Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jonathan Day 212

It was a pretty quiet morning.  After breakfast we all went down to the basement and while Da Da hung cabinets JH and I played trains.  Da Da built a double track with bridges and caves so we were able to have 4 trains going at the same time.  JH sat on my lap and kept leaping up when one of them got in trouble, "purple Thomas fell" "OH NO, red Thomas is stuck".

My first meeting wasn't until 2:00 PM so we played until 1:30 PM and then we laid JH down for a nap.  He was babbling loudly at 1:55 PM and Da Da went in to deliver the warning; take a nap or you'll be punished.  Two minutes later he was fast asleep and we actually had to wake him up at 3:30 PM.

The snow is almost gone since it rained here all day.  If we get a good sunny day we can probably bundle him up and go to the park soon.  We had more than two feet of snow 10 days ago so now his little legs can RUN RUN RUN.  The yard has little lakes so our yard won't be playable until we get some real heat.

JH had salad and 1/2 of a sandwich for dinner; he sure loves his veggies!  Tonight we'll let him stay up a little later since he napped so long and late today.  Tomorrow he goes to Carley's again so Da Da can get the last of the cabinets done.

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