Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jonathan Day 247

I was up at 7:15 AM and finally after 7:45 AM I got JH up.  He was snoring logs when I went in and tickled his ear and slipped out before he fully woke-up.  We had breakfast and jumped in the car to go to Chicago.  We met Auntie Jo Jo at the condo and then went and had Dim Sum. Jonathan was a good boy but didn't eat that much.  He's still not feeling 100% but is surprisingly good natured.  I'm crabby by nature and even worse when I'm sick :-)

After Dim Sum we went and did a little shopping and got JH his Easter outfit.  We're going to Gramma and Grandpa V's house for the weekend and want JH to look nice for Gramma Junker.  She will join for dinner and maybe to watch JH hunt for Easter eggs.  She's no longer mobile at all so we'll see.

On the way back up to MI JH napped while Da Da and I dream talked about our vacation after the adoption.  We really REALLY need a few days away for just us.  We love our boy, and the time we get to spend with him, but after 9 months we need a break.

Dinner was a bust and we resorted to making him a PB&J.  I made a pasta with artichokes, chicken, and feta that he wanted nothing to do with.  We normally wouldn't cave and make him something else but with him being sick we wanted him to have something in his stomach.  After dinner we sat and watched TV (picture above) for about 1/2 hour and he happily went to bed.

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