Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jonathan Day 9 (Sunday, August 1st 8:40 PM)

What a day! We woke up at 5:30 AM so we could get to Aunt Jo's house so my mom and Aunt Sue could spend some extra time meeting Jonathan. He LOVED them and the Elmo airplane they bought him. 

The sprinkle was great fun! The food was fantastic and the company was great. Jonathan received so many great gifts and was the star of the day. He got to meet new family and see his aunts and gramma on his mommy's side of the family. Everyone seemed to be having a nice time and the most important thing was that Jonathan is so loved.

So this part is about ME!
I got to see friends that I had when I was Jonathan's age. Connie and Laurie (the twins down the block) came. It was so great to see them and I know that we will not let 30+ years go by again. We hugged at least 10 times, and for me, it was very emotional. There was so much love today!!

I got to see two of my aunts (Judy and Diane) that I love dearly! My cousins, Kelly, Lori, Nina and Sherry that are stuck with us now :-P My nephews Dug and David and their wives and families. All in all it was an amazing day and again, so much love!

When we arrived I got to see Oakley after not seeing him for more than two weeks. He was so excited to see me and didn't seem to be phased by Jonathan. While this is good news, Oakley will be living with Jo and Kevin permanently. This breaks my heart but we all know it's the right thing for all of us. Oakley demands so much of our attention and right now there is one little guy that needs us more. Oakley is loved and will FINALLY be able to eat people food and never have to sleep on the floor again.

By the time we left, Jonathan was so tired that he was almost buckling at the knees. I hear that gramma (Rosie) fed him frosting twice while I was loading the car. Leave it to my own mother to break my own no refined sugar rule.

Jonathan slept for about 10 minutes in the car on the way back to MI and then was a live wire. He laughed and yelled "wake-up daddy" about 20 times. We love this child so much! While it took him about an hour to go to sleep tonight, he was quiet and and only cried for 5 minutes. Oh, he did roll-up about 50 TP balls while we waited for him to make a poop tonight.

I hope I can make it writing these until we get to Jonathan Day 365. Writing is not something I enjoy, but sharing the joy of having Jonathan in our lives will go way beyond Jonathan 365.

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