Dearest Jonathan Harper,
Daddy and Da Da start this letter to you where we started our life with you. Ironically, we are at Gramma and Grandpa's house like we were 365 days ago when we picked you up. We are here because your Great Gramma Junker is close to leaving us and Da Da needed to be here to say his final goodbye.
We were two pretty frightened new parents when we picked you up from Aunt Sherry's house on July 24th, 2010. You were happy and silly and excited to cram in to our very small car to start our life together. I think I pulled every muscle in my back and neck wrapping myself around the seat to watch you and talk endlessly to keep you occupied.
Da Da and I loved you the day we met you on July 14, 2010. We cried when you left and you held your arms out saying "I want Da Da and Daddy". I think it was that same day we emptied my office and Da Da started painting your room for your arrival. We started shopping for cabinet locks, baby gates, and just about every item in the baby department of Walmart.
We wrote this blog so you can read and see how you changed our lives. You my son, are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me (us). We love you so much and look forward to each day that you continue to develop in to an amazing person.
You have so many people that love you and have supported us as a family. If I tried to name them here I fear I would forget to mention someone, so read the blog, read the comments, and appreciate the people in your life.
Love your Daddy and Da Da
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Jonathan Day 364
Today was a good day. JH woke Daddy up about 6:30 this morning. We have been getting in the groove of having JH crawl into bed with us in the mornings for a bit of cartoons, but this morning all JH wanted was breakfast.
After we all had breakfast and coffee, we pulled ourselves together and ran into town. We did the usual Post Office visit, Farmers Market and a trip to the local hardware store. I had to get a few things to put up a wall mounted TV in the Master Bedroom. While I was running the cable and electric through the attic and walls, Daddy and JH played in the basement.
When I finished up we headed into Michigan City and hit our favorite Mexican restaurant. JH loves his "Chips and Dip". A quick trip to grab a few groceries and we were back home for a afternoon nap. After getting home and laying JH down for a nap, we lost power. This happened last year for about a week due to the heat. So, we decided to let JH sleep as long as he wanted to till the power came back up. Fortunately, it was back in a few hours.
Later in the day after watching some Thomas the Train shows, we headed outside. JH helped Daddy and myself finish up the limestone patio that we were installing. He wanted to be a part of every task that we were doing. Gotta love it!
Pizza for dinner, a little sit nice time and before we knew it, it was 9:00pm. Way past JH's bedtime! So, off to bed we went.
Tomorrow will be day 365 of Jonathan 365 blog. It's crazy that tomorrow will be a year. This has been one heck of a roller coaster for the three of us. Both Jon and myself had no clue how much love and life that JH could bring to our lives. JH is filled with love, a abundance of energy and personality. The three of us are a family and our lives are richer and in a sense complete. I have to say the love and support that we have had from both family and friends has been very much appreciated and will never be forgotten.
After we all had breakfast and coffee, we pulled ourselves together and ran into town. We did the usual Post Office visit, Farmers Market and a trip to the local hardware store. I had to get a few things to put up a wall mounted TV in the Master Bedroom. While I was running the cable and electric through the attic and walls, Daddy and JH played in the basement.
When I finished up we headed into Michigan City and hit our favorite Mexican restaurant. JH loves his "Chips and Dip". A quick trip to grab a few groceries and we were back home for a afternoon nap. After getting home and laying JH down for a nap, we lost power. This happened last year for about a week due to the heat. So, we decided to let JH sleep as long as he wanted to till the power came back up. Fortunately, it was back in a few hours.
Later in the day after watching some Thomas the Train shows, we headed outside. JH helped Daddy and myself finish up the limestone patio that we were installing. He wanted to be a part of every task that we were doing. Gotta love it!
Pizza for dinner, a little sit nice time and before we knew it, it was 9:00pm. Way past JH's bedtime! So, off to bed we went.
Tomorrow will be day 365 of Jonathan 365 blog. It's crazy that tomorrow will be a year. This has been one heck of a roller coaster for the three of us. Both Jon and myself had no clue how much love and life that JH could bring to our lives. JH is filled with love, a abundance of energy and personality. The three of us are a family and our lives are richer and in a sense complete. I have to say the love and support that we have had from both family and friends has been very much appreciated and will never be forgotten.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Jonathan Day 363
Daddy and Auntie Jo Jo had a little too much wine last night so Da Da and JH had breakfast before we got up. When I finally dragged my sorry self out of bed JH was in bed with Jo watching Thomas videos on her lap top. I logged on to work and started my day very slowly.
Da Da went out and continued to work on the stone path and Jo and JH played in the basement. I heard them laughing and playing and that is music to my ears. I love to see and hear JH laughing and playing. At one point I saw Jo pulling JH in the wagon and sitting watching him play on his swing set. The heat wasn't too bad today so they had to take advantage :-)
I snuck away from work a little early so we could go to the Social Security office to officially change Jonathan's name. Luckily it wasn't busy at all so the majority of the time away was driving the 30 miles each way to Benton Harbor. JH played with Auntie Jo Jo's phone the entire way there and back looking at photos of Damian and "baby Avery".
We had dinner a few minutes ago and JH is in his PJs watching Sprout with Da Da on the sofa. He is sleepy and just said "I want to go to bed", when we said okay, he said "how about in 10 minutes".
Jonathan Day 362
It was another hot day here in MI. The heat index was 115 today.
JH woke up with a lot of energy this morning. We had breakfast and played for a bit until it was time to go to Carly's house.
Auntie JoJo came up today. She hasn't seen JH since his birthday party and she needed a JH fix. When she got here it was around lunchtime so Auntie JoJo, Daddy and myself went over and picked Jonathan up a few hours early today. After picking up JH we all went to Wendys for lunch.
When we got back Daddy went back to work, I got to get a nap in and Auntie JoJo played for hours in the cool basement. I could here laughing, screaming and nothing but pure joy coming from the basement.
Later in the day, Daddy and I headed into town to do some last minute shopping. Auntie JoJo and JH stayed home and got dinner ready for our arrival home. When we left JH was standing on a chair at the kitchen sink washing dishes. He loves to be a part of every activity! I hope that lasts for many years to come.
After dinner we all sat nice and JH was off to bed.
JH woke up with a lot of energy this morning. We had breakfast and played for a bit until it was time to go to Carly's house.
Auntie JoJo came up today. She hasn't seen JH since his birthday party and she needed a JH fix. When she got here it was around lunchtime so Auntie JoJo, Daddy and myself went over and picked Jonathan up a few hours early today. After picking up JH we all went to Wendys for lunch.
When we got back Daddy went back to work, I got to get a nap in and Auntie JoJo played for hours in the cool basement. I could here laughing, screaming and nothing but pure joy coming from the basement.
Later in the day, Daddy and I headed into town to do some last minute shopping. Auntie JoJo and JH stayed home and got dinner ready for our arrival home. When we left JH was standing on a chair at the kitchen sink washing dishes. He loves to be a part of every activity! I hope that lasts for many years to come.
After dinner we all sat nice and JH was off to bed.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Jonathan Day 361
It was hotter than hell here today!
We all woke-up and JH came in and played channel surfer for about 30 minutes before we got out of bed. I made scrambled eggs for JH and curry stuffed omelet for Da Da. After breakfast Da Da went out to try and get some pavers put down and JH colored while I worked. It's amazing how much easier he is getting, he doesn't need 100% attention anymore.
At lunch Da Da and JH came up and Da Da made us all a delicious lunch. I wish that the weather wasn't so darn hot that he and Da Da could have spent a little time outside. Maybe later this week when the temperature drops to 90 degrees.
After work we drove to New Buffalo to look at some acreage that Rick found that is a great deal but too close to the casino. We keep dreaming about having 10+ acres and building our dream house. If we find the land now cheap enough we can get it and build in about 20 years when I can retire :-D
I made corn on the cob as a side for dinner tonight and JH did really well for his first time. I started it to give him a row to start from and he actually had two pieces. Then he had a bath and we sat nice for about 45 minutes. While sitting nice he kept hugging me and saying "I love you, guess what? Chicken BUTT".
We all woke-up and JH came in and played channel surfer for about 30 minutes before we got out of bed. I made scrambled eggs for JH and curry stuffed omelet for Da Da. After breakfast Da Da went out to try and get some pavers put down and JH colored while I worked. It's amazing how much easier he is getting, he doesn't need 100% attention anymore.
At lunch Da Da and JH came up and Da Da made us all a delicious lunch. I wish that the weather wasn't so darn hot that he and Da Da could have spent a little time outside. Maybe later this week when the temperature drops to 90 degrees.
After work we drove to New Buffalo to look at some acreage that Rick found that is a great deal but too close to the casino. We keep dreaming about having 10+ acres and building our dream house. If we find the land now cheap enough we can get it and build in about 20 years when I can retire :-D
I made corn on the cob as a side for dinner tonight and JH did really well for his first time. I started it to give him a row to start from and he actually had two pieces. Then he had a bath and we sat nice for about 45 minutes. While sitting nice he kept hugging me and saying "I love you, guess what? Chicken BUTT".
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Jonathan Day 360
Today was a great day.
We all woke up on the right side of the bed. I went in and got JH after I heard a few "Good morning outsides!". I brought JH back to bed and he watched a bit of tv with Daddy and myself.
After watching a little TV, JH was hungry. So Daddy got started on breakfast and I got JH settled in his chair for cartoons.
Today was a Miss Christy's day. Daddy took JH while I got in about an hour of work this morning before it hit the 90's!
Near day end I grabbed Daddy and I ran over and grabbed JH. We thought we would go to the cool basement but after looking at the next two days weather we decided that JH needed to play on his play set before being confined to the basement for the next few days. We are supposed to have temps near 100 and a 100% humidity.
Had some leftover Chinese for dinner, a VERY long bubble bath, sit nice time and JH was off to bed.
We all woke up on the right side of the bed. I went in and got JH after I heard a few "Good morning outsides!". I brought JH back to bed and he watched a bit of tv with Daddy and myself.
After watching a little TV, JH was hungry. So Daddy got started on breakfast and I got JH settled in his chair for cartoons.
Today was a Miss Christy's day. Daddy took JH while I got in about an hour of work this morning before it hit the 90's!
Near day end I grabbed Daddy and I ran over and grabbed JH. We thought we would go to the cool basement but after looking at the next two days weather we decided that JH needed to play on his play set before being confined to the basement for the next few days. We are supposed to have temps near 100 and a 100% humidity.
Had some leftover Chinese for dinner, a VERY long bubble bath, sit nice time and JH was off to bed.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Jonathan Day 359
For the last three or four days JH gets up and comes in a snuggles with us. Actually, he watches TV while Da Da and I try to get a few last minutes of sleep. This morning he sat against me changing the channel about 200 times; I didn't mind at all :-)
We had....wait for it...french toast for breakfast AGAIN. I'm hoping that he loses interest in french toast soon. He has been drinking from a small cup since he returned from Gramma's house. No more sippy cups; not even in the car. Our boy is growing up so fast!
Da Da and JH ran to Home Depot to get a few parts to hang the TV we had in Chicago in the exercise area in the basement. Now when we do the treadmill we can watch TV. Since the majority of our projects are almost done we should be able to make time soon.
When Da Da and JH returned, Da Da made us all grilled cheese and turkey sandwiches for lunch. JH and I shared cherries that we bought at the farmers market on Sunday for desert. I am hoping that more fresh fruit will make him a little more regular; he went two days with no poop. It seems to bother me more than it does him other than an occasional, "My belly hurts".
After work we all played in the basement until dinner. I made lemon chicken, fresh corn, mashed potatoes, and broccoli from our garden for dinner. JH wasn't too interested in the broccoli, I think next time I'll have him pick it with me; then he may be more interested in trying it.
JH had a bath after dinner and was singing Itsy bitsy spider to his plastic spider in the tub. Now we're sitting nice watching Sprout waiting for the sign language word of the day :-)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Jonathan Day 358
Today was a good day.
We woke up relatively early and met Uncle Michael for breakfast this morning at Louisas. Afterwards we all jumped in our car and went over to the local garden center and scored on some clearance plants. Uncle Michael is having some yard work done and wanted us to see what he has been up to lately so we stopped by his house for a bit before heading home.
When we got home the temperature was already in the 90's and unbearable to be outside. After sitting in the basement playing we decided to head into Michigan City to see a movie. We saw Whinnie The Pooh. Usually it's JH and myself at the movies so it was nice having Daddy join us. Two large sodas and One large popcorn and we were set. JH was a bit distracted as he had Daddy and DaDa to jump from. "Can I sit on your lap DaDa? Can I sit on your lap Daddy?".
When we got home we spent the rest of the day downstairs and enjoyed the cool basement. On our way home from town the temperature read 97!
Had dinner and sat nice. During our sit nice time, there was a show on Sprout where the host was playing with a puppet Star and a shadow box. I can't recall what the host said but JH bellowed out in this raspy low little voice "that's fantastic!". Daddy and I had our laugh for the day.
We woke up relatively early and met Uncle Michael for breakfast this morning at Louisas. Afterwards we all jumped in our car and went over to the local garden center and scored on some clearance plants. Uncle Michael is having some yard work done and wanted us to see what he has been up to lately so we stopped by his house for a bit before heading home.
When we got home the temperature was already in the 90's and unbearable to be outside. After sitting in the basement playing we decided to head into Michigan City to see a movie. We saw Whinnie The Pooh. Usually it's JH and myself at the movies so it was nice having Daddy join us. Two large sodas and One large popcorn and we were set. JH was a bit distracted as he had Daddy and DaDa to jump from. "Can I sit on your lap DaDa? Can I sit on your lap Daddy?".
When we got home we spent the rest of the day downstairs and enjoyed the cool basement. On our way home from town the temperature read 97!
Had dinner and sat nice. During our sit nice time, there was a show on Sprout where the host was playing with a puppet Star and a shadow box. I can't recall what the host said but JH bellowed out in this raspy low little voice "that's fantastic!". Daddy and I had our laugh for the day.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Jonathan Day 357
Ahhh, Saturday!
We all slept until about 7:40 AM when JH was crying "I have to go potty". Da Da got up and dealt with Jonathan while I tried to get a few more minutes of sleep in. Last night was a difficult night with me filled with a little drama and things that just aren't important in the bigger picture called life. I love my family but totally remember why I left when I was 22 and lived in AZ for 25 years. Enough said!
I suggested we go to Louisa's for breakfast but Da Da wanted to save that for tomorrow. SO, I whipped two different egg dishes, JH and I had Turkey and Cheese Scramble Eggs and Da Da had an Egg White Omelet with leftover Chicken Curry.
After breakfast we went in to Three Oaks to get the mail and drop by the farmers market. We were pretty thrilled to get Jonathan's new Birth Certificates today; is it crazy that I ordered 8 copies? It was pretty warm here so after we went home and let JH play on his swing set that is luckily on a very shady and pleasant place in the yard.
Close to 2:00 PM my brother Mike drove up and brought JH a framed and signed picture of Brian Urlacher (Chicago Bear player...I had no clue). This is something that Jonathan will appreciate as he gets older; especially when Uncle Mike starts taking him to games :-) Mike took us to Jimmy's in New Buffalo for a late lunch, and then we came back and he and JH played trains in the basement. Before Mike left we spent about an hour with JH pushing Rosie the train down his slide while Mike retrieved it and down came Rosie again.
A quick trip to MI City to get some grass seed and some clearance rocking chairs for the front porch and JH is now sleeping.
Jonathan Day 356
Today was a whirlwind!
We woke up in the Chicago condo this morning and I must say it was a weird feeling. Jonathan and I slept in the queen bed and Daddy slept on the sofa. It wasn't a very comfortable night for any of us. Well....maybe JH, he'll sleep through just about anything.
Since we packed the condo up the night before and we had nothing but a set of clean clothes and our toothbrushes, we headed to IHOP for breakfast.
When we got back to the condo we started doing our last minute cleaning. The movers were about an hour late so we were a bit behind schedule. Daddy had to work so JH was my little helper making a few trips to the car, cleaning the floors, and washing down the kitchen and bath. Once the movers came and took the few remaining pieces from the unit we did one more walk through and Daddy on his hands and knees washed the floors as he crawled out the door. It was a bit emotional since I put many hours of sweat, tears, blood and love into designing the condo. As for Jon, it was his dream condo in the city. We have a renter who is moving in Monday so we had to move fast and keep our emotions in check. As we drove away from the condo, JH said "Good bye to the Chicago!".
When we got home we were exhausted. The car was completely loaded with EVERYTHING from the condo. There wasn't another crevice that we could have stuck anything else. The temperature outside was in the high 80's with 100% humidity. Daddy and I looked at each other and said, "we just can't, and it will wait until the morning!".
So Daddy went in and made us a delicious curry dinner. JH and I played outside for about 30 minutes on his new play set until dinner was ready. I have to say being in the city was nice, but this is now our home. To play in the yard with no worries, to have JH run like no other child could, and to sit back and look at what we have built here in MI was just awesome.
After dinner we had a little sit nice time and then JH went off to bed.
We woke up in the Chicago condo this morning and I must say it was a weird feeling. Jonathan and I slept in the queen bed and Daddy slept on the sofa. It wasn't a very comfortable night for any of us. Well....maybe JH, he'll sleep through just about anything.
Since we packed the condo up the night before and we had nothing but a set of clean clothes and our toothbrushes, we headed to IHOP for breakfast.
When we got back to the condo we started doing our last minute cleaning. The movers were about an hour late so we were a bit behind schedule. Daddy had to work so JH was my little helper making a few trips to the car, cleaning the floors, and washing down the kitchen and bath. Once the movers came and took the few remaining pieces from the unit we did one more walk through and Daddy on his hands and knees washed the floors as he crawled out the door. It was a bit emotional since I put many hours of sweat, tears, blood and love into designing the condo. As for Jon, it was his dream condo in the city. We have a renter who is moving in Monday so we had to move fast and keep our emotions in check. As we drove away from the condo, JH said "Good bye to the Chicago!".
When we got home we were exhausted. The car was completely loaded with EVERYTHING from the condo. There wasn't another crevice that we could have stuck anything else. The temperature outside was in the high 80's with 100% humidity. Daddy and I looked at each other and said, "we just can't, and it will wait until the morning!".
So Daddy went in and made us a delicious curry dinner. JH and I played outside for about 30 minutes on his new play set until dinner was ready. I have to say being in the city was nice, but this is now our home. To play in the yard with no worries, to have JH run like no other child could, and to sit back and look at what we have built here in MI was just awesome.
After dinner we had a little sit nice time and then JH went off to bed.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Jonathan Day 355
Thursday was a good day. I worked in the morning and at lunch we dashed to Chicago to sign a lease to rent the condo. While we're both happy that we'll have some financial relief, we poured our heart and soul (and $$$$) in to that place. The good news is that I don't think there is another studio in the building that is getting close to our rental amount :-)
While signing the lease the guy that is renting looked back at JH and said "how old is Jonathan" we said he just turned three in June and he said "wow, he is really articulate". It's nice to get compliments on our son. After the signing we quickly jumped in the car and met Auntie Staci for dinner at Indie Cafe. It was so great seeing her and finally having a moment that didn't include packing, moving, driving, or working.
We got home close to 9:00 PM-CT so that's a good 2 to 3 hours after Jonathan's bedtime. He was exhausted and happily went to bed. Da Da and JH slept in the bed and I took the sofa that was so narrow, that when I laid on my back 1/4 was hanging off the side :-O
All in all it was a busy but productive day and how JH puts up with all our crazy activities with a good attitude. I'll never fully understand.
While signing the lease the guy that is renting looked back at JH and said "how old is Jonathan" we said he just turned three in June and he said "wow, he is really articulate". It's nice to get compliments on our son. After the signing we quickly jumped in the car and met Auntie Staci for dinner at Indie Cafe. It was so great seeing her and finally having a moment that didn't include packing, moving, driving, or working.
We got home close to 9:00 PM-CT so that's a good 2 to 3 hours after Jonathan's bedtime. He was exhausted and happily went to bed. Da Da and JH slept in the bed and I took the sofa that was so narrow, that when I laid on my back 1/4 was hanging off the side :-O
All in all it was a busy but productive day and how JH puts up with all our crazy activities with a good attitude. I'll never fully understand.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Jonathan Day 354
We got up pretty early this morning so I could help Da Da finish the play set before I had to sign on to work. JH had french toast sticks and couldn't wait to gobble it all up to get outside and "help".
The play set is easily visible from my office, so seeing Jonathan out there playing all day while Da Da did yard work and watering was great. He was a very good boy today and didn't have any accidents. We implemented the sticker reward system again and it seems to be doing wonders. Not once did he say that he didn't want to go potty today. He puts the sticker on his forehead after so I started calling him sticker head. Before we went out this evening I went potty and JH said "take a sticker Daddy" and I did and placed it on my head and he said "let's go sticker head" while giggling.
We had Tacos for dinner tonight, and JH while eating bit his tongue and it was bleeding a little. He was crying so hard and kept sticking it out to show us; I felt so bad for him. The thing about Jonathan Harper is he gets over things pretty fast; Da Da gave him a vitamin and he was saying "This vitamin is making my tongue feel better" and happy as ever.
We sat nice for about 30 minutes and JH grabbed brownie and went off to bed with the usual hugs and kisses.
The play set is easily visible from my office, so seeing Jonathan out there playing all day while Da Da did yard work and watering was great. He was a very good boy today and didn't have any accidents. We implemented the sticker reward system again and it seems to be doing wonders. Not once did he say that he didn't want to go potty today. He puts the sticker on his forehead after so I started calling him sticker head. Before we went out this evening I went potty and JH said "take a sticker Daddy" and I did and placed it on my head and he said "let's go sticker head" while giggling.
We had Tacos for dinner tonight, and JH while eating bit his tongue and it was bleeding a little. He was crying so hard and kept sticking it out to show us; I felt so bad for him. The thing about Jonathan Harper is he gets over things pretty fast; Da Da gave him a vitamin and he was saying "This vitamin is making my tongue feel better" and happy as ever.
We sat nice for about 30 minutes and JH grabbed brownie and went off to bed with the usual hugs and kisses.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Jonathan Day 353
We started off to a rough start this morning.
As we have mentioned, we are trying to potty train Jonathan. We couldn't get JH to potty in the three hours of waking up and getting ready to go to Miss Christy's this morning. The last time he went potty was 11pm last night so we thought for sure he had to go. We try not to dwell on the subject but since he's in undies we want to try and avoid any accidents.
When we took JH to Miss Christy's we told her that he hasn't pottied and to watch out! Miss Christy had the kids out in the sprinkler. When I picked JH up he was we and that's all he talked about on his way home. That and "I love you DaDa." That's something we get often but only when he feels it. Miss Christy said that there were no accidents and that he was a good boy today.
When we got home, I put JH down for a nap while I went out and finished his new play set. When Daddy had a break in his day he got JH up from his nap. Daddy asked JH if he had to go potty he said "NO, I don't want to!" So, Daddy put JH in his chair and gave him an afternoon snack. Within minutes of sitting down JH lost it. He wet his pants and didn't say anything until after his snack was over. He asked Daddy to get him some dry underwear. We hope that tomorrow is a better day.
Later in the day after Daddy finished his work day, we headed into Michigan City to get a few things and went to Texas Coral for dinner. Tuesdays is 99 cent Children's menu. Can you believe that they give a child a 6 ounce steak and potato for 99 cents? Crazy!
On the way home we were talking and singing. Out of the middle of no where JH started singing "Boom Ding Choo Choo Song!" I have a feeling this is something that JH picked up at Grandma and Grandpa VanDerSnick's! LOL
We sat nice for a bit and off to bed JH went.
As we have mentioned, we are trying to potty train Jonathan. We couldn't get JH to potty in the three hours of waking up and getting ready to go to Miss Christy's this morning. The last time he went potty was 11pm last night so we thought for sure he had to go. We try not to dwell on the subject but since he's in undies we want to try and avoid any accidents.
When we took JH to Miss Christy's we told her that he hasn't pottied and to watch out! Miss Christy had the kids out in the sprinkler. When I picked JH up he was we and that's all he talked about on his way home. That and "I love you DaDa." That's something we get often but only when he feels it. Miss Christy said that there were no accidents and that he was a good boy today.
When we got home, I put JH down for a nap while I went out and finished his new play set. When Daddy had a break in his day he got JH up from his nap. Daddy asked JH if he had to go potty he said "NO, I don't want to!" So, Daddy put JH in his chair and gave him an afternoon snack. Within minutes of sitting down JH lost it. He wet his pants and didn't say anything until after his snack was over. He asked Daddy to get him some dry underwear. We hope that tomorrow is a better day.
Later in the day after Daddy finished his work day, we headed into Michigan City to get a few things and went to Texas Coral for dinner. Tuesdays is 99 cent Children's menu. Can you believe that they give a child a 6 ounce steak and potato for 99 cents? Crazy!
On the way home we were talking and singing. Out of the middle of no where JH started singing "Boom Ding Choo Choo Song!" I have a feeling this is something that JH picked up at Grandma and Grandpa VanDerSnick's! LOL
We sat nice for a bit and off to bed JH went.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Jonathan Day 352
I have a feeling that there might be a full moon tonight.
It's hard to write anything good for today. JH was happy and full of energy this morning; he snuggled with me first and then with Da Da to wake him up :-) It was raining and stormy so after breakfast JH and Da Da went down to the basement for an arts and crafts morning.
In the afternoon JH seemed a little whiney and naughty. He hasn't had one accident this week but getting him to potty is like pulling teeth. "I don't want TO GO POTTY" and then he goes or holds it and dribbles, laughs, and then says "I don't want to go potty".
I am just not feeling it tonight so I'll end with, JH is the best thing that has happened to us and in spite of the crappy day it's all worth it.
Please send positive energy to Gramma Junker, she is not doing well again. I'm glad that Gramma V took Jonathan to see her twice this month and he so remembers her and talks about her all the time.
It's hard to write anything good for today. JH was happy and full of energy this morning; he snuggled with me first and then with Da Da to wake him up :-) It was raining and stormy so after breakfast JH and Da Da went down to the basement for an arts and crafts morning.
In the afternoon JH seemed a little whiney and naughty. He hasn't had one accident this week but getting him to potty is like pulling teeth. "I don't want TO GO POTTY" and then he goes or holds it and dribbles, laughs, and then says "I don't want to go potty".
I am just not feeling it tonight so I'll end with, JH is the best thing that has happened to us and in spite of the crappy day it's all worth it.
Please send positive energy to Gramma Junker, she is not doing well again. I'm glad that Gramma V took Jonathan to see her twice this month and he so remembers her and talks about her all the time.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Jonathan Day 351
Today was a hot one!
We all woke up relatively early this morning. JH was in a good morning and breakfast was effortless. After breakfast Daddy and Uncle Neil went into Michigan City to pick up the wooden play set that we picked out the other day.
While Daddy was gone, JH and I played in the yard. We built a small retaining wall, moved a few new bushes around, walked the yard at least 15 times in the wagon and attempted to water the garden. Enough was enough, it was blazing hot! So we headed in for showers.
Shortly thereafter, Daddy and Neil pulled in the drive way with the HUGE box of what seems to be a million pieces. We decided to put it to the side and drive into town and grab lunch. We hit a few stores along the way. Running from airconditioning to airconditioning!
JH has this new thing. "Go Dada", For some reason he doesn't seem to like red lights. After explaining that red means we can't go and that green means go, I get "Go Dada, Go....It's Green!" LOL The other thing I get is "Go faster," seems that JH has a lead foot like DaDa.
When we got home from a day out and about, we took naps. When we woke, we thought that we would attempt to start building the play set. After organizing all of the pieces by number and having JH re arrange them, and losing a few nuts and bolts we thought that we would give it another try another day. :)
Had a light dinner and siting nice as I type this entry. JH will be heading to bed here shortly.
We all woke up relatively early this morning. JH was in a good morning and breakfast was effortless. After breakfast Daddy and Uncle Neil went into Michigan City to pick up the wooden play set that we picked out the other day.
While Daddy was gone, JH and I played in the yard. We built a small retaining wall, moved a few new bushes around, walked the yard at least 15 times in the wagon and attempted to water the garden. Enough was enough, it was blazing hot! So we headed in for showers.
Shortly thereafter, Daddy and Neil pulled in the drive way with the HUGE box of what seems to be a million pieces. We decided to put it to the side and drive into town and grab lunch. We hit a few stores along the way. Running from airconditioning to airconditioning!
JH has this new thing. "Go Dada", For some reason he doesn't seem to like red lights. After explaining that red means we can't go and that green means go, I get "Go Dada, Go....It's Green!" LOL The other thing I get is "Go faster," seems that JH has a lead foot like DaDa.
When we got home from a day out and about, we took naps. When we woke, we thought that we would attempt to start building the play set. After organizing all of the pieces by number and having JH re arrange them, and losing a few nuts and bolts we thought that we would give it another try another day. :)
Had a light dinner and siting nice as I type this entry. JH will be heading to bed here shortly.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Jonathan Day 350
Only 15 more days and JonathanHarper365 will be complete. We want to keep something that we can look back on and that Jonathan will have when he gets older so we're starting JonathanHarper52 in a few weeks.
I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast and all of us jumped in the car and drove to MI City to look at swing sets for Jonathan. He received a good amount of money for his birthday so we're using that to buy a pretty nice cedar play set. We just need to coordinate with Linda and Neil to have them help us pick it up since the box is so big. They have the same station wagon that I learned to drive on in the 1970s; big enough to hold 5 kids and a swing set :-)
We all took naps after lunch and then Da Da, JH, and I went to the park. JH wanted nothing to do with the water park part until just before we lest and he suddenly was brave. Needless to say the car seat was drenched on the way home. I brought a towel just in case but he wouldn't take his shirt or shorts off so he was soaked.
After we watered the garden and the yard we all went in to have dinner and JH had a turkey and cheese sandwich. While eating he turned to me and said "would you like a bite my darling?" . . . . WTH? Where does he come up with this stuff? I call him my love but where my darling came from I'll never know!
I keep forgetting to mention that I'm starting to teach Jonathan sign language. He knows and repeats:
I love you
Once he knows his A B C s verbally, I'll start teaching him finger spelling.
I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast and all of us jumped in the car and drove to MI City to look at swing sets for Jonathan. He received a good amount of money for his birthday so we're using that to buy a pretty nice cedar play set. We just need to coordinate with Linda and Neil to have them help us pick it up since the box is so big. They have the same station wagon that I learned to drive on in the 1970s; big enough to hold 5 kids and a swing set :-)
We all took naps after lunch and then Da Da, JH, and I went to the park. JH wanted nothing to do with the water park part until just before we lest and he suddenly was brave. Needless to say the car seat was drenched on the way home. I brought a towel just in case but he wouldn't take his shirt or shorts off so he was soaked.
After we watered the garden and the yard we all went in to have dinner and JH had a turkey and cheese sandwich. While eating he turned to me and said "would you like a bite my darling?" . . . . WTH? Where does he come up with this stuff? I call him my love but where my darling came from I'll never know!
I keep forgetting to mention that I'm starting to teach Jonathan sign language. He knows and repeats:
I love you
Once he knows his A B C s verbally, I'll start teaching him finger spelling.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Jonathan Day 349
Today was kind of a sad day. As all things, some things must come to an end.
This morning was a early morning. We had breakfast and then we packed up the car and headed into Chicago to take Grandma VanDerSnick to the train station. Daddy logged in to work and JH, Grandma and myself spent a little time in Chicago, met Daddy for lunch at Dim Sum and then we dropped Grandma off. The three of us were sad to see Grandma leave.
JH has been connected to Grandma VanDerSnick's hip for two weeks today. I'm not quite sure how JH will do with out Grandma to save him! LOL At the same time, I'm not sure how Grandma will fill her time now. I have a feeling Grandpa will keep her on her toes.
JH has been acting up the past few days and today was a bit stressful. We met with a realtor to put the Chicago condo on the market to rent. JH wasn't on his best behavior during the meeting. Daddy and I need to reel in some of the behaviors JH has and redirect negative actions to positive reactions.
After the meeting we yet again packed up the car and headed for Michigan. JH was pooped from the day and fell asleep for the last hour of the ride.
Had dinner and the three of us are sitting nice and watching Blues Clues before bed.
This morning was a early morning. We had breakfast and then we packed up the car and headed into Chicago to take Grandma VanDerSnick to the train station. Daddy logged in to work and JH, Grandma and myself spent a little time in Chicago, met Daddy for lunch at Dim Sum and then we dropped Grandma off. The three of us were sad to see Grandma leave.
JH has been connected to Grandma VanDerSnick's hip for two weeks today. I'm not quite sure how JH will do with out Grandma to save him! LOL At the same time, I'm not sure how Grandma will fill her time now. I have a feeling Grandpa will keep her on her toes.
JH has been acting up the past few days and today was a bit stressful. We met with a realtor to put the Chicago condo on the market to rent. JH wasn't on his best behavior during the meeting. Daddy and I need to reel in some of the behaviors JH has and redirect negative actions to positive reactions.
After the meeting we yet again packed up the car and headed for Michigan. JH was pooped from the day and fell asleep for the last hour of the ride.
Had dinner and the three of us are sitting nice and watching Blues Clues before bed.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Jonathan Day 348
Gramma made corn tonight and JH wasn't sure just what to do with it.
The morning started the same as the last few days, Gramma was woken-up by JH loudly saying "I don't want to go potty" and then peeing like crazy. After breakfast Da Da went outside and Gramma and JH hit the basement. I was busy working upstairs in my office and didn't get too much JH time other than meals and a few trips outside to see what was happening. Today was so nice and mild that Gramma and JH put about a mile on the wagon.
When Gramma, Da Da, and JH headed to MI City I asked JH for a kiss and hug and when he was kissing me I said give me a good smack and that's just what he did, he smacked me in the face :0 I wanted noise when he kissed me. When they returned JH came in like gangbusters and said "I have to go potty Daddy". He has gone a couple of days just wearing a pull-up at bedtime and all week it has been dry.
Dinner was fun watching JH try and eat corn on the cob. Now we're all sitting in the basement watching Sprout sitting nice. Tomorrow we head in to Chicago to take Gramma to the train and I dread how JH will react. He loves his Gramma and has spent two weeks with her getting 100% of her attention. Daddy has enjoyed having her here too and will miss her very much.
The morning started the same as the last few days, Gramma was woken-up by JH loudly saying "I don't want to go potty" and then peeing like crazy. After breakfast Da Da went outside and Gramma and JH hit the basement. I was busy working upstairs in my office and didn't get too much JH time other than meals and a few trips outside to see what was happening. Today was so nice and mild that Gramma and JH put about a mile on the wagon.
When Gramma, Da Da, and JH headed to MI City I asked JH for a kiss and hug and when he was kissing me I said give me a good smack and that's just what he did, he smacked me in the face :0 I wanted noise when he kissed me. When they returned JH came in like gangbusters and said "I have to go potty Daddy". He has gone a couple of days just wearing a pull-up at bedtime and all week it has been dry.
Dinner was fun watching JH try and eat corn on the cob. Now we're all sitting in the basement watching Sprout sitting nice. Tomorrow we head in to Chicago to take Gramma to the train and I dread how JH will react. He loves his Gramma and has spent two weeks with her getting 100% of her attention. Daddy has enjoyed having her here too and will miss her very much.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Jonathan Day 347
Today was kinda early. Daddy and I woke up to JH chirping away...."good morning, good morning outside."
Daddy and I were trying to catch up to Jonathan's energy level this morning with a pot of coffee. Grandma VanDerSnick woke up a few short moments later.
Grandma told Jon and I to do our thing today and that she had Jonathan. Beings that we were gone for a week on vacation Jon had a bit of work to catch up on besides his normal day to day work. As for myself, I was able to fix the waterfall on our new pond and built the sub-structure of the new deck on the side of the shed.
Just before lunch Daddy and I went into town to meet a potential new babysitter for Jonathan. As we approached the house we both had our reservations but decided to keep an open mind as we left the car. After meeting with the lady of the house and hearing of the many people that live in the house (none being kids), how many kids she watched and how JH didn't respond to the other children really spoke volumes. As we left we realized that this wasn't a good fit for us. We don't really need a babysitter as much as we need to socialize JH.
When we came home, JH and Grandma took a 1 1/2 hour nap downstairs while Daddy worked away in his office and I drove into Michigan City for a few things. As he was napping he told grandma that he misses Grandpa, Paris and Fritz (my parents dogs).
Jonathan has been doing well with his potty training for the past few weeks. With a few accidents here and there he's been really progressing well. You can always tell when he might have to go. He crosses his legs and kind of stands there with a slight lean.
At the end of daddy's work day, he joined us in the basement for a little play time before dinner. Dinner was effortless while sit nice time was a little more work. Shortly thereafter it was bedtime.
(The picture above is of Jonathan wearing a hat that was in a birthday card, thank you Michael, Janine and Kiki!)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Jonathan Day 346
6:30 AM came very early this morning!
JH woke-up and was chatting away in his room, when I opened the door he said "I'm not done talking Daddy". Da Da was still in bed and JH ran in to snuggle with him and made a ruckus on his way; poor Gramma trying to sleep :-)
Da Da, Gramma, and JH headed to MI City to get groceries for dinner with Linda and Neil tonight while I tried to get caught-up after being vacation all last week. Gramma made the BEST pork ribs I have ever had. It will be difficult for all of us to see her leave on Friday. At lunch Gramma asked JH if he was going to miss her when she leaves and he said "Don't leave Gramma"; it was so sweet.
JH tried to take a nap while Gramma cooked and I worked. Da Da was working in the garage painting some new deck chairs. After his failed attempt at a nap JH went out and helped Da Da paint. Gramma and I heard a very loud "OH NO, JONATHAN", yep, paint all over his hands and shorts.
Warning Poop Talk:
When JH went potty today I was in the kitchen getting a drink and talking to Gramma when we heard a very loud expulsion of gas and then, "Daddy, I'm making music in here" :-) After, I went in to wipe him and he got up to wash his hands and when he did his "hands, pee pee, butt, and trash" routine he put the wet wipe between his butt cheeks and said "look, I'm holding it in my butt cheeks"
After dinner he wanted Linda to go in his room and play with him and walked up to her and said "Here, I will help you up" and put his hand out to let her grab his hand. JH has been cracking us up lately with the funny things he is saying. I have no doubt that people that know him and haven't seen him in a few weeks will so notice a difference.
JH went to bed around 7:30 PM and had a line of people that love him waiting for a goodnight kiss.
JH woke-up and was chatting away in his room, when I opened the door he said "I'm not done talking Daddy". Da Da was still in bed and JH ran in to snuggle with him and made a ruckus on his way; poor Gramma trying to sleep :-)
Da Da, Gramma, and JH headed to MI City to get groceries for dinner with Linda and Neil tonight while I tried to get caught-up after being vacation all last week. Gramma made the BEST pork ribs I have ever had. It will be difficult for all of us to see her leave on Friday. At lunch Gramma asked JH if he was going to miss her when she leaves and he said "Don't leave Gramma"; it was so sweet.
JH tried to take a nap while Gramma cooked and I worked. Da Da was working in the garage painting some new deck chairs. After his failed attempt at a nap JH went out and helped Da Da paint. Gramma and I heard a very loud "OH NO, JONATHAN", yep, paint all over his hands and shorts.
Warning Poop Talk:
When JH went potty today I was in the kitchen getting a drink and talking to Gramma when we heard a very loud expulsion of gas and then, "Daddy, I'm making music in here" :-) After, I went in to wipe him and he got up to wash his hands and when he did his "hands, pee pee, butt, and trash" routine he put the wet wipe between his butt cheeks and said "look, I'm holding it in my butt cheeks"
After dinner he wanted Linda to go in his room and play with him and walked up to her and said "Here, I will help you up" and put his hand out to let her grab his hand. JH has been cracking us up lately with the funny things he is saying. I have no doubt that people that know him and haven't seen him in a few weeks will so notice a difference.
JH went to bed around 7:30 PM and had a line of people that love him waiting for a goodnight kiss.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Jonathan Day 345
We all slept in a bit longer than usual. Our neighbors were lighting off fireworks and singing VERY bad karaoke last night till 3:15 a.m.
I was the first to get up and started doing a bit of laundry left over from vacation. When I walked up JH must have woke Daddy up because they were both up in full swing. As for grandma, I think that after a week with Jonathan and the train ride up, she had nothing left in her.
With Daddy having the day off, we all drove into Mishawaka for a day of shopping. We are in search of a large wooden play set for JH, and putting all of his birthday money to a good source!
Daddy and I ran into Menards real quick to get some pricing on a play set and when I ran back to the car to get something I could tell JH was bothered. Grandma said that when Daddy and I got out of the car he cried for us and said "don't go, I want to go!" As much as that really hurt, Daddy and I smiled because we knew that we were missed and that we are loved by this special little guy.
After a day of shopping and lunch, we were pooped. JH took a nap in the car and Daddy, Grandma and myself chatted about JH, the week ahead of us and the future.
When we got home JH and grandma went to the basement to play for a bit while Daddy and I did a little yard work.
Grandma made a delicious dinner this evening, Orange Chicken.
JH is fast asleep, and the three of us are winding down for the night.
I have to say....It's great to be home, have our little guy back in our arms and to get back into our routine of things.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Jonathan Day 344
To see Gramma and Jonathan riding from the train platform was overwhelming today. Da Da and I woke-up early and got ready to meet them at Union Station. We were about 30 minutes early and stood there watching the door like kids waiting for Santa. JH saw us and smiled and when he ran up Da Da scooped him up. Gramma said that he asked about us several times in the later part of the week and he was excited this morning when she said they were taking a choo choo to see Daddy and Da Da.
I sat in the back seat with him (thanks Gramma) on the way to MI and got several hugs and kisses. He is talking so much more in just a weeks time! Not only that, Gramma had him in underwear all week long and he only had two accidents. I think our boy is fully potty trained!!
We stopped and had lunch and decided we were all too exhausted to stop and get groceries. Tomorrow we'll drive to Mishawaka and have a day of fun and get ready for the week.
JH just had a bath and is back on "track" for his 7:00 PM bedtime :-) I think I missed putting him to bed and tucking him in more than anything last week. We love Jonathan Harper so much and all is right with the universe again; no more vacations away from JH for a very long time!
I sat in the back seat with him (thanks Gramma) on the way to MI and got several hugs and kisses. He is talking so much more in just a weeks time! Not only that, Gramma had him in underwear all week long and he only had two accidents. I think our boy is fully potty trained!!
We stopped and had lunch and decided we were all too exhausted to stop and get groceries. Tomorrow we'll drive to Mishawaka and have a day of fun and get ready for the week.
JH just had a bath and is back on "track" for his 7:00 PM bedtime :-) I think I missed putting him to bed and tucking him in more than anything last week. We love Jonathan Harper so much and all is right with the universe again; no more vacations away from JH for a very long time!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Jonathan Day 342
We are counting the hours until we get to see Gramma and JH get off the train on Sunday. Da Da and I are heading out in a few minutes to have dinner and then come back and get to sleep early for our drive to Miami tomorrow morning. I'll post day 343 too since we don't have internet in Chicago at the condo so Gramma can post comments on both days.
We are counting the hours until we get to see Gramma and JH get off the train on Sunday. Da Da and I are heading out in a few minutes to have dinner and then come back and get to sleep early for our drive to Miami tomorrow morning. I'll post day 343 too since we don't have internet in Chicago at the condo so Gramma can post comments on both days.
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