Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jonathan Day 40

How did I go 48 years of my life and not have known how amazing it is to be a daddy?  I know it won't all be this great and believe me, it hasn't all been great.  Having Jonathan ask for a hug after doing something like getting him dressed is amazing.  Today he was full of hugs and they were long hugs.

We just put him down to bed and he asked for at least 3 kisses and hugs goodnight.  The only way I made it out of the room was by handing over the kisses to Bo Bo.  There is nothing more in the world that I want more than for this little boy to have a smile on his face every night.   There may be naughty moments during the day and drama right before bed but for 40 nights there has been a smile at bed.  I looked back at my writings and he stopped fussing after about day 5.  That means for more than a month he has had a smile on his face at bedtime.

It was a low-key day and we didn't stray too far from home other than the post office and the park this morning.  Jonathan is getting a little too brave for us at the park and wanting to play in the 5+ section.  He loves watching the older kids and mimicking them.

After lunch he napped and we had to play indoors all day since it rained here in the afternoon.  He didn't seem to mind since he had Da Da to climb all over and abuse.  I worked most of the day in my office and when I came out in the afternoon, Jonathan doing the Hokey Pokey and Da Da was filming him.  These are the clips we'll make sure we save and show him when he's a teenager.  Be home on time or we'll YouTube you dancing in your room!!!

Last thing, I think he is either starting to form more full sentences or we're better understanding what he is saying.

Last last thing, I love when he says "ooof" it's a toddlers version of an old man (me) getting up from a chair.

In the picture above I was wiping his table in his room and he wanted to help.  He took the paper towel from me a wiped down all his toys.

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