It was a pretty slow day. Effortless breakfast and an early lunch. We wanted Jonathan to take a nap early so we could drive to Mishawaka to look for a Halloween costume. We started looking on-line and many of the ones we like are already sold-out. Our first stop was at the Mishawaka Mall to see what the Disney store had, not much for toddlers. Rick liked an Aladdin costume but it was a bit too big and I wasn't on board for that one.
We forgot the stroller and walking the mall with a 2 year old just isn't fun and Daddy was too cheap to rent a stroller for $5. We hit Toys R Us and found the cutest Bear costume! Rick made me promise that there will be NO pictures until Halloween. Not only was it adorable, it was on sale for $20 and it's a full head-to-toe fuzzy/furry suit.
After Toys R Us we stopped at a few more places before heading home with a brand new Elmo! Birthdays, Games, and Pets. So nice to hear some new songs. Along with the new Elmo DVD we got an educational DVD that is about 5 hours of trains.
When we got home we played for about 30 minutes and when JH was just too much for us we popped in the train DVD. He sat on our laps, laid on the sofa, stood in front of the TV.... you get it; he loved it!!
I would have to read back to see when the last time he cried was but I'm thinking it's been at least 3 weeks.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Jonathan Day 38
The day was one of the best we have had in weeks. Jonathan was sweet all day until about 30 minutes before bed and then we discovered a poopie diaper while Da Da was playing horsey. Luckily there was no leakage. Da Da said this diaper feels like it might be wet. Well, it was more than wet! This is the very first #2 diaper in 38 days. Ugh. Not very pleasant and he wasn't happy either. He did his business this afternoon and we didn't expect a #2 of #2.
We filled Jonathan's pool this morning (actually he helped) so it would warm-up by the late afternoon. We all went out and he was hesitant to get in until Daddy and Da Da took our shoes off and went in first. After he and Da Da started playing I snuck away to a nice chair in the shade and watched. They were cracking me up. Rick would dunk the ball in the pool and Jonathan would laugh like crazy when it popped out of the water (see pic above).
They played in the pool for a long time and decided after a quick rinse off we would go to Wendy's for a Frosty. Not a good idea at 3:30PM when dinner is at 5:00. I was in the kitchen cooking the adults dinner (spicy cashew chicken) when Rick came in and said he's done! I guess he flung his mashed potatoes and corn chowder behind him and it hit the dining room wall. Not to mention the enormous (Sesame Street word of the day) amount of energy a Frosty gives a two year old.
Today was also a hugged filled day. He was so loving today. When Da Da and Jonathan were leaving to go to the park, he ran in to my office to give me a hug, kiss, and to say "I love you".
Before I say how easy bedtime was I have to mention that we have been doing the 1, 2, 3, count when he isn't listening and it's working!! I know it might only last a short time but we'll figure-out the next trick :-) For anyone that know Star Trek; I said a few days ago that Jonathan is like The Borg, you can shoot about 3 times and then his defenses adapt, and your phaser doesn't work anymore.
Day 39 is going to be awesome!!
We filled Jonathan's pool this morning (actually he helped) so it would warm-up by the late afternoon. We all went out and he was hesitant to get in until Daddy and Da Da took our shoes off and went in first. After he and Da Da started playing I snuck away to a nice chair in the shade and watched. They were cracking me up. Rick would dunk the ball in the pool and Jonathan would laugh like crazy when it popped out of the water (see pic above).
They played in the pool for a long time and decided after a quick rinse off we would go to Wendy's for a Frosty. Not a good idea at 3:30PM when dinner is at 5:00. I was in the kitchen cooking the adults dinner (spicy cashew chicken) when Rick came in and said he's done! I guess he flung his mashed potatoes and corn chowder behind him and it hit the dining room wall. Not to mention the enormous (Sesame Street word of the day) amount of energy a Frosty gives a two year old.
Today was also a hugged filled day. He was so loving today. When Da Da and Jonathan were leaving to go to the park, he ran in to my office to give me a hug, kiss, and to say "I love you".
Before I say how easy bedtime was I have to mention that we have been doing the 1, 2, 3, count when he isn't listening and it's working!! I know it might only last a short time but we'll figure-out the next trick :-) For anyone that know Star Trek; I said a few days ago that Jonathan is like The Borg, you can shoot about 3 times and then his defenses adapt, and your phaser doesn't work anymore.
Day 39 is going to be awesome!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Jonathan Day 37
We heard JH on the baby monitor at about 6:30 AM saying "wet" "wet" so Da Da went in and luckily the wet didn't make it to the sheets. After a quick diaper change, Da Da put him in bed with us for about 30 minutes. He was really good and didn't talk or fuss but it's hard to go back to sleep when you know someone is looking at you. He was laying there looking from side to side so I finally turned over and asked if he wanted to go watch cartoons. He said in a very sweet low voice, "watch cartoons".
We had breakfast and put JH in his room (with baby gate) to watch Elmo while Da Da and Daddy finished painting one more section of the basement floor. It's almost tricycle ready!!!
After a walk to town and an attempt to go to the park (closed for an unknown reason), we all had lunch and naps.
This afternoon we went to Janine and Michael's for a BBQ. Michael's parents are in town so this was a way for those of us that have not met them to meet them. They are lovely people and Jonathan and I enjoyed meeting them very much. Rick and Michael have a long history so Rick has known them for years.
I was worried that 10+ people might be too much stimulation as it was an adult party. He was pretty good and had his new girlfriend Janine to hang on. Seriously, I have not seen him take to someone so quickly and be so attached. He just lights-up when she is holding him or playing with him. He was running around like he was at home and everyone was so sweet and attentive to him.
We stopped at the park on the way home to help burn off energy and they opened the water park section. JH stood at the fence watching all the kids playing in the water so we felt guilty and distracted him so we could leave. Next time we will have his a swimsuit and a towel in the car.
It was a good day! We're all looking forward to seeing Aunt Jo Jo next weekend in Chicago. Daddy and Da Da are already planning a night out (so needed) for dinner and drinks :-)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Jonathan Day 36
It was a wet morning. Laundry this morning included poor Bo Bo! He was being hugged so much last night that he was a victim of last nights pee pee bed.
We walked in to town and got the mail and visited the farmers market and building supply store. We need new windows in the basement after we get it livable. Jonathan had a great time babbling while we were sweating and walking 3 miles back and forth to town.
After lunch we went to the park and Jonathan we mesmerized by all the kids playing there today. he watched and eventually joined in the play. We cannot wait to find a day-care or play-dates for him. After we all took naps we drove to Mishawalka to get Jonathan a new outfit for a party we are attending on Sunday. Yippee!! We finally got invited to a social event where a toddler is welcome.
Our friend Janine stopped by to meet Jonathan and bring him several classic children's books. He was smitten with her, and loved all the attention she was giving him. He will definitely be a ladies man :-) We all sat outside for a while and then came in pre-bedtime. Jonathon was great at bedtime and it was so sweet to see him grab Janine's face and give her the nightly goodnight kiss.
We walked in to town and got the mail and visited the farmers market and building supply store. We need new windows in the basement after we get it livable. Jonathan had a great time babbling while we were sweating and walking 3 miles back and forth to town.
After lunch we went to the park and Jonathan we mesmerized by all the kids playing there today. he watched and eventually joined in the play. We cannot wait to find a day-care or play-dates for him. After we all took naps we drove to Mishawalka to get Jonathan a new outfit for a party we are attending on Sunday. Yippee!! We finally got invited to a social event where a toddler is welcome.
Our friend Janine stopped by to meet Jonathan and bring him several classic children's books. He was smitten with her, and loved all the attention she was giving him. He will definitely be a ladies man :-) We all sat outside for a while and then came in pre-bedtime. Jonathon was great at bedtime and it was so sweet to see him grab Janine's face and give her the nightly goodnight kiss.
Friday, August 27, 2010
I was talking to my friend Susan today and she asked about me using parenting books. She knows me well and knows I do my research when taking on any new adventure. She was relieved that I am not using the books to guide our every decision. I used the following analogy:
The child rearing books are like a cookbook for me, I look at a recipe and get an idea of what's in the dish. Then I modify it to fit my taste and cooking abilities.
I was expressing my frustration that for me, there are good days and bad days. She said that kids have bad days too. He might be having a bad day! I had not really thought about that! I so appreciate the perspective of people that have raised kids.
The child rearing books are like a cookbook for me, I look at a recipe and get an idea of what's in the dish. Then I modify it to fit my taste and cooking abilities.
I was expressing my frustration that for me, there are good days and bad days. She said that kids have bad days too. He might be having a bad day! I had not really thought about that! I so appreciate the perspective of people that have raised kids.
Jonathan Day 35
Jonathan still had the sticker from his morning potty on his forehead while driving to get some groceries this morning. I like how the sun is shining in on his angelic face (NOT). What a little "handful", the second part of today was not fun. He was so sweet this morning and lunch was effortless and Da Da was thrilled! Then we put him down for a nap and Rick decided to cut the lawn. Not a great idea when Jonathan's room is at the corner of the house and the path to and from the front and back yards.
I had several mid-day meetings so after those were done I went in and tried to get him to potty. Once that fight was over we decided to take a ride to the local pumpkin farm to see what was on their produce stand. They also have animals that we thought he would enjoy seeing. Last time we went they had goats and since the county fair he talks about goats now and then. The goats were gone and they only had a few fowl and we have plenty of those at home and around the neighborhood. He wasn't interested.
I made pizza for dinner and he ate a bit and then he was DONE. So we took it away and he whined that he wanted it. Gave it back and he was done. We took it away and he whined he wanted it. This went on twice and we said dinner is over; you know, that consequences thing we're trying. I know he understands a bit but it might be too much for him to totally grasp.
Bedtime was not pleasant tonight. He knew we were getting close and he kept say "hug" to me after I put his PJs on him. I fell for it the first three times and realized he was stalling. I told him I was on to him and he laughed. He gets it when he does something that we "catch" him at doing. That's why I think he sort of gets the consequences thing. Got him in bed and he gave Da Da two kisses goodnight and it was my turn, "kiss" and I kissed him goodnight, "kiss" and I gave him another. "kiss" and Da Da said he's playing you again. I walked out and he cried "KISS" "KISS" "KISS" and then fussed for about 3 minutes and passed out.
Tomorrow will be a better day :-)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Jonathan Day 34
Very odd day today!! We set the alarm for 5:00 AM so we could get to Chicago by 7:00 AM, Rick had a to make it to a meeting by 8:00 AM. Rushing a toddler through breakfast and cartoons after waking him up isn't fun. We jumped in the car plenty early and were off. Jonathan watched "Mickey in the car", we HAD to change from Elmo to Mickey.
Rick dropped us off at the condo and rushed off to his meeting. I took Jonathan and several bags up and was stopped by the doorman insisting that I sign several condo board related documents. Now that we spend 99% of our time in MI being on the condo board is becoming more of a burden. I know it's something I'll get worked-out. Better planning :-)
After getting cartoons on and rushing around to clean-up after the last time we were in for 2 hours, I get a call from Rick, "the meeting was cancelled all their systems are down for several days". UGH, we just drove 80 miles to turn around and head back to MI. We would have stayed for a bit so I could work but our internet in the building was down. We packed-up and headed down to the parking garage.
Drove back to MI and while Rick played with JH and then gave him lunch, I signed on and got to work. After a nap and more play it was the end of my work day and Jonathan and I helped Rick spread a truck sized pile of mulch around the trees in the front yard. We had dinner and I decided to join Rick and Jonathan on their daily MEGA walk. OMG, after 2 miles I was done!! Too long of a day to trudge around our little town pushing a stroller.
Bath, Potty, PJs, and goodnight kisses. The end was so much better than the beginning.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Jonathan Day 33
Eureka! Dry diaper and bed this morning. I think the potty trip minutes before bed worked. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
It was an exhausting day. I spent 95% of the time in my office and didn't even get to have lunch with Jonathan and Rick. They did their mega walk in the morning and drove to Sawyer to drop a package off at UPS. We all played in the yard a little after having dinner out tonight. We have only taken him to a REAL restaurant three times in the last 32 days. He was pretty good tonight and we weren't too concerned because there were several tables with kids.
We had trouble getting him to sit still while putting PJs on him so there was a 45 second time-out before bed. Jonathan was still mad and fussy but Bo Bo was the loser tonight. He got tossed out of bed, we still got our goodnight kisses :-)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Jonathan Day 32
We finally had to go in and wake Jonathan up this morning at 7:45AM. The first thing he said was "wet". Not a great start to the morning but breakfast went well and Rick and Jonathan saddled up the stroller and started their daily walk. I took a call and was tied-up when Rick left a message on my cell phone saying "we had an accident with the stroller, come get us". Well the first thing that went through my head wasn't a very nice image. I called and Rick said they were at the Post Office (mailing pictures to Gramma V and K). Apparently, the stroller has a jogging feature and it wasn't on and Rick walks REALLY fast. SO, the wheel and carriage stated shaking really bad. No accident, not broken, just a Da Da that is looking to burn some extra calories :-)
After Jonathan's nap I took him outside and burned through an entire bottle of bubbles. Then I pulled him around in the wagon while Da Da gave the deck that last coat of stain. I hope this is the last time I ever mention the deck.
We ended the afternoon with a trip to the park and met a really nice mommy and her two kids. She had a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. Jonathan watched them for about 15 minutes before he joined in and did played with the 4 year old.
When we got home Da Da had Jonathan help him water the trees in the front yard. I kept looking out while making dinner to make sure Rick didn't need help. JH can be a hand-full when you're trying to get something done. I ran to the basement to change out the laundry and heard Rick yelling "Daddy, can you grab a towel?" I ran up and saw a drenched little boy standing on the front porch. Jonathan started running in front of the hose and they had a little water fight. He was smiling ear to ear.
After dinner I put JH on the potty and after he did a little #1 I asked him if he wanted his big boy underwear on. He did as he always does and repeated my question so I took that as a yes. He played for about an hour and all of a sudden said "potty" and started to pull them down. We ran him to the potty and he did one of the biggest pee pees of the day. Fingers crossed for a dry bed tomorrow morning.
We put his PJs on and Da Da said bedtime and he actually walked to his room and climbed in to bed. I usually carry him tickling him to keep the mood up. I grabbed Bo Bo and said we have to tuck Bo Bo in and I kissed the bear and said goodnight Bo Bo. He leaned over and kissed him too and said "good night Bo Bo, I love you". We both got the double cheek grab and a kiss and a goodnight, I love you.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Jonathan Day 31
Jonathan was a fussy boy today!!! It was another morning of washing the bedding because his leak-proof Luvs leaked again. We stopped giving him liquid at 5:30PM and put him on the potty right before bed at 7:00PM. I'm guessing he is wetting in the morning because he sleeps until about 7:00AM.
Rick took him on a 4 mile walk this morning all over town. He plans on making the mega walk a daily activity while the weather is still nice. They went to the park after the walk and there was an 18 month old crawling around and Rick said Jonathan just kept watching him with a curious look on his face.
After lunch and a nap (we don't think he went to sleep). We drove to Home Depot to get yet another gallon of stain. I swear that deck is going to be so sealed it will float! Jonathan had Mickey Mouse on in the car and yelled "MICKEY OFF" so we decided to comply and turn Mickey off. That did not make him happy. It may be too soon but we are going to start teaching him consequences. At times he pushes his milk or food away when we offer, and now we're going to start taking it away. There are times he's playing and we think we know the difference between playing and just being naughty.
It's bath time and I thought I would get this written so Rick and I don't spend too much time on our computers after Jonathan goes to bed. I'm thinking after 31 days of focusing 100% of our time on Jonathan we need to start fitting time in for "us".
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Jonathan Day 30
Jonathan slept until almost 8:00 AM and it was great! We all got up and had a big breakfast and were off to Mishawaka to get some shopping down. At Lowes and Home Depot Jonathan got to ride in the shopping cart shaped like a vehicle. He loved it! He was steering making car noises the whole time.
After we got home we had lunch and all took naps again. The weather was in the 70s so Da Da decided to finish staining the deck. Jonathan sat in his wagon and played with toys and I ran to Linda and Neil's farm to get some fresh hay for the chicken coop. Once I finished cleaning the chicken coop; I was on keep Jonathan occupied duty. He drove his car, rode his tricycle, and I pulled him all over the yard in his wagon. I had nothing left to offer so I sat on the bridge while he moved rocks from one side to the other. I got up to get Da Da a bottle of water and came back and Jonathan was sitting in my spot on the bridge. I snapped the picture above because he looked so peaceful and sweet.
Dinner was more of a challenge tonight. He got on a "NO" kick and after a few standing in the corner threats, we had to actually put him there twice. It has been almost two weeks since we felt like he needed the corner. We really don't like having to do it and only do so as a last result. I think I have mentioned before, only safety and bad manners will make us put him in the corner :-(
Putting him to bed and having breakfast are the easiest things for us. We'll get there with the other 10 hours a day :-P
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Jonathan Day 29
Jonathan had a nightmare last night and at about 3:00 AM. When we heard him crying and talking via the baby monitor, Da Da went in and he still appeared to be asleep. Once Da Da calmed him down he immediately went to sleep. It wasn't as easy for me to go back to sleep as I heard back from my attorney on the botched dental experience that I went to court for Thursday. They ruled in his favor. I could not help laying there thinking about all the lies he told and how I should have been more expressive. I should have / could have myself awake all night.
I need to let the past go and feel good that I never exaggerated, lied, or made what happened anything more than is was. My future is about the child sleeping in the room across the hall and the man that is raising him with me. Jonathan, Rick, and I are so lucky to have each other!
After Jo left we cleaned-up the house and immediately slipped in to our routine. Rick hit the basement to complete putting the bow-flex together and Jonathan and I played and watched Saturday cartoons. After lunch and naps (we all napped today), we went to the county youth fair with Linda and Neil.
Jonathan was really good at the fair, and when not in his stroller, he held Linda's hand while she patiently told him about the animals. He liked the rabbits and goats best. Linda was hoping he would be charmed by the horses since she is a true horse lover and has a few herself. We walked around for hours and ate so many bad things!! It was great :-)
When we got home I decided to put some big boy underwear on Jonathan to see how he would react. I had just taken him out of a soaked diaper and he sat on Elmo and didn't go at all. I figured he didn't have anything to give so what could it hurt? I asked him to tell me or Da Da if had to potty. Maybe 30 - 45 minutes passed and we were getting him ready for bed and Rick had is diaper laying on the floor next to his PJs and he said potty. He went in and went a little pee pee. I really think he knew not to go in his underwear.
We both got the double handed face grab goodnight kiss. He even let me tuck Bo Bo the bear in to bed next to him tonight.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Jonathan Day 28
Da Da bought Jonathan a terry after-bath puppy wrap. If the whiskers and one ear weren't showing, and if we were in the South, it may look like something entirely different. Jo (my sister) is visiting this weekend and we all cracked-up when he ran out after his bath.
Jo got here last night after Jonathan went to bed so not much happened except the consumption of a few bottles of wine. We all woke-up at about 7:00 AM and the Luvs didn't stand up to their guarantee of being leak proof. :-( We stopped all liquid tonight at 5:30 and tried a before bed potty trip so fingers crossed.
I worked all day and Jo wheeled Jonathan in to town to pick-up the mail. Da Da stained the deck and when Jo and Jonathan got home they took the watering can around the yard and watered all the plants and flowers. Then Jo and Jonathan went to the garden and picked green peppers and tomatoes for our dinner tonight. Jo made stuffed green peppers and I'm typing as fast as I can because I'm HUNGRY.
Tomorrow we plan on going to the county fair so it should be a more interesting post.
Again, bed was effortless. Gave us all goodnight kisses and didn't make a peep. This was the first time anyone has been around us all together for more than a few hours and Jo has made us feel like we're on the right track.
Jo got here last night after Jonathan went to bed so not much happened except the consumption of a few bottles of wine. We all woke-up at about 7:00 AM and the Luvs didn't stand up to their guarantee of being leak proof. :-( We stopped all liquid tonight at 5:30 and tried a before bed potty trip so fingers crossed.
I worked all day and Jo wheeled Jonathan in to town to pick-up the mail. Da Da stained the deck and when Jo and Jonathan got home they took the watering can around the yard and watered all the plants and flowers. Then Jo and Jonathan went to the garden and picked green peppers and tomatoes for our dinner tonight. Jo made stuffed green peppers and I'm typing as fast as I can because I'm HUNGRY.
Tomorrow we plan on going to the county fair so it should be a more interesting post.
Again, bed was effortless. Gave us all goodnight kisses and didn't make a peep. This was the first time anyone has been around us all together for more than a few hours and Jo has made us feel like we're on the right track.
Comments Fixed
This time I think I really fixed the comment issue.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Jonathan Day 27
I think I finally fixed the comment problem. I set allow comments on my past posts and future posts. Send me an email if it still doesn't work and I'll keep trying :-)
New rule:
Nothing to drink after 5:30 PM! We had to wash Jonathan's bedding again today. I'm also trying a new diaper. Luvs makes one with a leakproof guarantee. If anyone can test their guarantee it's Jonathan Harper.
We had to drive in to Chicago again this morning for a legal matter I had with a botched dental experience from 2008. While I won't know the verdict until October I am very happy it's over and I have had my day in court.
Jonathan was a good boy on the car ride again. He watched "Elmo in the car" until Daddy and Da Da couldn't take it any longer. We popped in the sing-along CD and we sang about 10 songs before Da Da and Jonathan dropped me off at the courthouse.
They picked me up a few hours later and Da Da had to get Jonathan McDonalds because my appointment went so much longer than expected. He did his usual booming "Hi Daddy" when I got in the car. I needed that after 3 hours of rehashing a very bad experience. In fact, I kept my BlackBerry next to me and kept looking at his picture to keep me smiling.
We drove back and sang the entire way. He kept saying "again" and this time Da Da thought it would be funny to have Daddy do the Hokey Pokey twice so he played it twice. Putting the arms in and out were easy but when we get to the legs it's a little more difficult :-)
While Jonathan had pasta, carrots, and mellon for dinner Daddy and Da Da were bad and ordered pizza. Jonathan wanted some so I gave him the crust from Da Da's pizza. We didn't realize that it had red pepper flakes stuck to the back. He bit in and said "hot" and his eyes filled with tears while we all laughed. That sounds really bad but he wasn't crying because it was hot, he was just tearing up. He laughed so hard because once we knew he was okay we started laughing. I tried to catch the watery eyes in the picture above.
I tried to get him to sit with me after dinner and watch the taped Sesame Street episode but he would only lay in me for about 2 minutes and then Mr Busy was on the run. Bed was effortless!
New rule:
Nothing to drink after 5:30 PM! We had to wash Jonathan's bedding again today. I'm also trying a new diaper. Luvs makes one with a leakproof guarantee. If anyone can test their guarantee it's Jonathan Harper.
We had to drive in to Chicago again this morning for a legal matter I had with a botched dental experience from 2008. While I won't know the verdict until October I am very happy it's over and I have had my day in court.
Jonathan was a good boy on the car ride again. He watched "Elmo in the car" until Daddy and Da Da couldn't take it any longer. We popped in the sing-along CD and we sang about 10 songs before Da Da and Jonathan dropped me off at the courthouse.
They picked me up a few hours later and Da Da had to get Jonathan McDonalds because my appointment went so much longer than expected. He did his usual booming "Hi Daddy" when I got in the car. I needed that after 3 hours of rehashing a very bad experience. In fact, I kept my BlackBerry next to me and kept looking at his picture to keep me smiling.
We drove back and sang the entire way. He kept saying "again" and this time Da Da thought it would be funny to have Daddy do the Hokey Pokey twice so he played it twice. Putting the arms in and out were easy but when we get to the legs it's a little more difficult :-)
While Jonathan had pasta, carrots, and mellon for dinner Daddy and Da Da were bad and ordered pizza. Jonathan wanted some so I gave him the crust from Da Da's pizza. We didn't realize that it had red pepper flakes stuck to the back. He bit in and said "hot" and his eyes filled with tears while we all laughed. That sounds really bad but he wasn't crying because it was hot, he was just tearing up. He laughed so hard because once we knew he was okay we started laughing. I tried to catch the watery eyes in the picture above.
I tried to get him to sit with me after dinner and watch the taped Sesame Street episode but he would only lay in me for about 2 minutes and then Mr Busy was on the run. Bed was effortless!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Jonathan Day 26
What a night! I got home pretty late after the condo meeting and wasn't ready for bed so Rick and I sat up and talked until after 10:30 CT. That's pretty late for us since we get up so early. I think it was about 3:00 AM when I started hearing "wet" "wet" from Jonathan. I asked him if his bed was wet and he said "is my bed wet" :-) It was! Da Da loves those cute little onezies (sp) because they look so darn cute on him with his chubby little legs. Not so nice when it's drenched with pee pee. Needless to say after I removed it we needed to do a complete wash down before new PJs and back to bed. After washing, re-diapering, and dressing him it was past 3:30 AM. When I started to put him back in bed I immediately realized that his sheets were drenched too. I think Da Da gave him 1/2 gallon of milk right before bed!!
We have a queen bed in Chicago and three in the bed was not fun. We really have to get a 2nd set of sheets for his beds. I had a leg jammed in my back all night. Finally at about 6:00 AM I went to sleep and we all got up at 7:00AM. Fast breakfast and we were in the car back to MI.
When Rick was visiting Grandma and Grandpa this last weekend they bought us a CD with 50 children's songs. I now know all the words to the wheels on the bus song! Jonathan is so funny when the song ends he says, "again". Luckily he doesn't know (or care) that we're not playing the same song over and over.
The day consisted of a dunk in the pool by Da Da and a save by Daddy. The water was too cold and Daddy swooped in and got a good 2 minute hug for doing so. Da Da thought he would eventually get used to the cold water and being the PERCEPTIVE parent I am, I knew he wasn't going to enjoy pool time. Like father like son, in AZ I used to heat my pool to 90 before going in.
Lunch and dinner were good. Jonathan graduated to a booster seat today (Thanks Aunt Sue and Uncle Mike) so we're all sitting at the table together at meals. We're trying the "may I be excused" when Rick or I step away from the table. So far his manners are great and we want it to stay that way.
We both got the double hand face grab for our goodnight kiss. This is a happy and loved little boy :-)
We have a queen bed in Chicago and three in the bed was not fun. We really have to get a 2nd set of sheets for his beds. I had a leg jammed in my back all night. Finally at about 6:00 AM I went to sleep and we all got up at 7:00AM. Fast breakfast and we were in the car back to MI.
When Rick was visiting Grandma and Grandpa this last weekend they bought us a CD with 50 children's songs. I now know all the words to the wheels on the bus song! Jonathan is so funny when the song ends he says, "again". Luckily he doesn't know (or care) that we're not playing the same song over and over.
The day consisted of a dunk in the pool by Da Da and a save by Daddy. The water was too cold and Daddy swooped in and got a good 2 minute hug for doing so. Da Da thought he would eventually get used to the cold water and being the PERCEPTIVE parent I am, I knew he wasn't going to enjoy pool time. Like father like son, in AZ I used to heat my pool to 90 before going in.
Lunch and dinner were good. Jonathan graduated to a booster seat today (Thanks Aunt Sue and Uncle Mike) so we're all sitting at the table together at meals. We're trying the "may I be excused" when Rick or I step away from the table. So far his manners are great and we want it to stay that way.
We both got the double hand face grab for our goodnight kiss. This is a happy and loved little boy :-)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jonathan Day 25
We have learned to sleep as late as possible. We have a baby monitor in Jonathan's room and usually around 7:15 AM we here him chattering. He will not get out of bed until we go in and then he usually says "goodnight" or "morning" several times when we open his door in the morning. We learned that letting him decide when to get out of bed and sit on the potty is best. I was going in and picking him up and putting him on the potty and he would cry and get mad. Now I give it 5 to 10 minutes and ask him if he's ready to sit on Elmo and he says "ELMO".
Jonathan and I walked in to town this morning to get the mail. He is so funny on walks. Points out everything,"garbage can" "car" "hi truck". When we got home we fed the chickens and started getting ready for our trip in to Chicago today. We're staying in the city tonight because I needed to attend our condo board meeting and drop-off some final documents to the adoption attorney. The motion for adoption should be filed very soon!! I think this might take as long as a year to be finalized.
I hated having to leave before he went to bed (to attend the meeting). The highlight of my day is to get that goodnight face grab. He is such a sweet little boy! EXCEPT when he isn't :-) Dinner was a challenge, he just didn't want to eat tonight. Da Da had bought him a few new toys to keep in the condo right before dinner and that was the focus. We stopped fighting him at meals, if he doesn't want to eat we just let him get caught-up at the next meal. I think he has gained more than 2 pounds in the last three weeks so he isn't starving.
Enough for tonight! Getting up early to head back to MI.
Jonathan and I walked in to town this morning to get the mail. He is so funny on walks. Points out everything,"garbage can" "car" "hi truck". When we got home we fed the chickens and started getting ready for our trip in to Chicago today. We're staying in the city tonight because I needed to attend our condo board meeting and drop-off some final documents to the adoption attorney. The motion for adoption should be filed very soon!! I think this might take as long as a year to be finalized.
I hated having to leave before he went to bed (to attend the meeting). The highlight of my day is to get that goodnight face grab. He is such a sweet little boy! EXCEPT when he isn't :-) Dinner was a challenge, he just didn't want to eat tonight. Da Da had bought him a few new toys to keep in the condo right before dinner and that was the focus. We stopped fighting him at meals, if he doesn't want to eat we just let him get caught-up at the next meal. I think he has gained more than 2 pounds in the last three weeks so he isn't starving.
Enough for tonight! Getting up early to head back to MI.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Jonathan Day 24
Jonathan and Rick pulled up around 3:00PM and I as soon as I saw the car drive past the house I ran outside. I opened the car door and Jonathan looked at me and said "Hi Daddy" he had been napping a few minutes before and was very calm. He is usually pretty crabby after a nap so I was ready :-) I carried him in the house and asked him if he needed to go potty and he nodded. I could not help hugging him and kept giving him tickle kisses all the way in to the house. He was laughing and giggling while I was taking his shoes and pants off so he could potty.
I missed him so much!! Luckily Da Da had just driven 5 hours, and spent two days straight with him, and he needed a break. I got to watch him drive his car (picked up today from Aunt Sherry's) around the back yard. Then I puled him in his wagon (he calls it a truck) over to Linda and Neil's to day hello.
The evening consisted of dinner, another haircut, a quick bath, play, and bed. I hope this non- confrontational bedtime lasts. He smiled and put both hands up to grab my cheeks when I leaned down to give him a goodnight kiss.
I missed him so much!! Luckily Da Da had just driven 5 hours, and spent two days straight with him, and he needed a break. I got to watch him drive his car (picked up today from Aunt Sherry's) around the back yard. Then I puled him in his wagon (he calls it a truck) over to Linda and Neil's to day hello.
The evening consisted of dinner, another haircut, a quick bath, play, and bed. I hope this non- confrontational bedtime lasts. He smiled and put both hands up to grab my cheeks when I leaned down to give him a goodnight kiss.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Jonathan Day 23
I miss my boys! I had no idea how hard it would be to have them both gone for two days. Rick told me when he put him to bed last night he asked where Daddy was. Only one more night away and I'll be able to put Jonathan to bed with a goodnight kiss.
Rick needs to put something on here about his visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
Rick needs to put something on here about his visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Jonathan Day 22
This morning the alarm went off at 6:00 AM and it was on! Jonathan was slowly waking up, Rick was making coffee, and we can hear "oops" "oops" from Jonathan's room. I guess adding sugar free chocolate to his dinner milk not only increased his milk consumption but his nighttime inability to hold said liquid :-)
4 times a year I have to work the entire weekend hosting pretty stressful work calls. This is one of those weekends. For the last two tears Rick knows to get the heck out of Dodge. He usually stays in Chicago or goes to visit his parents. This time we decided a weekend with Grandma and Grandpa would be a good idea. The bonus in that is my mom lives about 30 minutes away from Rick's parent's house so she gets to see Jonathan tomorrow.
When Rick and Jonathan left this morning the house immediately felt empty and quiet. I took advantage by getting two loads of laundry done (pee pee bedding first). Immediately before they left, I carried Jonathan down to the garage door and when Rick tried to take him to put him in the car he held on to me. It was so hard to say go on and go with Da Da, you're going to see Gramma and Grandpa. He was okay but having him hold me and hug me is priceless. I miss both Rick and Jonathan terribly. We have spent 24 hours a day together for 3 weeks.
I remember an earlier post when I had Jonathan alone for 36 hours and I was wishing Rick would hurry home. Now, I'm alone for 48 hours and it's agony to not have him/them here with me.
I know this is just scratching the surface of what it feels like to be a parent! I want more.
Also, please make comments or give advice like you did on face book. I really appreciated hearing from you.
4 times a year I have to work the entire weekend hosting pretty stressful work calls. This is one of those weekends. For the last two tears Rick knows to get the heck out of Dodge. He usually stays in Chicago or goes to visit his parents. This time we decided a weekend with Grandma and Grandpa would be a good idea. The bonus in that is my mom lives about 30 minutes away from Rick's parent's house so she gets to see Jonathan tomorrow.
When Rick and Jonathan left this morning the house immediately felt empty and quiet. I took advantage by getting two loads of laundry done (pee pee bedding first). Immediately before they left, I carried Jonathan down to the garage door and when Rick tried to take him to put him in the car he held on to me. It was so hard to say go on and go with Da Da, you're going to see Gramma and Grandpa. He was okay but having him hold me and hug me is priceless. I miss both Rick and Jonathan terribly. We have spent 24 hours a day together for 3 weeks.
I remember an earlier post when I had Jonathan alone for 36 hours and I was wishing Rick would hurry home. Now, I'm alone for 48 hours and it's agony to not have him/them here with me.
I know this is just scratching the surface of what it feels like to be a parent! I want more.
Also, please make comments or give advice like you did on face book. I really appreciated hearing from you.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Jonathan Day 21
I fear Jonathan is going to have a thing for Red Heads when he grows-up. He LOVES his Elmo and it doesn't usually matter if it's Elmo or not when something on TV is Red/Orange he yells ELMO. Maybe gingers just remind him of his first love :-)
It will be three weeks tomorrow that we picked Jonathan up from my cousin Sherry's house. I had no idea what we were getting ourselves in to, and if asked a week after if I had regrets I probably would have said yes. That lasted for a few days and before I knew it there is happily NO turning back. He is so part of me now. We love him so much and I have no doubt he loves us.
Tonight after eating dinner and playing it was approaching 7:00 PM and I said you know what time it is? He said BEDTIME with a smile. I picked him up and he was giggling on the way to his room; we laid him down and when leaning down to say goodnight I love you, he reached up with both hands to hold our faces while he kissed us goodnight.
I said in an earlier post that 21 days makes a habit. I think we have a habit and a secure little boy. I know this can change, I know he will come-up with new "issues" and tomorrow he may be a crabby little monster. Today he was amazing and sweet! In fact, this week has been so good. I remember a few days last week that Rick and I looked at each other and shook our heads. The only looks this week were looks of success.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Jonathan Day 20
Today was a really good day. We woke up pretty early and while I was getting coffee ready Da Da went in to get Jonathan up to go sit on Elmo. I heard Rick say OMG, are you okay? Do you hurt? Jonathan had a bloody nose and it was all over his face, sheets, and pillow. It has been so hot here and we've had the AC on non stop for weeks. I guess there is no humidity in the air and his poor little nose was dry. Once we knew he was okay we cleaned him up and had a nice breakfast.
Once we got cleaned-up we drove in to Chicago so we could see our attorney about a few outstanding questions. We have an opportunity to live rent free in a 500K house in a North suburb. Since it's in another county our attorney recommended against taking advantage of the generous offer. We'll make due on our 550 sq ft condo during the home studies. She doesn't think that will be an issue. He has a bed, toys, and public areas in the building to play. Once the adoption is done we can live where we want and if the "free" house is still available we'll think about making the move.
We headed back to MI in the late afternoon and got home early enough for Rick to get the yard mowed while I pulled Jonathan around in his wagon. We stopped by Linda and Neil's for a quick hello before hitting the kitchen to make dinner. Jonathan played in the living room while I cooked a pork roast with apple/bacon sauerkraut. He wanted nothing to do with the pork roast but gobbled up the sauerkraut. It was a quick microwave of Mac&Cheese to complete dinner. After dinner we played while watching Sponge Bob until bedtime.
He didn't make a peep when we put him down and gave us both a kiss and said goodnight. About an hour after he went to sleep we heard crying and it was odd crying. Not of a little boy that wasn't happy about being in bed! Rick looked in and he looked like he was asleep having a nightmare. He went in and Jonathan woke-up and was sobbing and breathing heavy. Poor little guy. Rick was rubbing him and talking to him until he calmed down. Rick said you need to go back to sleep now and Jonathan said okay and grabbed him and gave him a kiss...twice.
Once we got cleaned-up we drove in to Chicago so we could see our attorney about a few outstanding questions. We have an opportunity to live rent free in a 500K house in a North suburb. Since it's in another county our attorney recommended against taking advantage of the generous offer. We'll make due on our 550 sq ft condo during the home studies. She doesn't think that will be an issue. He has a bed, toys, and public areas in the building to play. Once the adoption is done we can live where we want and if the "free" house is still available we'll think about making the move.
We headed back to MI in the late afternoon and got home early enough for Rick to get the yard mowed while I pulled Jonathan around in his wagon. We stopped by Linda and Neil's for a quick hello before hitting the kitchen to make dinner. Jonathan played in the living room while I cooked a pork roast with apple/bacon sauerkraut. He wanted nothing to do with the pork roast but gobbled up the sauerkraut. It was a quick microwave of Mac&Cheese to complete dinner. After dinner we played while watching Sponge Bob until bedtime.
He didn't make a peep when we put him down and gave us both a kiss and said goodnight. About an hour after he went to sleep we heard crying and it was odd crying. Not of a little boy that wasn't happy about being in bed! Rick looked in and he looked like he was asleep having a nightmare. He went in and Jonathan woke-up and was sobbing and breathing heavy. Poor little guy. Rick was rubbing him and talking to him until he calmed down. Rick said you need to go back to sleep now and Jonathan said okay and grabbed him and gave him a kiss...twice.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Jonathan Day 19 (Wednesday, August 11 8:02 PM)
These are getting harder and harder to write since I feel like I'm writing NOTHING interesting. We went to the park for about an hour after work and the only way we could get Jonathan to consider leaving was to ask him if he wanted to go see Elmo in the car. After a few polite low voiced "no" and "no thank you" he finally said in a booming voice "Elmo in the car" and we bolted out of there. I worked late again today so with the trip to the park, dinner, bath, and pre-bedtime play he didn't get to bed until almost 8:00 PM. That might mean an extra 30 minutes of sleep in the morning :-P
Jonathan Day 18 (Tuesday, August 10 6:41 PM)
It's unbelievable that we're approaching three weeks with Jonathan living with us. We have a nice routine to our days and seem to be working really well together. It was another VERY busy day at work for me so I only got to come out at meal times. Rick put Jonathan in the stroller and walked in to town to pick-up the mail and grab an ice cream. It was so darn hot here that we didn't get to do our evening playtime in the yard. Not to mention the mosquitoes being bird size and in masses. Rick cleaned the garage so he can ride his cars when it's nasty out. He's working on the basement next :-) Once that is done we'll expand our potential play areas by 100%. Our house is pretty small so getting ready for inclement weather now is just good planning :-)
Again, not much interesting that happened today. Just another fun day/evening for the three of us in MI.
Again, not much interesting that happened today. Just another fun day/evening for the three of us in MI.
Jonathan Day 17 (Monday, August 9th 6:57 PM)
It was a low key day. We had breakfast, lunch, and dinner together but I stayed in my office most of the day busy with work. Da Da and Jonathan played and spent time in the yard when the rain dried-up. After work we took a ride to the local garden center and bought a watermelon so JH can have a new daytime snack. After dinner we played and watched Sponge Bob. I usually sit across my chair in the living-room so I can face the TV. JH recently started sitting next to me with his legs over the arm like I do :-). It's so nice to have him sit, even if it's only 10 minutes. Then Mr busy has to get-up to go get a toy to hand us and say "here you go" so we can say thank you and he replies "you're welcome".
Jonathan Day 16 (Sunday, August 8th 8:31 PM)
I'm amazed at how routine our lives have become in the last week. Normally I would say that's a bad thing! It's so not a bad thing :-) We have a groove that is working so well for all of us. Rick and I are working so well together and it shows.
I think the greatest thing invented for toddlers are stickers. Aunt Susie gave him a box last week and they have been a potty dream. Our bathroom door is covered with potty stickers and putting one on the end of his nose after potty always gets and excited laugh. After, we lift him high up so he can plaster it on the door.
I really have nothing interesting to say about day 16 :-( and that = :-)
I think the greatest thing invented for toddlers are stickers. Aunt Susie gave him a box last week and they have been a potty dream. Our bathroom door is covered with potty stickers and putting one on the end of his nose after potty always gets and excited laugh. After, we lift him high up so he can plaster it on the door.
I really have nothing interesting to say about day 16 :-( and that = :-)
Jonathan Day 15 (Saturday, August 7th 6:47 PM)
We had planned on Aunt Jo coming to MI today to spend time with the monkey man while Da Da and Daddy finished staining the deck. She is watching her grandson Maestro (David and Kelly's dog) and he got sick this morning. SO, Da Da got to stain the deck while Jonathan and I played soccer, fed the chickens, and picked everything ripe in the garden. We also discovered this morning that one of those sweet little chicks that we got in May is NEVER going to lay eggs. Yep, we have one and possibly two roosters. I'll be planning a nice poultry dinner as soon as we know for sure if it's just one or two of them.
We all took naps in the afternoon and woke-up and went to Mishawaka to do some grocery shopping. I sat in back with Jonathan because Da Da wanted an ice cream and I had to help JH with his or the car would have been pretty sticky. It was really funny when we put Elmo on and JH said "Elmo in the car". We thought that was really funny.
I made a Farfalle with Feta, Chicken, and Peas for dinner. JH loved it and was gobbling up the peas like crazy. It's so nice to be able to cook most anything and have him eat it. We have Aunt Sherry to thank for that!!
We bought a mega pack of batteries so we were able to get his dancing Elmo running again so we did the Hokey Pokey SEVERAL times tonight.
5 nights in a row with nothing but a smile and a kiss at bedtime.
Jonathan Day 14 (Friday, August 6th 6:58 PM)
This morning Uncle Mike and Aunt Sue can to MI to meet Jonathan. They brought him a racetrack set that he loves. Has been playing with it most of the day. After they left Jonathan took a nap while Da Da and Daddy got a few things done around the house. We did our first dinner out at a restaurant and it went really well. We stopped at the park on the way home from dinner and played for about an hour. It was a great day! Again, no tears, only a sweet smile at bedtime.
Jonathan Day 13 (Thursday, August 5th 6:50 PM)
We went to Lincoln Park Zoo today and had a blast. Jonathan was vocal and calling out the names of animals. Once we stopped at the Giraffe area it was ON. "Hi Giraffe" "Hi Giraffe" even after we headed to another area he kept going on about the Giraffe. Too many animals to talk about but needless to say he loved the zoo. I think next time we'll try Brookfield :-)
We decided to head back to MI since Uncle Mike and Aunt Sue are coming to meet Jonathan tomorrow morning. We had a nice dinner together and headed outside to kick the soccer ball around. We actually had it going in turns for about 10 minutes before he saw a rabbit run across the yard. Then the hunt was on! We didn't find Mr Bunny because he ran in the wooded area in the back yard and we weren't going in there :-)
Bedtime was effortless with a smile, kiss, and a ganight.
We decided to head back to MI since Uncle Mike and Aunt Sue are coming to meet Jonathan tomorrow morning. We had a nice dinner together and headed outside to kick the soccer ball around. We actually had it going in turns for about 10 minutes before he saw a rabbit run across the yard. Then the hunt was on! We didn't find Mr Bunny because he ran in the wooded area in the back yard and we weren't going in there :-)
Bedtime was effortless with a smile, kiss, and a ganight.
Jonathan Day 12 (Wednesday, August 4th 6:33 PM)
Bedtime was a breeze again. No tears just a sweet smile.
We took a ride to Niles MI today to buy more chicken feed so we tried the new DVD set-up. He loved it and we actually got to have an adult conversation while driving. I don't want to get in the habit of turning it on every time we get in the car. We need that interaction while we drive to help expand his vocabulary. We went the entire day and forgot to turn on the TV/DVD (All Elmo, all the time) player in his room. Maybe that's a good thing based on comments received and the NY Times article Rick W sent.
It rained all day here so we couldn't make it to the park. Jonathan was WIRED and never stopped handing us things so we could say Thank You! He repeats the Thank You and if we forget, he says it anyway.
We laid him down for a nap about an hour later than the usual time and there was no getting him to sleep. I haven't looked in the door knob hole yet but my guess is he's sleeping. After his bath I was playing with him in his room, and stupidly spun him around under the ceiling fan that Da Da installed in his room today. After he was a bit dizzy and while climbing on me I got what I deserved, a back shoulder full of vomit. He laughed! It was pretty funny.
Da Da put eye hooks on the bathroom and bedroom doors today so JH cannot shut them. He likes to shut his bedroom door in those rare times that he's away from our sides. I also have one on the inside of my office so I can avoid those little pop-ins when I'm on conference calls screaming "HI DADDY".
SYTYCD is on soon so goodnight. I'll be sure to post pictures of us at the zoo tomorrow.
Jonathan Day 11 (Tuesday, August 3rd 7:45 PM)
When we first started planning Jonathan's room I asked Rick where the TV should go and he was appalled. "Jon! A two year old does NOT need a TV in their room!" I reluctantly agreed. After more than a week of "T" "ELMO" "T" "ELMO". . . you get it; Rick went to MI City today and bought a TV/DVD for Jonathan's bookshelf.
Jonathan woke-up SO crabby this morning. I'm not sure if it was that his pillow was on the floor and it really seemed to bug him when he noticed. He was fixated on the pillow saying "oops" "oops" "pillow". Needless to say going on the potty just didn't go well. Maybe we should have spent more time talking about the pillow and let him fix it. I just picked it up and said that's okay, let's go potty. He said some things (i really didn't understand...humor), and I said some things (again, humor), and before you know it he was in the time-out chair.
Da Da got up and saved the day. I went in to start my work day and I could hear Jonathan say "DA DA" in a save me kind of way. The day seemed to go well but even though I was planning on taking PTO I was swamped at work. In fact, I'm still sitting in my office trying to get an email out that some folks are reviewing before I hit send. I know Da Da is exhausted and hopefully the day we're planning at the zoo later this week will give him the much needed rest.
I also found an amazing deal on an aftermarket car DVD player. It's a set of two 7" DVD players that mount to the head-rest for $107 delivered.
I have no doubt that these will make trips to gramma and grandpa's house way more enjoyable.
Jonathan played with the toys he received at his sprinkle today. The room is a mess with the magnetic letters from the dry erase easel that Gina and Nina gave him. I also saw him playing with the soccer ball from my office window this afternoon. Sorry Kelly, all he did on the stool you made was have two time-outs. AND, thanks to the Supper Nanny book you gave me, that's where we learned about how and when to enforce time-out.
That child can eat! He had dinner at 5:30 and ate everything we could throw at him. I know we're giving him enough and balancing it with protein, fruit, and veg. Should we keep feeding him more and more if he wants it? We ended the dinner feast with a banana hoping that would fill him up. He was finally satisfied :-)
PJs, Bed, and not a word again other than "ga night".
I need to start taking more picture
Da Da got up and saved the day. I went in to start my work day and I could hear Jonathan say "DA DA" in a save me kind of way. The day seemed to go well but even though I was planning on taking PTO I was swamped at work. In fact, I'm still sitting in my office trying to get an email out that some folks are reviewing before I hit send. I know Da Da is exhausted and hopefully the day we're planning at the zoo later this week will give him the much needed rest.
I also found an amazing deal on an aftermarket car DVD player. It's a set of two 7" DVD players that mount to the head-rest for $107 delivered.
I have no doubt that these will make trips to gramma and grandpa's house way more enjoyable.
Jonathan played with the toys he received at his sprinkle today. The room is a mess with the magnetic letters from the dry erase easel that Gina and Nina gave him. I also saw him playing with the soccer ball from my office window this afternoon. Sorry Kelly, all he did on the stool you made was have two time-outs. AND, thanks to the Supper Nanny book you gave me, that's where we learned about how and when to enforce time-out.
That child can eat! He had dinner at 5:30 and ate everything we could throw at him. I know we're giving him enough and balancing it with protein, fruit, and veg. Should we keep feeding him more and more if he wants it? We ended the dinner feast with a banana hoping that would fill him up. He was finally satisfied :-)
PJs, Bed, and not a word again other than "ga night".
I need to start taking more picture
Jonathan Day 10 (Monday, August 2nd 7:40 PM)
As usual Jonathan woke up with a smile on his face and a sweet little "good MORNING". Unfortunately it was at about 6:15 AM. I guess that's what we get for putting him to sleep at 7:30 PM the night before. Tonight he went down at about 8:00 PM with no resistance. The usual "goodnight, I love you" from us and parts of that repeated back from him. I was a slacker during bath time (Da Da did it all) and talked on the phone with an old friend Rick from my BOA days. It was so nice to chat about the last 15 years in which we have mildly kept in contact.
We had a great day. Daddy worked 1/2 day (I'll be doing this for 2 weeks) and in the afternoon we went to Babies R Us to get a stroller. Thank you Connie and Laurie (friends from childhood) for the gift card!!!! We got a great 3 wheel jogging stroller that we cannot wait to use in the city. We're planning on a trip to Chicago Thursday to go to Lincoln Park Zoo and also see Rick's co-workers.
Da Da cut the grass while I sat and watch Jonathan climb all over the deck and teeter through the rocks in the back yard. This boy is fearless! He is like the Energizer Bunny; so busy!!
I'm not sure there were any epiphanies today. Just a good CONSISTENT fun filled day.
I feel disjointed in my update tonight. maybe tomorrow I'll be clearer and talk about the all important food and potty :-)
We had a great day. Daddy worked 1/2 day (I'll be doing this for 2 weeks) and in the afternoon we went to Babies R Us to get a stroller. Thank you Connie and Laurie (friends from childhood) for the gift card!!!! We got a great 3 wheel jogging stroller that we cannot wait to use in the city. We're planning on a trip to Chicago Thursday to go to Lincoln Park Zoo and also see Rick's co-workers.
Da Da cut the grass while I sat and watch Jonathan climb all over the deck and teeter through the rocks in the back yard. This boy is fearless! He is like the Energizer Bunny; so busy!!
I'm not sure there were any epiphanies today. Just a good CONSISTENT fun filled day.
I feel disjointed in my update tonight. maybe tomorrow I'll be clearer and talk about the all important food and potty :-)
Jonathan Day 9 (Sunday, August 1st 8:40 PM)
What a day! We woke up at 5:30 AM so we could get to Aunt Jo's house so my mom and Aunt Sue could spend some extra time meeting Jonathan. He LOVED them and the Elmo airplane they bought him.
The sprinkle was great fun! The food was fantastic and the company was great. Jonathan received so many great gifts and was the star of the day. He got to meet new family and see his aunts and gramma on his mommy's side of the family. Everyone seemed to be having a nice time and the most important thing was that Jonathan is so loved.
So this part is about ME!
I got to see friends that I had when I was Jonathan's age. Connie and Laurie (the twins down the block) came. It was so great to see them and I know that we will not let 30+ years go by again. We hugged at least 10 times, and for me, it was very emotional. There was so much love today!!
I got to see two of my aunts (Judy and Diane) that I love dearly! My cousins, Kelly, Lori, Nina and Sherry that are stuck with us now :-P My nephews Dug and David and their wives and families. All in all it was an amazing day and again, so much love!
When we arrived I got to see Oakley after not seeing him for more than two weeks. He was so excited to see me and didn't seem to be phased by Jonathan. While this is good news, Oakley will be living with Jo and Kevin permanently. This breaks my heart but we all know it's the right thing for all of us. Oakley demands so much of our attention and right now there is one little guy that needs us more. Oakley is loved and will FINALLY be able to eat people food and never have to sleep on the floor again.
By the time we left, Jonathan was so tired that he was almost buckling at the knees. I hear that gramma (Rosie) fed him frosting twice while I was loading the car. Leave it to my own mother to break my own no refined sugar rule.
Jonathan slept for about 10 minutes in the car on the way back to MI and then was a live wire. He laughed and yelled "wake-up daddy" about 20 times. We love this child so much! While it took him about an hour to go to sleep tonight, he was quiet and and only cried for 5 minutes. Oh, he did roll-up about 50 TP balls while we waited for him to make a poop tonight.
I hope I can make it writing these until we get to Jonathan Day 365. Writing is not something I enjoy, but sharing the joy of having Jonathan in our lives will go way beyond Jonathan 365.
Jonathan Day 8 (Saturday, July 31st 8:07 PM)
It has been one full week since we picked-up Jonathan. It's amazing that someone so little could completely change our lives so quickly. We're staying at the Chicago condo for the first time in weeks.
We left MI early this morning and headed straight to IKEA. Picked up several new toys, big boy bed, and race car bedding. It was a pretty uneventful day with all the running around. I guess the only funny thing was when he sat on his potty he forgot to put his pee pee down. That resulted in the largest pee of the day to spray all over the wood floor. We need to invest in an Elmo potty for Chicago that has a built in pee pee guard.
Staci came over and brought him several stuffed animals that will be great for his new bed.
We're exhausted and are not far behind JH. He was put down at 7:30 CT (8:30 ET) and that's about 1 hour past bedtime. We didn't get a nap in today either so he was asleep with only about 5 minutes of crying. It's more difficult here since he doesn't have his own room or a door.
Tomorrow is the meet Jonathan sprinkle at my sister Jo's. We're so excited to see everyone that is able to make it. We so feel the love from all our friends and family. Thank you so much! Also, tomorrow will be the first time my sisters and mom get to see me be a daddy.
Jonathan Day 7 (Friday, July 30th 6:41 PM)
riday, July 30, 2010 at 6:41pm
It was nice to see Da Da pull-up in the driveway this morning. I have a feeling that even though it couldn't be helped, that Da Da leaving set us back a bit in the ever so needed consistency. Jonathan is showing his terrible 2s "teeth" the last few days. He is testing us OFTEN and not complying to simple requests. He was so sweet the first few days. I read somewhere today (because I scour behavior websites) that it takes 21 day to create a habit.
We always follow-up discipline with an "I love you" and he hugs and says it back. I think much of what he says is mimicking us. I also know some of this might be that he is frustrated with us because we don't understand all the words he says. He's silly and sweet and then a second later he's demanding and stubborn. I guess he's a typical 2 year old.
We think he may be getting bored with his toys. We were only able to stuff a few items in the car when we picked him up last Saturday. He has so many things at Sherry's that we hope to go pick-up in a week or so. We went to Target and bought him two new toys tonight. He is playing great with Da Da while I type this update. I hear Thank You! You're Welcome.
It's close to 5:30 PM so Daddy needs to go make the little monkey dinner.
Wow did he put it away tonight. He had Mac-and-Cheese, sliced carrots, and green beans from the garden (again). He ate it all and said MORE, Da Da reminded him how to ask. He then said in his sweetest little voice Moooore please.
After dinner we played and played until Linda and Neil (our favorite neighbors) stopped by so Neil could meet Jonathan. Linda had brought Jonathan a bear earlier in the week that Jonathan just loves. She told him it was Bo Bo the Bear and he has been putting Bo Bo to sleep and tip toeing out of his room daily. He was so cute with them and very sweet and shy. By the time they left he was jumping and yelling GOOD BYE.
7:30 and we brushed, PJ'd, and it was off to bed. When we put him to bed we always say goodnight, I love you. When he is crying we don't get a response, tonight he smiled and didn't say a word. Also, he didn't cry at all.
We love this boy!
We always follow-up discipline with an "I love you" and he hugs and says it back. I think much of what he says is mimicking us. I also know some of this might be that he is frustrated with us because we don't understand all the words he says. He's silly and sweet and then a second later he's demanding and stubborn. I guess he's a typical 2 year old.
We think he may be getting bored with his toys. We were only able to stuff a few items in the car when we picked him up last Saturday. He has so many things at Sherry's that we hope to go pick-up in a week or so. We went to Target and bought him two new toys tonight. He is playing great with Da Da while I type this update. I hear Thank You! You're Welcome.
It's close to 5:30 PM so Daddy needs to go make the little monkey dinner.
Wow did he put it away tonight. He had Mac-and-Cheese, sliced carrots, and green beans from the garden (again). He ate it all and said MORE, Da Da reminded him how to ask. He then said in his sweetest little voice Moooore please.
After dinner we played and played until Linda and Neil (our favorite neighbors) stopped by so Neil could meet Jonathan. Linda had brought Jonathan a bear earlier in the week that Jonathan just loves. She told him it was Bo Bo the Bear and he has been putting Bo Bo to sleep and tip toeing out of his room daily. He was so cute with them and very sweet and shy. By the time they left he was jumping and yelling GOOD BYE.
7:30 and we brushed, PJ'd, and it was off to bed. When we put him to bed we always say goodnight, I love you. When he is crying we don't get a response, tonight he smiled and didn't say a word. Also, he didn't cry at all.
We love this boy!
Jonathan Day 6 (Thursday, July 29th 6:38 PM)
Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 6:38pm
Things I have learned quickly:
Don't sweat the small stuff
Never wake a sleeping toddler
Don't give grapes on a lunch plate to start. Offer them as a treat if someone finishes their lunch.
You can reuse a bib SEVERAL times before washing unless you are serving something with a red sauce
It's best to change laundry when he is in the high-chair eating and watching Elmo
It's okay to put up the baby gate and have him play in his room for an hour here and there. Daddy needs some time too!
8:00 AM
Anyone who knows me or has been to our house knows we keep things pretty tidy. I'm the guy that cannot go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. So far we're keeping things pretty organized. The only thing that is a lost cause is the very small only bathroom. Toys in the tub and a potty on the floor with the toy of the day sitting near. I found that if I give him something to fiddle with he'll sit longer to wait for that all important poop.
I'm on my own today since Rick left this morning to attend his grandmother's memorial. I was planning on going with him but we changed our minds last night. Jonathan has spent too much time in the car already this week. I'm a bit worried that I don't have the energy to make it trough the next 24 hours :-)
11:35 AM
We have had a couple of time-outs today. The last one I told him I was very upset and he needed to say he was sorry before he left the corner. He cried for a minute and finally turned around and said "I sorry Daddy", with that he happily sat on Elmo. Then we had lunch and it was nap time. 24 hours until Da Da gets home! Give me strength.
3:25 PM
Jonathan took a nice nap today and Daddy finally got to see the season finale of Dr Who.
7:15 PM
I made it! Since Jonathan woke-up at about 6:00 AM I thought moving bedtime to 7:15 PM was a good idea. What a day!
This evening we played outside, fed the chickens, played more outside, and under protest went in the house. He ate like a little piggy and wanted more after eating chicken, cucumber, and a slice of cheese. I tried giving him some tofu but that didn't fly. I cooked up some green beans and he was happy.
After dinner I gave him a bath (first one since Rick has been doing that little task), and put on some fresh PJs and it was off to bed. He only cried for about 5 minutes tonight.
Don't sweat the small stuff
Never wake a sleeping toddler
Don't give grapes on a lunch plate to start. Offer them as a treat if someone finishes their lunch.
You can reuse a bib SEVERAL times before washing unless you are serving something with a red sauce
It's best to change laundry when he is in the high-chair eating and watching Elmo
It's okay to put up the baby gate and have him play in his room for an hour here and there. Daddy needs some time too!
8:00 AM
Anyone who knows me or has been to our house knows we keep things pretty tidy. I'm the guy that cannot go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. So far we're keeping things pretty organized. The only thing that is a lost cause is the very small only bathroom. Toys in the tub and a potty on the floor with the toy of the day sitting near. I found that if I give him something to fiddle with he'll sit longer to wait for that all important poop.
I'm on my own today since Rick left this morning to attend his grandmother's memorial. I was planning on going with him but we changed our minds last night. Jonathan has spent too much time in the car already this week. I'm a bit worried that I don't have the energy to make it trough the next 24 hours :-)
11:35 AM
We have had a couple of time-outs today. The last one I told him I was very upset and he needed to say he was sorry before he left the corner. He cried for a minute and finally turned around and said "I sorry Daddy", with that he happily sat on Elmo. Then we had lunch and it was nap time. 24 hours until Da Da gets home! Give me strength.
3:25 PM
Jonathan took a nice nap today and Daddy finally got to see the season finale of Dr Who.
7:15 PM
I made it! Since Jonathan woke-up at about 6:00 AM I thought moving bedtime to 7:15 PM was a good idea. What a day!
This evening we played outside, fed the chickens, played more outside, and under protest went in the house. He ate like a little piggy and wanted more after eating chicken, cucumber, and a slice of cheese. I tried giving him some tofu but that didn't fly. I cooked up some green beans and he was happy.
After dinner I gave him a bath (first one since Rick has been doing that little task), and put on some fresh PJs and it was off to bed. He only cried for about 5 minutes tonight.
Jonathan Day 5 (Wednesday, July 28th 7:19 PM)
I have to start with bed-time. We put him down 5 minutes ago and not a peep! Laid there for about 2 minutes and last time we looked through the removed doorknob (another story), he was fast asleep.
FYI - We're looking to get his hair fixed after Da Da did a chop job last night. He sort of looks like a Monk with jagged bangs. Still beautiful!!
The rest of this probably isn't for my non-kid friends/family because it will include potty updates.
First of all, Jonathan has not wet the bed once. He has only woken up with a pee pee diaper once or twice. He hasn't pooped in a diaper at all since we picked him up. He is so good on the potty. In fact, we use the same diaper all day long and put it back on after he makes pee pee in his new Elmo potty. Have I mentioned that Jonathan LOVES Elmo??
Today we fixed the master bedroom door after I stupidly put something in the door-jam and Jonathon closed the door. The top hinge popped off and we have been dragging the door open and closed for 3 days.
I made fresh green beans from the garden for his veg with dinner. He also ate cucumber and sliced tomatoes from the garden for lunch along with his chicken. I know this is silly to write about his poop and meals but it's a good part of our day.
We skyped with Aunt Sherry for a bit tonight and as always, we spent a good part laughing.
Enough for now, I need to refill my wine glass ;-P
FYI - We're looking to get his hair fixed after Da Da did a chop job last night. He sort of looks like a Monk with jagged bangs. Still beautiful!!
The rest of this probably isn't for my non-kid friends/family because it will include potty updates.
First of all, Jonathan has not wet the bed once. He has only woken up with a pee pee diaper once or twice. He hasn't pooped in a diaper at all since we picked him up. He is so good on the potty. In fact, we use the same diaper all day long and put it back on after he makes pee pee in his new Elmo potty. Have I mentioned that Jonathan LOVES Elmo??
Today we fixed the master bedroom door after I stupidly put something in the door-jam and Jonathon closed the door. The top hinge popped off and we have been dragging the door open and closed for 3 days.
I made fresh green beans from the garden for his veg with dinner. He also ate cucumber and sliced tomatoes from the garden for lunch along with his chicken. I know this is silly to write about his poop and meals but it's a good part of our day.
We skyped with Aunt Sherry for a bit tonight and as always, we spent a good part laughing.
Enough for now, I need to refill my wine glass ;-P
Jonathan Day 4 (Wednesday, July 28th 5:39 AM)
It feels like it may be getting a bit easier. I hesitate to even say that but I think we're creating a routine and it's helping.
We had to run in to Chicago to give the adoption attorney more money so it was another long day in the car. He is so good most of the time but has his moments. When he gets a little cranky we learned quickly to divert, we say "Hi Truck" at any passing vehicle and he immediately jumps in greeting passing cars. If it's really bad (like wants more and MORE snacks), I pretend I'm sleeping so he'll yell "DADDY". He laughs so hard when I tickle him and say "why'd you wake Daddy up".
Dinner went well. Bath time went well. Bed time only included 10 minutes of whining and some crying.
I think it's a good thing that I have less and less to say each day.
We had to run in to Chicago to give the adoption attorney more money so it was another long day in the car. He is so good most of the time but has his moments. When he gets a little cranky we learned quickly to divert, we say "Hi Truck" at any passing vehicle and he immediately jumps in greeting passing cars. If it's really bad (like wants more and MORE snacks), I pretend I'm sleeping so he'll yell "DADDY". He laughs so hard when I tickle him and say "why'd you wake Daddy up".
Dinner went well. Bath time went well. Bed time only included 10 minutes of whining and some crying.
I think it's a good thing that I have less and less to say each day.
Jonathan Day 3 (Tuesday, July 27th 6:26 AM)
It was another successful day. We realized immediately that Jonathan needs to wake-up naturally; he was a crabby little monkey when we woke him up yesterday. Our main goal on Monday was to get a new vehicle to accommodate our new expanded family. Having a sporty sedan just wasn't working with a 2 year old. Jonathan was great at the dealer and seemed to have more patience than we did after 5 hours.
There was only two times that we had to do a time-out twice yesterday. As soon as we make it to Chicago again we need to go to Borders to get a book on discipline. It's so funny what sets him off. When he gets on a "NO" kick it can be a real challenge.
Skip to bed-time. We put him down at 8:30 PM and he only fussed for about 15 minutes and was fast asleep. Then we broke out the mega bottle of wine :-)
We love this boy more and more each day!
Skip to bed-time. We put him down at 8:30 PM and he only fussed for about 15 minutes and was fast asleep. Then we broke out the mega bottle of wine :-)
We love this boy more and more each day!
Jonathon Day 2 (Monday, July 26th 5:54 AM)
Jonathan is all settled in his room and has spent his first night in his new bed. Bed time was a bit more challenging since it's so light here in ET at 8:00 PM. The good news is he's still sleeping :-) I have a new found respect for parents!!
I also love the fact that I can call Aunt Sherry as often as necessary to ask questions or just for support. I have done so about 3 or 4 times a day. We all love you Sherry!!!
I know there are several people that are interested in hearing how it's going so I'll try and write a note each day.
Love you all,
I also love the fact that I can call Aunt Sherry as often as necessary to ask questions or just for support. I have done so about 3 or 4 times a day. We all love you Sherry!!!
I know there are several people that are interested in hearing how it's going so I'll try and write a note each day.
Love you all,
Jonathan Harper - Adoption Experience
I am a 48 year old man that is in the process of adopting a two year old 3rd cousin. I will be raising him with my partner of two years Rick who is 35 years old. Jonathan's mother passed away in June of 2010 and he was raised by my first cousin Sherry from about 9 months until a few weeks ago. I have been writing daily updates on face book (fb) that I will cut and paste here the first 19 days and will continue writing going forward. I have been careful with what I have written in the last few days on fb due to family "issues" that may hinder the adoption process. This will allow me to honestly post our experience in the adoption of Jonathan. Rick and I look forward to sharing our experience with anyone who is interested in reading our posts.
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