Nanny Linda took the day off so Da Da was on JH duty all day. At lunch we took a quick trip to MI City to grab some groceries and have lunch. We were sitting next to a gramma, mom, and a toddler the same age as JH. At one point the little boy let out a very loud burp and JH looked at us and said "excuse me" with a smile and laugh. He is such a polite little boy and always says please and thank you when asking and receiving. JH also started rolling his arms at the table so I grabbed a quick video. The funniest part is at the end when he slams his elbow in Da Da's hand :-p
We started the morning with Jonathan scaring Da Da as he walked by his room to the kitchen. I don't think Da Da knew JH was up so when he said "good morning Da Da", I heard a startled scream from Rick. I laughed :-)
When we stopped for groceries JH said he had to go potty and Da Da took him while I was checking-out. Rick said he pulled down his pull-up and held him in from of the urinal and he immediately went pee pee. He has been so good with the potty training other than the accidents when Linda was here Tuesday.
This evening JH had a bath, ate dinner, and "sat nice" for a short time. When he starts getting crazy and moving around we give him one (or two) warning and then it's off to bed. He whines that he wants to sit nice and when we put him to bed I always say that he'll get another chance tomorrow :-)
JH was also very loving today and he kept hugging us saying "I love hugs". We sure love getting hugs from our boy!!
I finally got caught up with the blog! I love reading it. I can't wait until I see our little love tomorrow!!! :-)