Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jonathan Day 104

It was a nasty day here in MI.  Rained all day long and we even had sleet at one point.  I guess winter is here :-(  We had workers in the basement sealing some cracks in the floor that happened last year when we had the basement sealed/waterproofed.  They ended-up causing new cracks and a little water was seeping in.  No sense in finishing the basement if it's not watertight.  Now Da Da can start on the walls this weekend when Aunt Jo Jo comes to watch JH.  I have been assigned organizing the new storage shed.  Fun!!

I really don't have much to say about our day other than it was challenging.  This child needs space to run and play and it's not our current living space.  We MUST get a play area built ASAP in the basement :-)  We are also thinking about renting out the condo in Chicago and then renting a place in the suburbs.  We still have the house in AZ and with that, the condo, and the MI house so we're a little house (mortgage) heavy.

The only funny thing I can think of is how JH goes and gets his blue blanket so he can lay on us and cover our heads.  Then he says "in the fort with Daddy" over and over again with a huge smile.  I know I have said it many times but this is one happy boy, until he's not.  Luckily that only happens a few times a day and lasts for seconds.

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