Today was a pretty good day.
JH as usual woke up before Daddy and DaDa. We woke up to his lovely little voice just chatting away. Daddy went in to open the door and I heard, "good morning Daddy". I laid in bed with a smile and my eyes closed. It was quiet for a few minutes before I felt a bump in the bed and then a remote hit my head. JH, "a remote, TV DaDa"!
Needless to say at that point we were all up at that point. We had our usual morning ritual of coffee (Daddy and DaDa even more than usual), breakfast, a little morning news and cartoons.
Jon had a pretty busy day at work today so JH hung outside with me. We did a little detailing in preparation for the party this Saturday. JH was all about helping me sweep the mulch back in the yard. We pruned a few bushes, moved a little wood and got the tents out.
Before we knew it, it was lunch time. Beans a Wieners here we go! After lunch we headed to the park. Above is a picture of the two of us from the park today.
When we got home JH got a little nap time in while Daddy and DaDa got a little time to catch up on the days events.
Later in the day after Daddy finished up his work day, Neil called and we headed out for more Michigan Limestone. JH was a trooper! In each of the five loads of rock he was right there. "I will help, I will help"! Sure, enough he helped.
We did however have a moment today. JH was being a little fidgety during Daddy's lunch break. In being so happy, frolickly and fidgety he kicked Daddy in the face. We knew it was an accident so we asked JH to say he was sorry. He said he wasn't and immediately said "I will go to the corner". After many talks to JH about what he did I asked JH to tell Daddy he was sorry and it would be okay, Daddy would give you a hug. JH, "I'M NOT SORRY!" We aren't quite sure how to get a three year old to know how to apologize and understand the apology for an accident.
In the end we had a good dinner, sat nice and off to bed we went.
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