Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jonathan Day 218

It's 1:12 AM-ET and luckily I wrote the stuff below on the plane or I would not have the energy to post.  More tomorrow :-)

The plan was to wake-up really early so JH would sleep the entire way to Phoenix, oh well.  We’re 45 minutes in to the flight and he hasn’t stopped talking or truing to get his seatbelt un-latched. 
Jonathan had his 30 day follow-up appointment this morning to check on his eyes.  He is healing well but has a small cyst on his lower left eye where one of the stitches left some scaring.  We have steroid drops that we need to put in for 10 days and then we’ll take him back in May. 
After seeing the Dr we went and had Dim Sum and JH was really good.  He kept talking about the chop sticks but we’re still not comfortable giving our freakishly strong little boy a potential weapon. We have seen what he can do and it’s not pretty.
We headed to the airport almost 3 hours before our flight and surprisingly he didn’t have much time to spare.  JH started to fall asleep 10 minutes before we hit the parking garage and I resorted to calling Auntie Jo Jo to talk to him on speaker.  Those that know Jo know she can be loud: it didn’t help.
We got to the security line and were shuffled to a special line for employees and military.  JH did really well and didn’t seem to be bothered by any of the process.  We boarded first (love flying with a toddler) and have been happily sitting here on our 4 hour journey.   We’re so hoping he goes to sleep soon J Right now he is making Elmo tickle me while I type this. 
I must admit, I was worried but so far all is well.  

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