Monday, January 31, 2011

Jonathan Day 192

Ah, Monday!  It was a good day and everyone here woke-up in a chipper mood.

Jonathan had breakfast and gramma jumped right in to help Da Da keep him busy.  I had a busy day at work so I was only in and out of what was happening.  Other than helping Da Da get the medicine in, I was out of most of what happened today.  I think I'll leave updates to Da Da and Gramma today.

The drywall man finished today and the basement is ready for paint.  Nanny Linda is coming tomorrow so Da Da and Gramma can go down and get work done while I work up here.  It's nice to know that we're only flooring away from having a completes basement.

Da Da is getting JH ready for bed and before brushing his teeth he put him on the potty.  All day we have been waiting for that poop, and BAM.  It sounds like a war in there; I think the prunes, oranges, and grapes for snacks are working.  He's making us all crack-up as we hear "what's that noise?" and then "I think I'll do a little more".  I know poop talk is gross but after what sounded like a machine gun (gas) he looked down in the potty and said "what's that noise" again.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jonathan Day 191

Jonathan's eyes are looking a little better today.  The swelling looks like it's starting to go down and he is back to normal.  He's a busy boy that is always getting in to something!

Last night he went to bed with no problems including putting on the arm guards.  He fussed a little trying to get a last minutes "sit nice" in to no avail.  Da Da and I woke him up at about 10:30 PM to put in his eye medicine and go potty and it wasn't good.  He cried and it was very difficult to get the ointment in but we finally did it.  He slept all night long and didn't cry once all night long.

7:00 AM I got up to turn on the coffee and I got a cheerful "good morning Daddy".  The bed was drenched because after getting the medicine he wouldn't even consider trying to go potty last night.  We all had breakfast and while Gramma watched JH Da Da and I went to MI City for groceries.

He''s going from Gramma to Da Da and back again asking "wanna play Gramma/Da Da".  At least he is back to normal in behavior.  Tomorrow we have drywall finishers coming to sand the basement so it will be ready for paint by tomorrow afternoon.  We plan on turning off the heat and taping plastic all over the heating vents to ensure no dust up here.

Gramma fed JH tonight and I swear that he ate more tonight than he has in a week.  It was so nice not to have that fight/negotiate.  After dinner we all sat and watched a Dinosaur Train and a Dino Dan.  JH just went to bed and gave us all kisses and hugs.  When he reached up to hug me, his little arm straighteners hit the sides of my heads and I thought, only a couple of days and he'll be better.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jonathan Day 190

7:30 AM-CT
Jonathan didn't have a very good night last night.  He woke-up several times crying with his little arm straighteners extended.  They gave us wraps for his arms so his elbows couldn't bend or he would probably have rubbed his eyes all night.  After the 3rd time he woke-up I crawled in to bed with him and each time he started to cry I would rub his belly and he would look at me and smile and say "thank you Daddy".  It wasn't the most comfortable with both of us in his tiny toddler bed.  Luckily I had a Teddy Bear to use as a pillow.

At about 5:30 AM he said he had to potty and after Da Da got him to the bathroom he got the "I DON'T have to go potty" treatment.  The poor little guy looks like he was in a juice bar fight with a 5 year old.  As many times as we tried we could not get his ointment in his eyes.  We tried when he was awake and sleeping.  He would cry and tighten his eyes so we couldn't get his lower lid opened.  Fortunately, we're seeing Dr Tyler again this morning so she can show us how to apply twice daily.

8:00 AM-CT
Auntie Staci just arrived so I'm going to run for now.

3:00 PM-ET
At about 9:00 AM we packed up the car and headed to the post surgery check-up.  Dr Tyler thought Jonathan looked really good and the his eyes were already responding great.  Today Da Da (who is very tall) was standing in front of JH and he called him and JH looked up and his eyes didn't wander or get stuck.  JH always surprises me, I asked him to say thank you to Dr Tyler and he looked at her and said "Dr Tyler fixed my eyes".

We're back in MI and our boy is napping with his arm braces on.  His eyes look worse to me, they said they would so we're not concerned.  He has swelling and they look a little black and blue.  It kills us that our baby looks so terrible!  The good news is he isn't cranky at all and is actually being a very sweet boy today.

5:16 PM-ET
Gramma is in the kitchen working on dinner, Da Da is on his lap top answering emails, and I'm about to hit publish post.  Goodnight.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jonathan Day 189

We woke-up before the alarm went off and Jonathan was in a very good mood.  He greeted us with the usual "good morning", then he went in to scare Gramma :-)  He had a Orange Jello and when we tried to give him the Cherry he was done.

Auntie Jo Jo and Auntie Susie got to the condo at about 7:30 AM and we all sat around and played with JH until it was time to go.  He got to wear his PJs to the hospital since we didn't have any shirts in Chicago that weren't pullover.   We drove to Children's Memorial and checked in.  The receptionist asked who was Dad and who was Mom.  We said we have Daddy and Da Da and they didn't miss a beat.  We have felt very welcomed and supported by the folks that work here.

We brought JH in the pre-surgery room and put a little gown on him and some non-skid socks.  He was playing and keeping us all entertained.  Jonathan was such a good little boy and once again complimented on how good was being.  He said please and thank-you to us and the DRs and they all seemed surprised.  The video above is him trying his little face mask on us all.

When it was time to take him back for surgery I got to go in the room to hold his hand while they gave him the anesthesia.  We walked to the room and someone said that they had never seen anyone walk to the surgery room, JH said "I like to walk".  They put him on the table and put his little mask on and his eyes were moving to side to side and eventually he went to sleep.

12:00 PM
Now we're sitting in the waiting room and just got the call that his right eye was just completed and it went really well.

2:53 PM
We got the call that JH was finished and was in recovery.  We walked in the room and heard terrible screaming and didn't think for a minute that it was Jonathan.  He was sitting-up and hugging the recovery nurse crying.  He saw us and held his arms out and I held him while he kept trying to open his eyes.  The thing that just killed us was he was crying bloody tears.  We kept our composure and just held him.

We then went to the final recovery room and sat with JH until he was able to eat and drink.  Gramma, Jo, and Sue came in and 2nd video is of Da Da holding JH.  We had the most amazing Drs and Nurses taking care of Jonathan today.

5:00 PM
We're home and just finished dinner.  JH had a blueberry yogurt and we ordered Thai food from Thai Pastry.  We're just chilling and watching non-stop cartoons and the sofa.  Jonathan is wanting to play and slowly getting back to normal.  We have to be at the Dr post surgery appointment at 9:30 AM so we're making it an early evening.  We're all exhausted so I'm ending for the evening.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jonathan Day 188

The pre-surgery slumber on the sofa.  Tonight Da Da and I went and met some of our new Dad friends for drinks and Gramma watched JH.  It was great to get out with people that are in very similar situations.  We had a great time!!

When we walked in Gramma was laying on the sofa watching House Hunters and JH was at the other end of the sofa sleeping.  We're trying to keep him up as late as possible so he sleeps later tomorrow and has less time to be hungry in the morning.  We bought some jello that he can have but no regulars like Banana and Oatmeal.

I'm not sure Da Da and I will sleep much tonight worrying about our boy.  He's in very good hands and we even met a surgeon just before we left the get-together tonight that knows Jonathan's surgeon.  He spoke very highly of her and after 3 visits with her, we're confident Jonathan will be just fine.

I'll skip the routine updates and save updates for tomorrow after Jonathan's 10:30 AM surgery.  We love our boy so much and the thought of him not understanding what's happening to him is agonizing.  You parents that have been through it know what I'm babbling about!!  Enough, goodnight and positive thoughts for Jonathan Harper.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jonathan Day 187

This has been another challenging day.  JH is so hot and cold that it's driving us nuts: I want it/I don't want it.  We're not sure if this is another phase or if he's just so bored.  I hate that it's so cold out that he's been in-doors for weeks now.  On top of that we're being ultra careful not to expose him to any sick people until his surgery is over.  If he gets a cold they won't operate on Friday.  Tomorrow we're driving in to the city early so I can work while JH and Da Da get Gramma V at the train station.

We took JH to a Burger King play area last week and only after he had his shoes off and he was climbing in did we notice the age minimum was four.  He's in that in-between age that he's too little (young) but doesn't understand that he isn't allowed to play.

We're also in that awkward place where we have to decide to let him be away from us.  So far he has only stayed with Auntie Jo Jo and she sticks to our rules.  When Linda was sitting with him, I was working and Rick was in the basement so we were close.  Once we start leaving him with a sitter we don't know how he'll be.  Will he pick-up bad behavior?  Will he get hurt?  Will he hurt someone else?  Making these decisions and worrying about him being out in the world is just starting!!  How do you people with kids do it?  It was hard to leave Oakley (our dog that Jo has now) with people; it seems impossible to do it with JH.

Dinner was a disaster again tonight.  I want to eat and then when we give him food, he doesn't want to eat.  We got to the point where we just said Okay, no more dinner.  He'll be hungry in morning.  I wonder if part of this appetite thing is because he isn't burning any calories playing.  again, who knows why a 2 1/2 year old does 80% of what they do :-)

He did the I want a kiss / No kisses thing at bed and we said, Okay, no kisses.  It killed us when he yelled "KISSES" as we shut the door.  Maybe we're being too hard-ass but he needs to learn (yes, I'm going to say it again) consequences.

The video above is me playing with him yesterday in his room.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jonathan Day 186

We were off to a good start this morning. JH came out of his room with a friendly voice "good morning Daddy...Good morning Da Da"!

Well it kind of stopped there. Both Daddy and I had a hard time trying to give JH breakfast this morning. He wanted chocolate milk, then didn't, then did, then didn't. As was the case for every meal of the day. He's kinda going through a phase where he wants what he can't have and then when he can he doesn't want it.

Daddy worked all day so JH and I had the day pretty much to ourselves. We usually have a day of play, then school time followed with more play. However, today he wanted nothing to do with me, his toys, meals or school. I trust and hope tomorrow will be a new day and different experiences.

This afternoon we had Linda and Neil over for dinner. It was a little challenging since JH wasn't participating or being on his best behavior. Linda and Neil both understood and reminded us that kids will be kids and we all have our days!

Once we put JH down he fell right asleep. I think between his day, no nap and a drawn out day he was exhausted. Poor little guy. After our good night kisses and hugs we had a silent little boy.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jonathan Day 185

Jonathan Harper just got punished for ripping the lid off the sensor (automated) trash can.  I always tell people that he is freakishly strong!  Seriously, he squeezes your arm or hand and it's like a little set of pliers.  Last week when we met the mom and little girl that we want to start setting up play dates he snapped her little tiara.  I stopped by their house with the replacement we bought yesterday.

Today he and Da Da played and did school most of the day.  I started very early this morning, so by about 4:00 PM I was beat.  After all, I'm pushing 49!!  :-)  To get Jonathan out for a while I took him to the grocery store in town and then to the dollar store.  The video above is him playing with the new monster trucks he picked.  He is all boy and so rough and tumble.

We're a bit nervous about the eye surgery on Friday but also excited to get it over with.  I don't know how I'll react to seeing him being put under or laying on a hospital bed.  He's our baby and to think about him in pain brings tears to my eyes.  I started writing tonight how strong he is; I'm more worried about us.

Last night after I wrote the post Jonathan "sat nice" for more than an hour and was a little upset when he had to go to bed.  Once we tickled him and  pretended to drop him on the way to his room he was all laughter and smiles.  We got our goodnight hugs and kisses and it was all good.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jonathan Day 184

Jo got here pretty late last night so when we woke-up JH to potty he was really surprised to see her.  I realized that Jonathan does this thing where when he gets hurt or someone comes over he falls down and says "I'm sleeping".  It's sort of like a fainting goat; he just drops.

This morning we got up and I opened his door and he greeted me with a cheerful "good morning Daddy".  Then he went a snuggled with Auntie Jo Jo for about 5 seconds.  She slept on the sofa since we had the drywall in the guest room fixed yesterday.  Last summer Jo stayed and it was a beautiful night so we left all the windows opened and woke to a downpour that destroyed the plaster (the house is 80+ years old).

Da Da and I got to go to MI City and do some shopping while Jo and JH played.  She gave him a bath and made cup-cakes (see video above).  When we got home we got to take a nap while she gave him lunch and put him down for a nap.  It has been a great day for us to just do our own thing while Jo has been keeping JH busy.  She lets him play with her iPhone (not good), computer (worse), and run like a crazy boy (good) :-)

Potty talk:
We're still putting pull-ups on him and aren't doing underwear.  He hasn't been telling us he has to potty at all and has gone through at least 10 this weekend yesterday and today.  Jo has more experience with these things and she says it's common for kids to be potty trained and then regress.  We'll stop pushing so hard and let him do it on his own.

Jo left about 20 minutes ago and things are back to "normal".  JH is playing in his room, Da Da is watching DIY, and I'm sitting in my office typing the blog.  Life is good!

I had some time to get my 2010 records together and made a spreadsheet of all the adoptions costs for my taxes.  I know I'm missing a few items and just in 2010 it exceeded $5900.  We still have the $2025 home study fee next week and who knows what else will come-up in the monthly invoices from our attorney.

1. So worth it, and I'm not complaining at all :-)  We would both sell blood if needed to be this boy's "legal" Daddy and Da Da.
2. We're so thankful for our equity-line :-)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jonathan Day 183

This was a very fun day.  JH woke-up early and we played most of the day around the house.  Janine, Ki Ki, and Michael came over this afternoon and JH was in heaven.  He had three people that paid MEGA attention to him.   They brought dinner and we all had a great time sitting around before JH went to bed.

We're so incredibly lucky to have such friends and family to support and love our boy.  Michael isn't a "kid" person but JH melts his heart.  When we put Jonathan down to bed there was a line 4 people long to give Jonathan his goodnight kiss.

Auntie Jo Jo is on her way so  Da Da and I are looking forward to a Sunday to ourselves.  Goodnight to all the people that read this and love Jonathan as much as we do :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jonathan Day 182

I really don't have the energy to write tonight but I'll soldier on.

We woke-up to a soaking wet bed.  Linda came and JH was pretty good and at one point went in the bathroom and took down his underwear and went potty all on his own.  We took a ride to meet a little girl and her mom that live in town.  The mom is looking for kids to play with her 2 1/2 year old.  They were great and JH played around the girl just fine and then I noticed his jeans were drenched.  We forgot to put a pull-up on him and he still had his underwear on :-(  We had a pre-dinner bath.

Dinner was going great with JH eating salad and happy until he said "my underwear are wet Daddy" and we looked down and he was in a pool of pee pee.  All over the floor and his slippers.  Bath number 2.

Are we doing something wrong?  What is making him do this two nights in a row?  We ask him if he needs to potty and he says "yes" and then as we're going to the bathroom he cries "I don't have to go potty".  He'll even say "I have to go potty" and then when we ask him to pull his underwear down he'll cry "I don't have to go potty".

I have nothing left in me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jonathan Day 181

What a day!  Work was pretty busy so I wasn't able to spend too much time with JH today.  I made him a sandwich for lunch and since I cut in the shape of a train it was even better.  He gobbled it up very quickly and then said "more please" so I gave him what I had left of mine.  I'm already giving him my last bites of food :-)

Linda came for a few hours today so Da Da had time to work in the basement.  We had planned on meeting a mom and her 2 1/2 year old that lives in town but I had a work "fire drill" (that means someone needs something 10 minutes before they even ask).  I said I had a fire-drill when I first met Rick and he said in the building?  You work from home, did the fire department have to come?  It was funny :-)

At one point I heard Da Da say to JH that he needed to be careful holding Thomas while going poop.  Then I heard Da Da say that Thomas needed to be thrown away.  JH dropped his blue Thomas in the potty and from the sound of it he was a mess.

JH was a stinker today!  Not only did he drop Thomas, he ran in my office and flipped a switch on the side of my lap top and turned off wireless.  I had to reconnect and recreate the query I had just created and notes I made.  I'm hoping an episode of Dinosaur Train and then dinner is a good end to the evening.

Added at 7:35 PM-ET
WTH, JH was sitting in his booster chair waiting for his dinner and he went pee.  In his underwear and all over the chair and floor.  So after a quick clean-up he had most of his dinner until he threw bread across the room and it was over.  With only 6 months experience raising a child these things mystify me!  How can a sweet little boy on Wednesday turn into a monster on Thursday?  He had a bath, sat nice, and went to bed easily.  Give me strength!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jonathan Day 180

Today was a day of Dr appointments again.  We started the day for the pre-surgery appointment with the surgeon and ended the day with Da Da's physical for the home study.  JH did an amazing job at the eye Dr.  He identified all the pictures when they flashed them on the wall.  The person conducting the test said she was amazed at how good he was and how smart he is.  She also asked who is Dad and when Rick said "I'm Da Da and he's Daddy" she said "I'm so confused"; she was actually very sweet.

After the pre-surgery appointment I worked while Da Da and JH did school in the condo.  Then we drove to Auntie Jo Jo's office for Da Da to get his physical.  The video above is JH seeing Auntie Jo Jo come out to call in a patient.  You'll see that he ran to her but the video stops before you see him go back to the patient rooms.

While driving today I started coughing/choking and JH said "are you okay Daddy?"  again, it was very sweet.  He has been so great this week, only a few bratty moments.  I'm exhausted from the condo meeting last night, all the driving, and getting caught-up with work so I'll say goodnight.  I have a few hours of emails left tonight :-)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jonathan Day 179

Today we went to the Dr for a pre-surgery pediatrician health check.  JH was very healthy and his Dr seemed impressed by his progress since the last (first) time she saw him.  I did a quick video of us waiting in the exam room and it was fun until Mickey got ripped :-P

We asked JH a question today and he answered "_______ Daddy" and when Da Da commented back he said "I said Daddy DA DA".  A couple of hours later he did the same thing to me.  He has been really funny today.  His latest thing is he says "I have to go potty" and then as soon as we say take down you pull-up he says "I don't have to go potty".  I want/have to and then immediately. I don't want/have to.  Ugh!!

We grabbed take-out after the Dr and driving in Chicago seems to have a whole new effect on Da Da since we have been spending so much time in MI.  Da Da was using some homogenized (You darn and what the sugar) choice words for a driver and the Da Da said "I'm sorry Jonathan" and Jonathan said "that's okay Da Da", it was adorable and very casual.

I have my condo meeting tonight so I'm trying to get this done before I leave.  The last few meeting I was so exhausted after I don't think I wrote until the morning.  JH and Da Da are playing giddy-up and JH is laughing up a storm.

Tomorrow we have his pre-surgery appointment with his surgeon so hopefully that appointment will go just as well.  Btw - JH was such a good boy for the nurse and DR, he sat quietly and did everything they asked.  We kiddingly asked the nurse if she wanted to join us on the plane trip to AZ so he is a good boy the whole way there.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Jonathan Day 178

We all slept late this morning since I had the day off.  JH had a banana and oatmeal for breakfast.  After breakfast Da Da hit the basement to get a few things done before the lumber yard was to get here with the last 30 sheets of drywall.  After Linda arrived I went down to get ready for a day of helping Da Da until we received the dreaded phone call!!  The delivery was being delayed until late in the afternoon and we only had Linda until about 1:30 PM :-(

It was a win win because we relaxed, played, and had a nice lunch together.  JH didn't take a nap so we drove to MI City to get a few groceries.  He watched his school video on the way and was doing great repeating the words.  We'll start with the flash cards this week to see if the system works.

At one point today JH picked up his cell phone (Da Da's old one) and said "hello who's there? hello somebody...anyways"  We just stood there watching him and were thinking where does he come-up with this stuff!  There was a train crash when JH threw his Green Choo Choo across the room and had to stand in the corner.  He stood there for about 2 minutes and Da Da knelt down and said do you know why you're in the corner? and JH said "hmmm" (says this when he doesn't want to answer) and Da Da asked him again and he nodded and said "I'm sorry".

The video above is of JH after dinner.  He finished and said "I want to get DOWN" and Da Da said you need to wait until Daddy and Da Da are finished.  He didn't miss a beat and looked at me and said "are you finished yet Daddy?" I had to laugh.  Then he and Da Da played a game where he pokes his fingers between Da Da's spread out hand.

We watched a new show before bed called Dinosaur Train that kept JH sitting nice for more than 30 minutes.  In fact, he did so well that he is still sitting nice for an episode of Elmo's World.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jonathan Day 177

We left Gurnee pretty early this morning so we could get back to MI before the snow hit.  The weekend was great but it was really good to get home.

I don't have much to write since the majority of the day was packing, driving, and napping.  JH did take a nap today so he was in an okay mood this afternoon.  Da Da woke him up and he was mad!  He laid in his bed on his belly with his butt in the air saying "i'm taking a NAP"

Dinner was a PB&J and we had a very happy boy.  He sat at the table saying "this is delicious, it's peanut butter Daddy".  He had a bath and we watched Dino Dan and he sat nice for the entire show.

We put him to bed and he cried for a few minutes so Da Da went in and he said he was "crying real tears" and needed to blow his nose.  Then Da Da gave him another kiss and JH said he wanted a "daddy kiss" so I went in and asked him if he would go to sleep now and he said "yes" in a tiny voice.  It was very sweet.

Jonathan Day 176

Being that we live mostly on Eastern Time we were up VERY early on Saturday.  JH slept on the sofa on the sofa in the room since it was lower to the ground.  The beds seemed a little too high-up in case he rolled around.  He is sort of a thrasher when he sleeps.  All legs and arms!

We went to iHop for breakfast and were pretty much the only ones in the restaurant for most of the meal.  JH shared my breakfast and was a really good boy until the animal noises started.  His Kitty isn't an issue because he does a very sweet little meow; it's the chicken that makes the eardrums ache.

We got to the pool at 9:00 AM and it was already starting to get a little crowded but it was all good.  He was very hesitant about getting in the 1' deep water until we got in too.  There were slides all over the place and after about 30 minutes he was sliding and walking all over that place.  He didn't really interact with the kids but watched them play and at times mimicked them.  We stayed until lunchtime and then went to grab a bite before nap time.

There was an arcade there so after our naps we played some games and had ice cream.  Then we went to dinner with Derek, Mike, and Abbey and another couple (Frank, John, and Brandon 3 1/2),  It was great sitting at a big table with all us dads and our toddlers.  The waitress said "it must be dads night out with the kids"; she didn't have a clue :-)

After dinner we joined the other Rainbow Families for a PJ movie night in a big conference room at the hotel.  JH sat on Da Da's lap on the floor and was mesmerized by the big screen and all the kids quietly watching the movie.  He kept looking back at Da Da and smiling.

The picture above is of JH, Abbey, and Brandon watching TV after the movie.  All us Dads had a glass of wine and sodas in Mike and Derek's larger room.  Once Frank, John, and Brandon left we stayed for a few more minutes and it was adorable to see Abbey sitting on the sofa feeding JH grapes.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jonathan Day 175

We started the morning very early to head in to Chicago for me to work and to get ready for the weekend at the water-park.  I had a few meetings in the afternoon and Da Da and JH played in the condo and took a walk to Target.

Shhh, I took off at about 3:00 PM and we headed up the Gurnee for our big weekend.  The check-in was pretty easy and surprisingly on our way up JH decided to take a nap.  After we unloaded the car we walked around the hotel a little and then decided to go to Gurnee Mills Mall to look for a swimming suit for Da Da.  JH had a great time and was jumping out of his skin when we saw a Choo Choo drive by in the mall.  We did take him on the Merry-Go-Round (video above) but the Choo Choo just wasn't in the cards for the day.

We stopped at Outback for a nice dinner and JH was a beast!!  We have taken him out to restaurants many times and this time he was horrible!  In fact, we cancelled his meal and the waitress actually asked us if we wanted ours to go :-(  I think the day was just too much for him.

After we returned to the hotel we played games at the arcade and met-up with Mike, Derek, and Abbey.  JH talked about Abbey all day and when he saw her he was typical' they just pretty much ignored each other.  We had drinks while they all had dinner and JH was a really good boy.  He was smiling and very happy!  Not sure why 90 minutes earlier he was a little monster.  Kids!!!

Tomorrow we're hitting the waves and looking forward to a nice relaxing day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jonathan Day 174

We finally got out of the house today :-)  After work we drove to a small town in Indiana with Linda and Neil to checkout a 3 acre store that is rumored to have incredible bargains.  It was pretty good!  We got some small items but they had great deals on cabinets so we may need to return to complete the basement beverage center.  On the way home we stopped for dinner in La Porte, IN and had an awesome dinner.  JH was so good and while I felt a few folks sort of giving us the stink eye as JH kept saying Da Da and Daddy, it was good to be with our friends.

While at the 3 acre store I was pushing him in the cart (we all took turns, it was THREE ACRES) and JH said "i went pee pee Daddy".  I told him it was okay and we would change his diaper very soon.  He is so used to wearing underwear and telling us now, that I think he felt a little bad for going in his diaper.

Today Linda came at her usual time and Da Da did his usual work in the basement.  I heard Linda and JH having a tickle session and him asking her to turn him "upa side down".  He likes when we pick him up and hold him by his feet.  Jonathan Harper is such a happy good natured little boy.  His face scrunches when he laughs and his eyes squint when he smiles.  It takes very little to make this boy laugh.

We just got home a few minutes ago so JH is already washed, brushed, and asleep.  We have a big weekend at the water-park so I'll write something more tomorrow and try to get a good video.  Goodnight.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jonathan Day 173

Earlier today I walked in to JH's room and he was "making a choo choo" on his magnetic board.  He had all the letter magnets lined-up like a choo choo.

I'm not sure how it happened but we all slept until 8:00 AM today.  JH had a banana and two multi grain waffles for breakfast.  He was in a great mood and when Da Da hit the basement he was good playing in his room until Nanny Linda arrived.  Linda has been staying 3 hours a day so Rick could keep on working on the basement.

I was able to come out of my office several times throughout the day and he and Linda were playing like crazy.  I could also hear some enthusiastic running happening.  I think she has adopted our game of touching the doors.  Linda left at 12:30 and we all had lunch.  We had leftovers from last night and again the green beans were the hit of the lunch.

JH is sitting here watching a second episode of Wonder Pets and still "sitting nice"  after the first one he said "it's bedtime" and I told him if he continues to sit nice he could stay-up a little later; he said "oh okay".  So damn cute!!

Not much more to write today other than we're going stir crazy in the house.  2 feet of snow in the yard and at least 8 inches on the drive.  Maybe tomorrow we'll take some time to plow the drive.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jonathan Day 172

The video above is one I got the last time we went grocery shopping.  This poor unhappy child :-)

JH wasn't interested in eating the multi-grain waffle I made him this morning.  He usually eats what we give him and has already eaten several boxes of these same waffles in 172 days.  I didn't fight him or make anything of it.  He is a really good eater and tonight I used green beans as my negotiation item to get him to eat his turkey meatloaf.  He is not a big meat eater but loves his veggies and salad.

Da Da made some slow progress in the basement today while Nanny Linda was here.  It's not easy for him to get large sheets of drywall on the ceilings with no help.  We're really looking forward to a weekend when I can help.  We hope to get all the drywall hung before Gramma gets here at the end of the month.

I worked in my office all day so I didn't get any funny things JH said today.  I have an easier day tomorrow so I'll probably be able to get out more and spend a little time with him.  While I'm writing this he and Da Da are reading Green Eggs and Ham.  He is really liking sitting and reading lately; as long as you don't mind reading the same book over and over.

3 more days until the water-park weekend!  We're all looking forward to getting away from the house for a few days.  I know I sound like a broken record but, once the basement is done we'll all have more room to burn off steam.  JH will have a play room and built in desk/bench, we'll have a wine/kitchen area, a living room, and a gym.  Nice!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jonathan Day 171

Pretty much the same this week as we started last week.  Nanny Linda got here in the morning and Da Da hit the basement.  I was with JH until Linda got here and when Rick went down, JH said "Da Da going to work".  I guess the basement has become a FT job for Da Da :-)

Linda and JH had fun playing and from what I heard he made her a great spaghetti dinner in his play kitchen.  They seem to have a nice groove playing or not.  JH plays on his own most times but at times he'll bring Linda something from his room and play with her.

At lunch JH had real spaghetti and more salad.  He's such a good eater.  In fact Da Da measured him today and he's 36 1/2 inches tall.  I think I was in 4th grade before I his 3 feet :-)  After lunch we tried to get Jonathan to take a nap and he kept saying "I don't want to take a nap"; and he didn't.

Da Da and JH are playing trucks rolling them back and forth in the living room.  After each time they are doing a high five.  JH gets SO excited.  Since it's 5:30 PM and he didn't get a nap in we'll probably start winding down and get him to bed earlier than 6:30 PM.  I'm hoping he sits nice for at least 1/2 hour so he stays up a little later.  Good think Kai-lan is on and she usually holds his attention.

The video above is one we caught after Da Da did the My Baby Can Read program with him today.  He was doing great repeating all the words on the DVD.  We'll see how he does tomorrow when we introduce the interactive books.  The only word he had trouble with was Gorilla.

We started jotting down funny things he says during the day so I wouldn't forget when I type these.  Today the funny things were:

Looking and pointing  the cable box he said "A B Cs on purpose"
"fine, fine, fine"
When I was singing If You're Happy and You Know It he said "Don't sing Daddy".  I seem to recall Mom asking me the same thing when I was a kid.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jonathan Day 170

We woke-up to almost 2 feet of snow this morning.  Yuck!  The video is one I took after I removed JH's eye patch.  He was sticking it to my glasses.

Da Da worked in the basement finishing the last of the framing so we can start drywall tomorrow.  Linda will be here early so we'll get some ceiling sheets done before I start my work day.  It's really looking good!

JH has been a really good boy today.  He's so darn funny.  We went to MI City to get some stuff for the basement and on the way home he said something like "are you serious?", he's 2 1/2 and he's asking us questions like that!

Tomorrow afternoon JH starts his home schooling too.  We got him the My Baby Can Read program so we'll see how that goes.  We already think he's pretty smart but we don't have much to base that on.  It's not like we're hanging around too many toddlers to know if he's average or above.  My guess is he's above average :-)

At dinner tonight I made him some pasta for him and a salad for me and Da Da.  JH wanted salad and probably ate more than half on my salad.  He ate beets, peppers, onions, and tomatoes like they were treats.

We put him to bed a few minutes ago because he didn't nap and just wouldn't "sit nice" for more than 5 minutes.  We may be a little harsh but we want him to understand consequences.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jonathan Day 169

We thought by keeping JH up until almost 9:00 PM he would have slept late; not a chance.  JH woke-up at about 6:00 AM and after he went potty he wanted to "snuggle with Daddy" so he jumped in bed with us.  After about 15 minutes we suggested he go snuggle with Aunt Jo Jo.  She said later that she was sleeping and she felt him petting her face :-)

Jo left pretty early and we packed-up and headed back to MI for the week.  Nanny Linda is coming again next week and with some luck Da Da will have drywall done on the ceilings by Friday when we go back to Chicago.  We have a Rainbow Families event at a water-park in Gurnee Illinois this coming weekend.  JH will be playing with kids that have families like his.

We're looking forward to seeing Mike, Abbey, and Derek.  JH might even get another kiss from Abbey :-)  Until recently JH usually plays alone but he has been more interactive lately.  He like to have us play along with him now.  It'll be interesting to see if he does the same with kids.

We're about an hour from bed-time so I'll wrap it up for now.  JH just had a bath and was sitting on Da Da's lap and he said "I have an owie", then he flipped over and said "it's my butt, kiss my butt Da Da".  I wished I had my camera ready but all I got was the after interaction with a puzzle.  I tried to get him to say it again but he moved on.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jonathan Day 168

We started the day by eating a fast breakfast and driving in to the city.  We listened to "songs" on the way to Chicago and didn't even put the "trains" video on at all.  Grandpa bought JH a new CD of Silly Songs.  It was pretty fun listening to new songs and hearing JH say "again" after each song ended.

Jo met us at the condo after my last meeting so Da Da and I drove out to Frankfort Illinois to look at a very cool (on Redfin) house that wasn't all that when we saw it.  Amazing exterior but the inside was NASTY and very water damaged. We'll keep looking :-)

Da Da and I were able to go to dinner at a mediocre french restaurant in Lincoln Park.  The food was less than good but the company was good and we enjoyed a real dinner where we didn't have to share with a toddle in a bib.

Now we're hanging out with Jo and a few of her friends in the condo and JH was just put down almost 3 hours past his bedtime.  He's in there saying "i want to sit nice" even though it's all he can do to stay awake.

Jo will need to comment on any fun things he did while we were out tonight.  We had about 5 hours away from Jonathan tonight and while it was great we missed him terribly.  We wouldn't change it for the world!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jonathan Day 167

This has been a fun evening.  We just finished dinner and JH is playing the touch the door game.  Yo Gabba Gabba is on and he's running back and forth touching the attic door and then the bathtub.  While running by he stopped and said "it's Biz, hi Biz" (Biz is a 300 pound beatbox guy with about 50 pounds of gold chains on the show).

I made Chicken Picatta for dinner with mashed potatoes and grammas fresh (frozen) corn.  She brought us several bags that we had in the freezer.  The surprising thing was JH ate like crazy and the reward for eating the potatoes and chicken was a spoon of gramma's corn.  It was a hit for all of us :-)  Thanks gramma!

This morning Nanny Linda came over while Da Da finished the framing in the basement and I worked.  Now all we need to do is some insulation and then it's drywall time.  Then we won't have to play touch the attic/bathtub game.  I have been typing for about 15 minutes and JH is still running.  We'll need a little sit nice time after all this activity.

Tomorrow we're meeting Aunt Jo Jo in Chicago so Da Da and I can have a night out.  I scored a great Groupon a few months ago that we're going to try.  Then we might even go and have a drink :-)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jonathan Day 166

Nanny Linda took the day off so Da Da was on JH duty all day.  At lunch we took a quick trip to MI City to grab some groceries and have lunch.  We were sitting next to a gramma, mom, and a toddler the same age as JH.  At one point the little boy let out a very loud burp and JH looked at us and said "excuse me" with a smile and laugh.  He is such a polite little boy and always says please and thank you when asking and receiving.  JH also started rolling his arms at the table so I grabbed a quick video.  The funniest part is at the end when he slams his elbow in Da Da's hand :-p

We started the morning with Jonathan scaring Da Da as he walked by his room to the kitchen.  I don't think Da Da knew JH was up so when he said "good morning Da Da", I heard a startled scream from Rick.  I laughed :-)

When we stopped for groceries JH said he had to go potty and Da Da took him while I was checking-out.   Rick said he pulled down his pull-up and held him in from of the urinal and he immediately went pee pee.  He has been so good with the potty training other than the accidents when Linda was here Tuesday.

This evening JH had a bath, ate dinner, and "sat nice" for a short time.  When he starts getting crazy and moving around we give him one (or two) warning and then it's off to bed.  He whines that he wants to sit nice and when we put him to bed I always say that he'll get another chance tomorrow :-)

JH was also very loving today and he kept hugging us saying "I love hugs".  We sure love getting hugs from our boy!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jonathan Day 165

Only 200 more posts to go!  Yippee!!!

JH had terrible nightmares last night and this morning.  I went in at about 11:30 PM and Da Da took the 5:00 AM screaming.  Poor boy just lays in bed and cries until we go in and ask if he had a nightmare and he always says "yes" in a tiny little voice.  We give him a kiss and hug and say Daddy and Da Da are just a few feet away so go back to sleep and we'll see you in the morning.

Linda came again and stayed with JH while Da Da continued in the basement.  I went down a few times and helped hold boards and make cuts on the saw to give him some relief.  Rick was very busy today finishing the Dining room tile, taking down all the Christmas stuff, and working on the basement.

JH and Linda seemed to be having fun out here while I was working.  He cooked her several meals in his play kitchen.  He also had two accidents in his Thomas underwear.  I think once he's in a routine with her it'll be better.  We just look at him and know if he has to go :-)

We put his patch on him a little bit ago and I snapped a picture of him watching his train sitting on his chair.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jonathan Day 164

JH is sitting here with me hugging me after he gave me his ball and then said "it's MINE", I told him that wasn't nice and now I'm getting hugs :-)  We're watching Dino Dan (not my favorite) on Nick Jr but he enjoys it very much.

Today Linda came over and sat with JH while I worked and Da Da continued on the basement.  We're hoping that with a few days a week he'll be able to get it all done by the time JH gets his surgery.  That way while Gramma is here to help with JH she can help with the drywall finishing.

We booked our trip to AZ today and I swear going to Paris wouldn't have me so excited.  It will be great to see all my friends that I haven't seen in almost 3 years.  Gramma V is joining us too so we're all very excited to get away for 5 whole days.  We booked a hotel near 24th and Camelback so we'll have lots to do and great restaurants.  I'm excited to eat at Cyclo, Sakana, Los Dos, and Bamboo Club.  FOOD, FOOD, and more FOOD.

This was another great day!  JH was sweet and loving all day and seems to be pretty happy so close to bedtime.  Last night he "sat nice" with me in my chair for about 45 minutes before bed.

The picture above is him looking at me through a hole in his toy box.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jonathan Day 163

It was so hard to get out of bed this morning.  JH slept late (or so we thought) so we didn't get up.  Then we realized that the battery went dead in the baby monitor.  The great thing about Jonathan is he won't get out of bed until he hears us walk past his room.

Once we finished breakfast JH went to his room to play while Da Da and I pulled up the carpet in the dining room to lay new tile.  Aunt Sue gave us about 8 boxes of tile so we did the dining room and will be doing the bath and shower next.  The tile looks great and clean-up will be so much easier.  The carpet had so much oatmeal and smashed peas that it was time.

In the afternoon Jo and Kevin stopped by on their way to a poker tournament at the casino a few miles away.  We all sat around and JH entertained us and at times just laid on the floor calmly playing with his train.  He used to need 100% of our attention 100% of the time.  Our boy is developing in so many different ways.  We love that we have conversations now :-)

The video above is JH at breakfast this morning.  He was saying "I maka a mess" (Italian accent) but I didn't get my camera recording fast enough.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Jonathan Day 162

Happy New Year!!

This is going to be an amazing year for our family:
  • On January 28th JH will have his surgery and his eyes will finally be corrected.
  • In February we'll be taking a vacation to AZ with Gramma.
  • On May 17th the adoption will be finalized!!!!!
  • In June JH will turn 3 and we're having the biggest party to celebrate the adoption and Jonathan's birthday.
Today was a good day.  We all got up and had breakfast and watched some Backyardigans.  Then since Da Da and I are back on the Weight Watchers wagon so we needed a trip to MI City.   JH wanted to hold both our hands walking from the car to the store and was sweet and chipper.  

When we got home something went terribly wrong :-)  Da Da tried to feed JH lunch and he had a melt-down.  He was crying and just would not even take a bite of his soup.  I walked out and Da Da was frustrated so I thought I would take a try and JH immediately ate.  There are days that I'm the good guy and Da Da is the bad guy.  I was lucky today.  Tomorrow may be very different :-)

JH is sitting with Da Da while I write this and he's hugging him.  They are playing with one of his bears and he was hugging the bear and Da Da asked for a hug and JH is all full of love now.