Monday, February 28, 2011

Jonathan Day 220

4:45 AM I had a foot in my side and a small little voice saying "my belly hurts Daddy".  I asked him if he needed to go potty and he said "yes, I think I do".  I got him up and tried to get him to poop and all we got was a dribble of pee pee.  I tried to get him back to sleep but he was UP.

Da Da got up too and we sat in the main room of the hotel for a while and boom, JH vomited for the first time.  20 minutes later we got #2, then after some mucus medicine, we got #3.  Our poor boy is just not feeling well.  We think the coughing was causing him to vomit so often.

Once we knew he was himself again and after he ate a little breakfast we got ready and I dropped Da Da and JH off at the Chandler mall and I went to the office.  It was really odd going in to a real office after almost 3 years working form home.  I had my review and before I knew it all the team was headed out for lunch so I called Da Da and we met everyone for a quick hello and we took JH back to the hotel for a nap.

After I finished work, Doug, Chris, and Kevin came by and we had a box :-) of wine and talked for several hours.  Jonathan played, climbed on us, and babbled on without a care in the world.  It has been amazing to have people that I have known for decades to meet Rick and JH.  I fully believe Jonathan Harper will grow-up knowing some incredible people.

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