Friday, November 5, 2010

Jonathan Day 105

We started waking JH just before we go to bed to sit on the potty.  He doesn't always like it but 9 out of 10 times he does his business.  Last night he was so upset and was crying so I sat with him and asked if he wanted to hold my hand and he nodded so I held his hand and he stopped crying and just sighed...and went pee pee. 

Last night we kept hearing a very loud beep, it sounded like the battery in one of the smoke alarms was dying.  Being that it started at about 11:00 PM we just let go and slept through it rather than waking JH up to find the culprit.  It wasn't the wired ones in the house after-all, it was a Carbon Monoxide monitor tucked behind the TV.  Years ago in Chicago we had the fire department banging on our door to check our apartment so we bought one.  Ugh!

While eating breakfast we noticed the odd white stuff falling from the sky.  SNOW!  JH was so funny because he kept saying "white rain" and "it's raining Daddy".  When Rick loaded him up in the car to run to MI City to get some groceries he was saying "I'm soaking wet Da Da", Rick asked him if he wet his diaper but he said "my head" so he was talking about the melting snow on his head.  Last years winter he would have only been about 18 months so we doubt he knows what snow is.

When Da Da and JH returned we had lunch and they hit the basement to play while Da Da measured for the future walls.  I went down a few times and while JH rode his tricycle he would say "come on Daddy".  I noticed that he says that while he's driving his truck in the yard.  I love it!!  I'll follow him anywhere :-)

Da Da gave him a bath tonight and after a few warnings to not drink the water he had to be removed from the bath.  We tell him that it's icky and that bath water is for playing and cleaning, but when we're not in there or watching he takes a few gulps :-/  Minutes later he was in PJs and we were tucking him in bed with smiles and kisses.  

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