Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jonathan Day 6 (Thursday, July 29th 6:38 PM)

Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 6:38pm
Things I have learned quickly:

Don't sweat the small stuff
Never wake a sleeping toddler
Don't give grapes on a lunch plate to start. Offer them as a treat if someone finishes their lunch.
You can reuse a bib SEVERAL times before washing unless you are serving something with a red sauce
It's best to change laundry when he is in the high-chair eating and watching Elmo
It's okay to put up the baby gate and have him play in his room for an hour here and there. Daddy needs some time too!

8:00 AM
Anyone who knows me or has been to our house knows we keep things pretty tidy. I'm the guy that cannot go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. So far we're keeping things pretty organized. The only thing that is a lost cause is the very small only bathroom. Toys in the tub and a potty on the floor with the toy of the day sitting near. I found that if I give him something to fiddle with he'll sit longer to wait for that all important poop.

I'm on my own today since Rick left this morning to attend his grandmother's memorial. I was planning on going with him but we changed our minds last night. Jonathan has spent too much time in the car already this week. I'm a bit worried that I don't have the energy to make it trough the next 24 hours :-)

11:35 AM
We have had a couple of time-outs today. The last one I told him I was very upset and he needed to say he was sorry before he left the corner. He cried for a minute and finally turned around and said "I sorry Daddy", with that he happily sat on Elmo. Then we had lunch and it was nap time. 24 hours until Da Da gets home! Give me strength.

3:25 PM
Jonathan took a nice nap today and Daddy finally got to see the season finale of Dr Who.

7:15 PM
I made it! Since Jonathan woke-up at about 6:00 AM I thought moving bedtime to 7:15 PM was a good idea. What a day!

This evening we played outside, fed the chickens, played more outside, and under protest went in the house. He ate like a little piggy and wanted more after eating chicken, cucumber, and a slice of cheese. I tried giving him some tofu but that didn't fly. I cooked up some green beans and he was happy.

After dinner I gave him a bath (first one since Rick has been doing that little task), and put on some fresh PJs and it was off to bed. He only cried for about 5 minutes tonight.

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