Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jonathan Day 187

This has been another challenging day.  JH is so hot and cold that it's driving us nuts: I want it/I don't want it.  We're not sure if this is another phase or if he's just so bored.  I hate that it's so cold out that he's been in-doors for weeks now.  On top of that we're being ultra careful not to expose him to any sick people until his surgery is over.  If he gets a cold they won't operate on Friday.  Tomorrow we're driving in to the city early so I can work while JH and Da Da get Gramma V at the train station.

We took JH to a Burger King play area last week and only after he had his shoes off and he was climbing in did we notice the age minimum was four.  He's in that in-between age that he's too little (young) but doesn't understand that he isn't allowed to play.

We're also in that awkward place where we have to decide to let him be away from us.  So far he has only stayed with Auntie Jo Jo and she sticks to our rules.  When Linda was sitting with him, I was working and Rick was in the basement so we were close.  Once we start leaving him with a sitter we don't know how he'll be.  Will he pick-up bad behavior?  Will he get hurt?  Will he hurt someone else?  Making these decisions and worrying about him being out in the world is just starting!!  How do you people with kids do it?  It was hard to leave Oakley (our dog that Jo has now) with people; it seems impossible to do it with JH.

Dinner was a disaster again tonight.  I want to eat and then when we give him food, he doesn't want to eat.  We got to the point where we just said Okay, no more dinner.  He'll be hungry in morning.  I wonder if part of this appetite thing is because he isn't burning any calories playing.  again, who knows why a 2 1/2 year old does 80% of what they do :-)

He did the I want a kiss / No kisses thing at bed and we said, Okay, no kisses.  It killed us when he yelled "KISSES" as we shut the door.  Maybe we're being too hard-ass but he needs to learn (yes, I'm going to say it again) consequences.

The video above is me playing with him yesterday in his room.

1 comment:

  1. You ARE one of those people with kids. And you're doing an awesome job! My thoughts and wishes will be with you on Friday! Love you all!
