Today kicked our asses! We all woke-up and Jo made us breakfast and immediately took care of all of Jonathan's needs. Rick and I hit the basement and spent 4 hours emptying and cleaning. We worked really well together getting all the junk out so next week Rick can get it painted and also get some walls built. We'll have a large play area, a gym, and a computer table. That way when Daddy and Da Da are staying fit, Jonathan can ride his bike and play on the computer.
After Jo gave Jonathan lunch she laid him down for a nap while we cleaned-up. He was still singing to himself while we were eating the lunch Jo made for us. I think it might have had something to do with her playing the guitar for him earlier. She said he was in his closet while she was playing and she could see (under the door) him tapping his foot while she was singing.
Finally we decided that he wasn't going to nap so we got him up and took Oakley to the dog park. He loved running around and playing with all the dogs and falling in the dirt. After the dog park we came home and Da Da immediately jumped on the tractor to cut the grass. Jo, Oakley, Jonathan, and I walked in to town to get ice-cream. I pulled Jonathan in his wagon and Jo walked Oakley. He started to get a little cranky as we got close to town. It was a little warm so we stopped to get Oakley a drink of water and after giving Oakley a drink Jonathan started yelling "DRINK". He wanted to drink out of Oakley's bowl. After the ice-cream and a drink for Jonathan we walked home. I think all of us were exhausted at this point. Da Da was still cutting the lawn, Jo's feet were so sore she had to take her shoes off and walk on the grass, Jonathan was trying on Jo's shoes in his wagon.
Once we were all back in the house and got JH on the potty, he was DONE. He cried, laughed, and cried again. None of us had the energy to think about cooking so we went to a local Mexican restaurant that we have been wanting to try. While Jo was getting his shoes on him he ran by Oakley and Oakley growled at Jonathan. I wasn't there but Jo said JH turned, looked at Oakley and growled back!! That boy learns fast.
It was nice to have Jo with us at dinner since JH was so crabby. Foolishly, I thought she could help. As JH says, "NOPE" :-). Actually, dinner wasn't that bad for a group of people that were worn to the nubs.
Something I keep forgetting to mention:
JH has been making this sound that we call his Dolphin. It's so funny and he does it for people now and they crack-up! Jo said we need to video it because it sounds like a Dolphin. We'll add that to our to-do list.
The pic above was taken about 20 minutes ago and JH is laying at the foot of his bed with his hiney up.
lat thing, he cried for about 5 minutes when we put him to bed because Daddy and Da Da stopped at 3 kisses and hugs goodnight. So much love, even for a crabby boy.
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