Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jonathan Day 8 (Saturday, July 31st 8:07 PM)

It has been one full week since we picked-up Jonathan. It's amazing that someone so little could completely change our lives so quickly. We're staying at the Chicago condo for the first time in weeks. 

We left MI early this morning and headed straight to IKEA. Picked up several new toys, big boy bed, and race car bedding. It was a pretty uneventful day with all the running around. I guess the only funny thing was when he sat on his potty he forgot to put his pee pee down. That resulted in the largest pee of the day to spray all over the wood floor. We need to invest in an Elmo potty for Chicago that has a built in pee pee guard.

Staci came over and brought him several stuffed animals that will be great for his new bed.

We're exhausted and are not far behind JH. He was put down at 7:30 CT (8:30 ET) and that's about 1 hour past bedtime. We didn't get a nap in today either so he was asleep with only about 5 minutes of crying. It's more difficult here since he doesn't have his own room or a door.

Tomorrow is the meet Jonathan sprinkle at my sister Jo's. We're so excited to see everyone that is able to make it. We so feel the love from all our friends and family. Thank you so much! Also, tomorrow will be the first time my sisters and mom get to see me be a daddy.

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