Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jonathan Day 347

Today was kinda early. Daddy and I woke up to JH chirping away...."good morning, good morning outside."

Daddy and I were trying to catch up to Jonathan's energy level this morning with a pot of coffee. Grandma VanDerSnick woke up a few short moments later.

Grandma told Jon and I to do our thing today and that she had Jonathan. Beings that we were gone for a week on vacation Jon had a bit of work to catch up on besides his normal day to day work. As for myself, I was able to fix the waterfall on our new pond and built the sub-structure of the new deck on the side of the shed.

Just before lunch Daddy and I went into town to meet a potential new babysitter for Jonathan. As we approached the house we both had our reservations but decided to keep an open mind as we left the car. After meeting with the lady of the house and hearing of the many people that live in the house (none being kids), how many kids she watched and how JH didn't respond to the other children really spoke volumes. As we left we realized that this wasn't a good fit for us. We don't really need a babysitter as much as we need to socialize JH.

When we came home, JH and Grandma took a 1 1/2 hour nap downstairs while Daddy worked away in his office and I drove into Michigan City for a few things. As he was napping he told grandma that he misses Grandpa, Paris and Fritz (my parents dogs).

Jonathan has been doing well with his potty training for the past few weeks. With a few accidents here and there he's been really progressing well. You can always tell when he might have to go. He crosses his legs and kind of stands there with a slight lean.

At the end of daddy's work day, he joined us in the basement for a little play time before dinner. Dinner was effortless while sit nice time was a little more work. Shortly thereafter it was bedtime.

(The picture above is of Jonathan wearing a hat that was in a birthday card, thank you Michael, Janine and Kiki!)

1 comment:

  1. The concern we had when we pulled up was a three ft deep pool with no fence and many vehicles with NRA and hunting stickers. We decided guns and deep water wouldn't work for us :-)
