cheap old barn or house windows we'll piece them together to make a structure.

Jonathan was pretty good today and we pretty much kept the TV and DVD off all day.  We watched an episode of Supper Nanny where Jo identified that TV can often be used as a babysitter.  While we don't do that intentionally, we want to be more aware.

We are making this a very early night so we can make our 10:00 AM appointment with Adoption Services tomorrow.  I'm a bit worried since I don't know what the appointment is about other than an interview.  I collected beautiful letters from 4 people (non-family) that have observed me with JH and wrote their thoughts about how we're doing.  I wish that I could ask the people that read this to write something because if you have been following for 158 days, you know just as well or better than someone that spends a few hours with us.  Luckily Janine, Michael, and Staci are regular readers :-)  Love you guys!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Jonathan Day 157

How can such a sweet boy one day become a monster a day later?  I swear this child is like a wild animal today.  If I hear "it's MINE" or it's MY turn" in an angry voice one more time I'm going to pull my hair out!

My brother Mike came up this afternoon to install the new basement windows with Rick.  So, Rick had to spend the majority of the morning in the basement getting a few things done and cleaning his work mess.  So, that means JH and I have spent the entire day together on one of his monster days.  A few days ago Rick spent much of the day working in the basement and JH was a prefect little boy.

I pulled the Super Nanny and What to Expect books out to see if there is a clue to the MINE or MY TURN.  Nope, they just tell you it will happen.  I'm trying not to react or punish too much.  I did have to put the blocks away because we went from a fun game of JH bringing me blocks from his room to the living room to a "MINE" fit.

The video is one I grabbed when JH started walking around in my snow boots.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jonathan Day 156

Bright and early we drove in to Mishawaka to score some after Christmas deals.  Da Da bought 2500 white lights so he can light the 10 or so trees in the very front of the property.  It will be beautiful next year but like this year, I want no part of decorating :-p

JH watched his new 150 minute Thomas video that I scored for $6 last week.  Best $6 we have spent in months.  This boy loves his Thomas!  In fact, Thomas is turned on running behind our dishwasher as I type this.  I was washing dished and JH was playing with one of his two Thomas trains (that I JUST changed the battery on), and it made it's way on the side of the dishwasher, and is out of reach.  We don't use the dishwasher so it's not a big deal, it's just listening to it run that will drive us crazy.  I hope I put in a cheap IKEA battery and not a Duracell.

When we got home in the early afternoon we had lunch and tried to get JH to nap.  We laid down and didn't hear him but after about 1 hour I went in and he said "I had a nice nap Daddy".  No way!  he was too chipper and giggly to have just woke-up.  We usually ask if he had a nice nap after he actually naps.  Little con man!

Da Da went down and finished the TV wall in the basement and JH and I played all afternoon.  He is getting so much better listening and making choices.  If he gets too rowdy I ask if he would like to play nice or have me put the toy away?  He usually focuses and plays nice.  If he brings too many toys out of his room we ask him to pick one or two to return to his room and he does it with little fuss.

We all had dinner a few minutes ago and are getting ready for our hour or so of Nick Jr shows before JH hits the hay.  Tomorrow we may have a visit from Uncle Mike to help us install the new basement windows.  Either way I'm on vacation still and we'll be sure to have some fun :)

Oops, the picture above is JH making a snow angle.  There have been a could of Nick Jr shows this last week where they made snow angles and he just started doing it and said "I'm making a snow angle".

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Jonathan Day 155

Merry Christmas!  Today was awesome for all of us.  We got up when we heard JH stirring in his room but not talking yet.  Da Da snuck out and turned on the Christmas Tree lights and all the other decorations.  Then he set-up his video camera so when JH came out he could capture his reaction to the gifts Santa left him.  The vide didn't turnout that great, and it's like 18 minutes (a 2 1/2 year old is not a fast package opener).

JH loved his ATV but won't make it go automatically yet.  We'll need to wait until the basement is done or the snow thaws so he has some room to ride.  The other hit of the day was his set of blocks.  He has been playing with them all day!  He was excited about the Thomas The Train box but lost interest when he realized that it was a drum and NOT a train.

I'm typing this in a hurry to get it done before we have guests an 45 minutes.  JH and Da Da are on the floor building a castle and they keep handing blocks back and forth and JH is saying "oh, thank you so much".  He started saying the so much part earlier this week.  May be another one that we say and don't even realize.  He is so darn polite, most of the time.

We went out and pulled JH around the yard in his new snowsuit that Gramma and Grandpa got him.  He laughed like crazy when we ran and pulled him fast.  He kept grabbing bits of snow and eating it.

We ate lunch at about 2:00 PM so he could stay up a bit later tonight.  Linda and Neil will want to play some with him.  I forget of I mentioned that we came home from Chicago last week and there was a play kitchen with food, pots & pans, and food set-up in his room.  He has been feeding us plastic pizza and chips all week.

Last thing before I end for the night, Elmo potty is officially a foot stool now.  JH has started hovering over the seat on his Elmo like he does on the big potty and pee pee is missing the mark.  He only uses the little potty once or twice a day anyway so it's time to retire Elmo.

I want to thank you again for the love and support we receive on a daily basis from all of you.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Jonathan Day 154

Our first Christmas and we entertain JH by playing the touch the door game.  He ran back and forth at least 50 times, teetering on the bathtub, waiting for Da Da to yell "attic".  You can even hear him say "attic" in the video so he can run back.

We all slept past 7:00 AM and JH was chipper this morning.  His diaper was dry and he went pee pee for about 15 seconds.  I hesitate to say it but he may be potty trained.  He tells us when he has to go and wears underwear all day long now.  There were a few accidents when we started the process last week but just dribbles.

At lunch we all ate together and he entertained us with his Dinosaur and Monster noises.  He tried to nap and was quiet as a mouse for more than an hour but when we opened the door he was wrestling with his new "nice and warm" that Gramma made him.  Even if he doesn't sleep it's nice to have quiet time during the day.  That way when he goes to pre-school he'll be prepared.

We took a ride again and did a little more shopping to get snacks for Linda and Neil's visit tomorrow evening.  We were busy shopping and had the cart about 1/4 full when a woman tapped Rick on the shoulder and said "he's eating the grapes", we're turning in to "those parents"; You know the ones, don't really care as long as the kids aren't hurting themselves or others :-)

I'm posting early so we can watch the tree and lights turn-on and have a nice relaxing dinner.  Tonight Santa comes and we hope to get a good video tomorrow morning.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jonathan Day 153

We measured him again today and he has grown about another inch.  We're making lines and dates on his closet door.

I woke-up at 5:00 AM not able to sleep, and the terrible part is I'm on vacation!  JH didn't get up until closer to 6:00 AM so we all started pretty early today.  He was Happy Gilmore today, all sweet and compliant.  He had Oatmeal and sliced Apple for breakfast and ate it all.

Most of the morning we did laundry and laid around the house.  Da Da isn't feeling 100% so I tried to keep JH occupied.  We played and watched several episodes of Little Bill.  After JH finally did his long awaited poop we went to MI City to do some shopping.  We went to Meijer (grocery store) and he was so nice and sweet.  He laughed, wanted hugs, and asked tons of questions.  I gave him the bottle of gummy vitamins to hold and before we knew it he had peeled the UPC sticker off.  Da Da had to run back and get another so the cashier could ring it up.

After we got home we had lunch and JH took a pretty good nap.  I think it works best if we have nap later.  We may need to start letting him stay up a little later.  I read that you add an hour for each year of age up to 9:00 PM.  That means in a few months we'll late him say up until 7:30 PM :-)

I noticed yesterday that he is saying Daddy much clearer and is enunciating better.  He used to say DaaYee and now it's "DadDee".  I think it's because Rick makes sure he pronounces things very clearly and not using words like he says them.  I'm bad and I use his words because he says things so adorably like Sheeps=Sheets.

His toy of choice today is an etch a sketch type thing that has a pen to draw.  Da Da was drawing pictures and he was guessing 90% of them.  He shocks us all the time with things that we're not sure he picks-up.  Da Da drew Santa and he knew exactly who he was.  The toy is only about 5" by 4" so not much detail.  I drew a bird and he said "no it's a goose", WTH?

We're going to have dinner in about 20 minutes and play a bit before his 6:30 bed-time.  When he takes a nap we keep him up until 6:30 PM and if he doesn't, we try to shoot for 6:00 PM.  Crazy huh?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jonathan Day 152

One thing comes to mind to recap the day, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!  Sweet as pie this morning, he wouldn't eat his Banana or any breakfast other than two sippy cups of milk.   When Da Da went down to work in the basemen JH and I watched Luna and Molly several times and played "let's hide in the fort" (means get under a blanket) a few dozen times.  At lunch we gave him a cheese and turkey sandwich and cooked carrots and he only ate the carrots.

We didn't think he would nap since he's not getting much exercise being inside for so many days.  Today was bitter cold so we drove to MI City (I'm on vacation) to order some blinds for his bedroom.  Maybe having it darker will help with naps and when the sun stays up until after 9:00 PM in the summer.  He was a little crabby and demanding but his demands usually followed with a "plEEZE" when asking for his Thomas DVD.

When we got home one of us put him on the potty and he started repeating "I don't" over and over.  We're not sure why and what he was saying, suddenly out came the full blown Mr Hyde!  He cried and whined for a full 10 minutes.  We decided a nap was probably needed and in he went.  It was hard to tell if he napped but we think he may have for about a 1/2 hour so we were hopeful for the evening.

Dinner was a full blown disaster and JH would not even eat a bite without spitting it out and then asking for more.  We thought maybe he needed to go poop since he only did a nugget earlier so we tried to get him to sit, and again with the "I don't" that turned in to "I don't try" about 50 times.  Da Da looked up what food constipates a toddler and yep, we have been giving him almost all the items on the list daily!  Banana, Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, and Cooked Carrots!  I think Mr Hyde is coming from a backed-up little boy.

We made him some peas and gave him a fiber bar and he was pretty good during all of the second seating of dinner.  He used his new puppy spoon Aunt Jo gave him earlier this week.  He was chipper and sweet and after dinner we got multiple hugs.  He was saying "sit nice with Da Da" or "sit nice with Daddy" running back and forth to us while watching Wonder Pets.  We're both beat and need a quiet evening.  Goodnight.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jonathan Day 151

We woke-up at about 3:00 AM with JH crying and saying his tummy hurt.  He spit-up and Da Da changed him and got him on the potty.  He didn't go potty, and after he wanted to sleep with us.  We woke-up again at about 5:00 AM when he poked each of us several times in the ears and eyes saying "I'm not sleepy".

Breakfast was a bust and he just wouldn't eat or drink anything.  With that we jumped in the car and carefully drove up to MI.  The roads were amazingly clear and the traffic at 5:15 AM was non-existent.  About 40 minutes in to the trip JH started coughing and said he was sick and then threw-up :-(  I had brought a damp wash cloth so I wiped his face and hands.  He said "thank you Daddy" and held my hand most of the remainder of the trip.  I was all twisted reaching to the backseat but having him watch his movie and hold my hand was priceless.

We got home and Da Da and I emptied the car and got JH on the potty.  He seemed incredibly happy to be home and finally wanted to eat.  Da Da gave him something to eat and after filled the bath and JH played in the tub for about an hour, when I walked out of my office or by the bath he said "I'm playing in the bathtub Daddy".

We're getting close the the end of our day and are all so happy to be home in MI.  The tree is lit, the laundry is done, and I'm on vacation until the 28th!!   There are many things I wanted to type tonight but I'm just too relaxed and happy to be home.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Jonathan Day 150

Today was a pretty exhausting day.  We stayed at Jo's last night so I could get a paper signed by my Dr confirming I'm healthy enough to be JH's adopted father.  Again, I understand and all of these steps are so worth the final outcome; but someone with cancer can have a child.  Many people with addictions are also having children.  Then there are the thousands of bigoted and ignorant that are breeding like bunnies!  I'll stop now.

JH loves his Auntie Jo Jo!  He ran around like a crazy man and played all day.  I worked from Jo's and Da Da and JH colored, watched Little Bill, Yo Gabba Gabba, and the entire cast of Nick Jr Cartoons.  My appointment was at 5:30 PM and the snow started dumping at about 4:00 PM when we ran out to get some groceries to take back up to MI.  Our hope was to go to the appointment and get to MI.  No such luck, we were lucky to get from the Dr's office to the condo in 2 1/2 hours.  Scary stuff out there and luckily JH slept through 90% of it while Da Da carefully drove and I worried the entire way.  JH is snug in his bed in fresh PJs and sweet as can be.

If we need to we'll stay here until the weather breaks but hope to get to MI before Christmas since the attic is loaded with all JH's gifts that Santa is bringing.  I'm too sleepy to keep rambling; just know that we love you all for the amazing support and love.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jonathan Day 149

We were so exhausted we all went to bed before 8:00 PM.  JH laid there and talked until he was given the choice of a spanking or going to sleep; he chose sleep.  It's so funny that of the 100 times we threaten a spanking he gets a light tap about 1% of the time. 

JH woke-up before 6:00 AM and we went down and Gramma and Grandpa were already up and having coffee.  I'm not sure if it was Daddy snoring that kept everyone awake most of the night or just so much going on.  Christmas was a blast and Gramma and Grandpa went a little crazy with the gifts!  Outfits, Firetruck, a new tractor, snow suite...I can seriously keep going but I'm eating pizza between typing.  We're at Jo's and JH had a second round of gifts and spoiling. 

The condo we looked at was great but we decided to ride it out in the condo and MI until the adoption is finalized.  If we focus on the basement (Thank Jo for the Lowes card) it will all get better.  No reason to rent a place just for more space when we can improve the space we already have and and not have to buy more furniture.

I'll write more tomorrow night when we get back to MI.  We're all exhausted from driving and running around all day.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jonathan Day 148

I have 12 minutes left on my battery so I'm typing fast!  JH had fun at the party amd Da Da brought him back here to Gramma's about an hour ago.  I stayed home and made dinner for tonight so I was busy busy; made Chicken Parmesan with a homemade sauce.  Smells good!

I put JH down for a nap about 30 minutes ago and he finally went to sleep.  I told him to close his eyes and laid down with him.  He lept his eyes closed but hunted around like Helen Keller making her way around a room all over the bed.  I had to laugh and couldn't get mad because it was so darn cute.  He kept petting my head and holding my hands.  He fell asleep with Tiger between us and his hand on my head.  I delicately as possible moved down the air mattress to escape to type this entry.  Doubt I'll get to post again because I'm pushing 9 minutes.  Night!

Jonathan Day 147

I forgot my Mac charger again and there is limited internet connection so this is my first black berry post. We drove to Chicago very early yesterday so I could work. After lunch we drove to Grammas and Grandpa's house. JH was happy to see Gramma Deb with all her moving christmas decorations and candy canes. We only stayed about 30 minutes and jumped in the car to go see Gramma Rosie. We stayed 45 minutes and back in the car to get back to G and G for dinner. JH smiles big when he sees his Grandpa :-)

Today is the big 90th party for Gramma Junker so I have a feeling JH is going to get tons of attention with all those "mature" party goers. We'll have his Christmas here at the house after the party and then head back to Chicago in the morning. These is a larger condo in Rogers Park that we might rent. We have a potential renter for our studio so it might all work great. Sunday night at Auntie Jo Jo's.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jonathan Day 146

JH is standing in his room looking out the door (with one of my hats on) saying "hello friend".  My guess is the video he is watching has someone saying the same thing.  I'll have to try and catch Madagascar next time I have a play date with him

I had to capture the video above so you can hear the song his little train plays.  Over and over he presses the button to play the song.  I guess if it makes him happy I should just wait until the batteries die and then say it's broken.

JH got a haircut and a good scrubbing for our trip to Gramma's tomorrow.  I'll work a shorter day so we can get there before dark and be sure to not be driving in bad weather.  It'll be nice to get away and have Gramma and Grandpa spoil JH a little.  Da Da and I will get to eat "bad" (not bad tasting) food for a few days.

A little while ago I walked by JH's room and had to chuckle because Elmo was on his potty and he had his undies pulled down around Elmo's feet.  I love how Jh makes his own fun and seems to be happy playing by himself or with us when we join him.  Now to find some kids closer to his age :-)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jonathan Day 145

The day started and ended pretty much the same; JH on the potty.  I feel like all I ever write about is potty, eating, or Walmart.  SO, potty, potty, potty, and a trip to Sam's Club today.

When we pulled-up after shopping there was a box in front of the door!!  JH received an early Christmas gift from Auntie Laurie and Uncle Corbett from Oregon today.  We opened the box in front of him not exactly sure what was in it and lo and behold "Potty Elmo" popped his head out.  JH about blew a gasket yelling "it's Elmo, it's Elmo".  We told him it's Potty Elmo and he said "yes, and he has a sippy cup too".  He didn't even have his coat off and ran in to the living room to play.  I'll try and get a better video tomorrow.

I think the worst part of the day was when JH tricked me in to putting new batteries in his Thomas the Train.  The first 20 times the little song it played didn't bother us too much.  After a couple of hundred times we are ready to pull our ears off.  The good news was when Elmo arrived the Thomas was replaced!!

Dinner, bath, and bed.  Now it's time for Daddy and Da Da to get ready for Top Chef and a glass of wine.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jonathan Day 144

I think we almost have a potty trained little guy.  He has not had an accident and is so not interested in sitting on the little potty (Elmo) anymore.  He is only wearing a diaper at naps and bedtime.  Da Da ran caulk around the bottom of his step stool to make sure it doesn't slid on the tile, so JH pulls his underwear down and jumps right up.  He is also washing his hands on his own and is all of a sudden interested in the all important flush.  Today after potty he said "goodbye poo poo".

JH slept until almost 7:00 AM so it was a good start to the day.  He had his banana and I made him some oatmeal that he just wasn't interested in eating.  Then we dressed and hit MI City to stock-up in case we get another couple feet of snow.  He was jovial and playful with anyone that looked his way.  The cashier made a comment on how handsome he was and he said "thank you".

I gave JH lunch with Da Da was cleaning the driveway.  It was day two for the pasta I made him yesterday.  I just am not as creative as Da Da when it comes to making JH lunch.  I try and get something green (peas, beans) and carrots in every meal.  He ate everything I made for him so I must have done okay on my own.  After lunch he actually took a nap!

He's laying on his bedroom floor now putting Elmo to bed.  He has his blanket over Elmo and has repeated "goodnight Elmo" at least 10 times.  I think he knows what's coming in less than an hour :-)  I hope tomorrow is a little warmer so we can at least run him up and  down the plowed driveway.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Jonathan Day 143

BLIZZARD Alert!  We woke-up to almost 2 feet of snow this morning.  We're on day 3 in the house and going a bit stir crazy.

JH and I watched Da Da plow the driveway and JH ran from window to door to window saying  "hi Da Da", "Da Da is on the trac a tor".  After Da Da came back in frozen to the core he and JH did some school time and watched Lady and The Tramp.

Lunch was uneventful and it was impossible to get JH to take a nap.  Poor little guy didn't get more than a run back and forth from the attic door to the bathroom door a few times.  Dinner was about the same and we just put him to bed so, goodnight.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jonathan Day 142

It wasn't too bad of a day other than non-stop snow.  We got out for a minute to go to the small grocery store in town and to get gas.  We're expecting up to 2 feet of snow so we wanted to make sure we're prepared if we're stuck for  few days.

There was really not much JH drama today.  He wore underwear all day again and actually told me he had to potty before going in his underwear.  I'm hoping a few weeks of this and he'll just go in his own and we won't have to ask him or take him.  He can get them up and down on his own so there is no reason why he won't do it himself.

The video above is after we had dinner and were listening to Christmas music waiting for the timer to turn all the Christmas lights on.  You may hear him whisper "shut-up" in there but we're not reacting when he says that.  He does also call Santa "Christmas Clause".  Tomorrow we'll post a video of him getting his nightly exercise by running between the bathroom and attic doors :-)  He did it for at least 10 minutes tonight and laughed himself silly doing it.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jonathan Day 141

Today Da Da worked in the basement and I was on JH duty.  That child wore me out!  I kept him on the every 30 minute potty plan and he "produced" on each visit.  He wore underwear all day and didn't even dribble in them once.  We watched his Leap Frog DVD about a family of frogs working at an alphabet factory.  I kept singing all those damn songs in my head all day long!

Da Da came up after lunch and JH was already down for his nap.  I made him chicken strips (not processed but fresh) and carrots and he would not eat the chicken at all.  He cried and cried and finally I let him spit it out, but told him he wouldn't get any lunch if he did, and he did.

We had about an hour of quiet while he laid in his room chatting and singing.  Funny that when we have time away from JH we just sit and vegetate.  We decided we really need to find a day care or a way to get some time away from JH.  We love him desperately but never get a chance to miss him.  There have only been a few times that Jo has stayed with him and we have been able to go to dinner or do some shopping.  Does that sound bad that we need time away?  It's been 141 days with only about 6 hours apart!!

This morning I got up with him first and went in to get his Banana and he said "Banana, B A N A "  Because every morning we say would you like your Banana and spell B A N A N A.  It 's moments like that where I think our time with him is really doing something for his development.  I also think he needs to be around other kids so he learns to play with others.

We drove to St Joe to get JH a new Christmas sweater for his visit to Gramma and Grandpa's house next weekend.  We hope the weather is good enough for us to make the 5+ hour drive. We're under a winter storm warning for the next few days.  Looking at the 10 day forecast it doesn't look good, but that could change!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jonathan Day 140

The sun came out just enough to make those powdery snow drifts heave enough to build a snowman.  We have been talking to JH about building a snowman for more than a week now and today was the day!  The bottom is really really big and then we sort of lost steam.  It has a carrot nose, drawer pull eyes, and a rock grill (smile).

We had to wake JH up after 7:00 AM and his bed was soaked.  I guess the key to a dry bed is the mix of the 10:00 PM wake-up and an early morning rise.  It wasn't so bad because his sheets needed changing anyway.  There are times I go in and make his bed (he destroys at least 3 times a day) and I find a chip or cracker corner.  He gets snacks in his room on occasion and we're not there to supervise.  We always ask that he sits at his table and most times when we walk by he's sitting and watching a DVD while eating.

JH has not wet a diaper at all today.  We only put one on at nap and when we went our and built the snowman.  While Da Da and I were building he was laying in a drift saying "mmm this is good"  he made nummy sounds like he was really enjoying that snow.  I'm sure he drank at least a sippy cup full :-)

Tonight JH finished dinner and I released the lap strap that holds him in his booster and he wasn't ready to get out so he reconnected them.  I told him while he was doing it that If he locked them I would not let him back out and he would have to ask his Da Da and I heard CLICK.  So now he is asking Da Da to "LET ME OUT", that's not going over very well.  I guess as soon as I finish writing this we can renegotiate his release.  He's not too upset because Elmo is on and he is mesmerized by his first love.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jonathan Day 139

I'll start with the last funny thing that happened tonight.  I was on teeth brushing duty and my phone rang and it was for Rick so I walked away for 5 seconds to give him the phone, when I returned JH had the tube of tooth past in his mouth squeezing it saying "this is delicious Daddy".  My response was at $2.99 an ounce it should be delicious and he smiled and nodded.

JH woke-up at about 5:00 AM and was quickly shuffled to the potty and had a DVD popped in to keep him busy while we slept.  I was startled when I looked at the clock at 7:30 AM and we heard JH singing in his room.  When we went out he said "I want breakfast".  Usually he says "munch" so he's starting to get the meal names right :-)

He is so darn independent that the usual "it's my turn" 100 times a day was at least 150 times today.  He went #2 on the big potty five times today!  Three of the five were gum-ball sized but took the same effort to clean :-(  He gets on by himself and wants to get off as soon as he does his business, and THEN wants to do more.  Enough about potty.  One more potty story, Da Da had him on while I was working and I heard OMG and roaring laughter from outside my door.  JH had fallen in the potty and all Rick could see was a head and legs sticking out.

Today I received a pile of paperwork from my attorney about the home studies and now we're scrambling to get documents, appointments, and checks in order.  I know without a doubt all of this red-tape is worth it but boy do they make an uncontested/family member adoption complicated.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jonathan Day 138

Pretty slow day around here.  JH went the entire day wearing underwear and didn't wet them once!  It could have helped that we took him to potty about every 30 minutes.  I think the positive is that during his nap, we had a diaper on him and he didn't wet it.  Once we got him up he did a mega pee pee on the potty.  It's too soon to start the celebration on this one but I think we may be closer to day time underwear :-)

After work we went to MI City to look for snow boots for Da Da; no luck.  Most places don't keep size 12 on the shelf.  We stopped at the dollar store and the grocery store to pick-up a few things like a saucer sled for JH.  Tomorrow we hope to pull him around the yard a little.  It's warming up to 32+ this week so we hope to get him out of the house more than a ride in the car seat.

We're on day 2 with the eye patch and JH doesn't seem to mind at all.  I was in the kitchen this morning and he came in and said "i'm a pirate Daddy".  He is one of the most adaptable people I have ever met and I'm not sure if that's good or bad yet.  Maybe it's because he loves and trusts us.

We just finished dinner and JH is playing in the tub saying "a bath, I'm taking a bath".  We're running late tonight because I made a more elaborate dinner (WW version of Chicken Piccata) and we held his up so we could all eat together.  I think we'll skip Yo Gabba Gabba to try and keep him close to his 6:30 PM bedtime.

btw - I did get that hug and kiss last night after his 10:00 PM potty trip.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jonathan Day 137

Give me strength!  We have had so much snow in the last few days and it's so flipping cold out that we are all going crazy.  JH has taken to running from the bathroom door to the attic door (20 ft) over and over again.  We ask him to touch the attic door and he runs to the attic and then we tell him to touch the bathroom get the picture.  He is huffing and puffing after about 20 times.  We put the basement on hold until we can save a bit more money so we don't have to charge.  Maintaining Chicago while it's empty 95% of the time kills us; not to mention every tax and insurance bill hit us at once :-(  Enough complaining!!

JH has been very whiny lately.  He fake cries almost constantly and it's wearing on us.  We went weeks where he was cheerful, helpful, and compliant.  Now it seems like a fight to get him to do the simplest things.

Today we started the big boy underwear attempt again.  We set the microwave timer for every 30 minutes and take him to the potty.  As long as we're stuck inside and Da Da is not able to be tearing up the yard or house we're trying to get JH off diapers.  He is SO good about #2, he won't go in his diaper at all.  #1 is a different story, he'll wet 5 minutes after we put one on him.  He only wet a little today twice in his underwear but told us immediately after he went.

We have Jonathan's surgery scheduled for January 28th.  There are a few pre-surgery Dr appointments we'll need to go to so we'll use the condo a few more times in January.  The surgery is outpatient so while we're cautious; we're happy he won't have to stay in hospital.

Tonight when we put JH to bed, he was mad at me and wouldn't give me a kiss :-(  He gave Da Da a hug and kiss and even threw in a "I love you Da Da".  I'm sure I'll get my hug and kiss when we wake him for his 10:00 PM potty.

The video above is Da Da faking crying and JH responding.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jonathan Day 136

This morning we woke-up in Chicago pretty early since it's 1 hour earlier.  JH was awake at about 5:00 AM but laid there until he heard Da Da get up to go potty.  Then he was chattering away and even used the always gets a response "I have to go potty".  I got up and put him on the potty and tried to put him back to sleep with no luck.

We had breakfast and loaded the car so we could get to the Dr and get back to MI ASAP.  They are calling for up to 3 feet of snow.  We had been "schooling" JH for the last month on the pictures the Dr gave us the last time we were there.  He got every picture correct at home.  At the Dr office all he would give us was "it's my turn" over and over again.

JH will need surgery and they want him to have it as soon as we can get it scheduled.  Apparently his muscle reaction is worse than the last time we visited in October.  I'll be calling tomorrow to schedule.  Both Auntie Jo and Gramma want to be there for the surgery so we'll have plenty of support.

We got home in the afternoon and gave JH lunch and he actually took a nap today!  After, we played a bit and after I finished work we drove to get groceries in case we get the expected 3 feet of snow.  On the way home we asked JH a question and his answer was "you betcha Da Da".

The video above is one we took when Gramma and Grandpa visited last month.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jonathan Day 135

I forgot my charger in MI so I have to be quick, I have 19 minutes left on my Mac and I want to check email in the morning.

Jo came this afternoon and stayed with JH while Da Da and I snuck away to the new Dominicks on Foster and Sheridan.  AMAZING store!  It was sort of nice to casually shop for groceries and not have a little monkey screeching and turning "upa side down'".  We had that a little later when we went to Target to pick-up a new outfit for Great Gramma's 90 birthday party on the 18th.

We have an early eye Dr appt so I'll let you all know the outcome after we get back up to MI.  They are calling for up to 3 FEET of snow so we're bolting back after our 8:45 AM appointment.  They want to do surgery soon but we decided they will need to schedule after December.  This is an important 1st Christmas with us and we want JH to totally enjoy.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jonathan Day 134

5:00 AM and we hear "I'm scared, I'm scared Da Da", so Da Da went in and settled JH down and came back to bed.  At 5:15 he was saying he wanted "munch" (means lunch).  I knew at that point there was no sleep to be had on this fine Saturday morning.  Five minutes later Da Da came out and we watched some cartoons.

After we tried to get JH to take a nap we went and saw Santa.  JH fell to the ground in fear and tried to get away; until he saw the bucket of candy canes.  Once Santa held up a cane JH was ready to sit in his lap.  Da Da took a few pictures that I'll post later this week.

The picture above is JH in front of the Christmas Tree.  He was really great posing for pictures tonight and when we finished snapping a photo he would say "let's try again".  He says the funniest things and I wish I could remember when I'm typing these updates.  When I gave him a snack in his room earlier I asked him for a kiss and when he gave me a kiss I said I love you, he said "I love you too Daddy".  My heart melted because usually when we say I love you he parrotts back "i love you".  This was clearly an exchange and I felt like he meant it.

After the photo shoot we put him to bed and when I was closing the door Da Da was yelling "I love you" from the living room and JH yelled back "I love you Da Da".

Friday, December 3, 2010

Jonathan Day 133

Today was a pretty good day.  JH got up early and we all had breakfast together.  Da Da and I are still on Weight Watchers and both hit milestones today.  Da Da exceeded 30 pounds lost and I'm at 18 pounds in 30 days.  The only time we "cheated" was when Gramma was here and we just couldn't resist her good cooking.

Da Da and JH took a ride this morning to run some errands while I worked.  It was a light day so I was able to play a bit with them in the afternoon.  The video above is of JH when we found a nickle and we're putting it in his piggy bank.  He saw me taking a video and wanted to see so it's not that great and you can also see how messy his room is too.

After we finished dinner I went in to wash the dishes and Da Da was giving JH some apple sauce and he said "yummy yummy yummy I havea food ina my tummy".  He talks like my old Italian relatives adding an "a" to the end of words.  My favorites is "upa side down".

JH and Da Da are getting him ready for bed since we got up at the crack of dawn this morning.  Da Da and I also rented two movies so it's going to be a nice relaxing exening :-)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jonathan Day 132

Daddy needs a day off from writing the blog.  Please check back tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jonathan Day 131

The day started at about 1:00 AM when the building maintenance man knocked on our door.  Aparently the unit below ours had water dripping from their ceiling and they thought it was ours leaking.  It wasn't :-(

JH kept waking up saying "I'm awake Da Da" (I went back to sleep) so both of them were up most of the night.  We all got up around 6:00 AM and got ready, had breakfast, and hit the road.  On our way back to MI it started nowing and hasn't stopped since.  We have about 4 inches and the roads look pretty covered.

It was a very long day and only got worse after we gave JH a homemade pudding pop as a snack in his room and when we went in 5 minutes later it was all over his wall.  He was eating it nicely but his hands and face were covered.

Dinner was nice and easy and now JH is laying on the sofa watching Ni Hao Kai-lan.  Da Da is also showing him a video on his laptop of JH and Da Da having a conversation about a Snowman.  Tomorrow we'll go out and actually build one :-)