We thought by keeping JH up until almost 9:00 PM he would have slept late; not a chance. JH woke-up at about 6:00 AM and after he went potty he wanted to "snuggle with Daddy" so he jumped in bed with us. After about 15 minutes we suggested he go snuggle with Aunt Jo Jo. She said later that she was sleeping and she felt him petting her face :-)
Jo left pretty early and we packed-up and headed back to MI for the week. Nanny Linda is coming again next week and with some luck Da Da will have drywall done on the ceilings by Friday when we go back to Chicago. We have a Rainbow Families event at a water-park in Gurnee Illinois this coming weekend. JH will be playing with kids that have families like his.
We're looking forward to seeing Mike, Abbey, and Derek. JH might even get another kiss from Abbey :-) Until recently JH usually plays alone but he has been more interactive lately. He like to have us play along with him now. It'll be interesting to see if he does the same with kids.
We're about an hour from bed-time so I'll wrap it up for now. JH just had a bath and was sitting on Da Da's lap and he said "I have an owie", then he flipped over and said "it's my butt, kiss my butt Da Da". I wished I had my camera ready but all I got was the after interaction with a puzzle. I tried to get him to say it again but he moved on.
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